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elysian celestial empire

  1. F

    RP [ECS Panopteles] Chapter II: Athenais

    Athenais System Hill Sphere Boundary ECS Panopteles Bridge With a ripple of severely tortured space-time and a flash of light, the opalescent-hued form of the starship ECS Panopteles - and the twenty-three souls onboard it - materialized in the region of space known as the Athenais System. Like...
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    RP [ECS Panopteles] Chapter I: Keren

    Keren III Elysian Naval Arsenal Docking Bay Forty-Seven The cavernous compartment - surprisingly well-kept for something related to the long-defunct Elysian Celestial Navy thanks to the fact that it was funded by the Star Army instead of the notoriously unreliable Elysian Senate - was a...
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    Approved Submission ECS Panopteles (the ship)

    Let the shipping wars commence!
  4. F

    Approved Submission ECS Panopteles Plot

  5. F

    Yamatai News (YINN) ECS Panopteles Returns to Service After Five-Year Delay

    Elysian Naval Arsenal, Keren III — The ECS Panopteles, an exploration vessel, has been recommissioned by the Elysian Celestial Empire after seven years of being out of commission. The ship was part of a pair of experimental vessels that were designed to explore the Elysian Expanse. However, in...
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    OOC Elysian Faction Manager Request

    Alrighty-o. I’d say it’s that time of year again, but it’s been, uh… does some maths … six years, eight months, and ten days since I last did this, so I can’t really say it’s a yearly occurrence. Also, that was definitely not me trying to come up with a way to preface this and failing. Anyways...
  7. F

    Approved Submission [Elysia] Elysian Currency Update

    Submission Type: Article Update Template Used: N/A Faction: Elysian Celestial Empire FM Approved Yet? No, @META_mahn. Faction Requires Art? No. For Reviewers: Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No. Contains Links to Unapproved Articles? No. Contains New Art? No. Previously Submitted? No...
  8. F

    Approved Submission [Elysia] Starship Classes of the Elysian Celestial Navy

    Submission Type: Article Update Template Used: N/A Faction: Elysian Celestial Empire FM Approved Yet? No, @META_mahn. Faction Requires Art? No. For Reviewers: Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No. Contains Links to Unapproved Articles? No. Contains New Art? No. Previously Submitted? No...
  9. F

    Approved Submission [Elysia] Elysian Military Equipment Update

    Submission Type: Article Update Template Used: N/A Faction: Elysian Celestial Empire FM Approved Yet? No, @META_mahn. Faction Requires Art? No. For Reviewers: Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No. Contains Links to Unapproved Articles? Yes. Elysian Ammunition Elysian Munitions Elysian Weapons...
  10. F

    Origin Industries Adoption

    May I adopt Origin Industries, @Kai and @Wes? It’s for the same reason I adopted the Children of the Aether - I’d like to prevent the corporation from falling into obscurity by indirectly (and, later on, directly) using them as antagonists in Ascension and in future Elysian plots. The...
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    SYNC To: Star Army Military Police

    To: Star Army Military Police From: Karael Malarch Subject: RE: Conference Security * * * Message Begins. * * * To whom it may concern, On behalf of the Elysian Celestial Empire, we would like to inquire about security and transportation arrangements for Karael Malarch, the Senatorial Legate...
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    Children of the Aether Adoption

    Similar to how @Ametheliana adopted Akemi's, may I adopt the Children of the Aether, @Wes and @Moogle? I know Edto adopted them back in 2016, however with his recent departure I fear they'll fall into disuse - which is why I'd like to adopt them and utilize them as antagonists in a future...
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    Laz Public Network To: Icarus Asellio

    Recipient: Icarus Asellio Sender: [ERROR {404A}: USER_INVALID] Subject: RE: Change in Posting - - - Begin Message - - - Archangel Asellio, You have my sincerest condolences regarding your recent change in posting within the Star Army of Yamatai - because let's be honest: regardless of what...
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    Approved Adoption Sariel Anex

    Given that his creator, @Zakalwe, hasn't logged onto Star Army in nearly a decade, may I please adopt Sariel Anex, @Wes? Should the adoption be approved, he'd be utilized in a future Ascension thread.
  15. F

    Approved Submission [Elysia] Elysia Novus Update

    Submission Type: Article Update Template Used: Expanded Planet Template Submission WIP URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:planet:elysia_novus Submission Destination URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=planet:elysia_novus Faction: Elysian Celestial Empire FM Approved Yet...
  16. F

    Yamatai News (YINN) Senator Places Bounty on Alleged Criminal

    Empyrean, Elysia Novus - Citing "growing concerns amongst [his] constituents" and a "moral obligation to bring the heathen responsible for slaughtering one of the Lord's heavenly children to justice," Senator Barachiel Valeria has placed a large bounty on Lazarus, the individual allegedly...
  17. F

    Yamatai News (YINN) Elysian Senate Fails to Agree on Budget

    Empyrean, Elysia Novus - For what is now the fourth year in a row, the Elysian Senate has failed to agree on a government budget for the upcoming fiscal year. This, according to our lead economic analyst Valdia Kiyomori, "will have drastic consequences for the entire [Elysian] economy" because...
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    Nariel Jehenniel

    @Wes - May I adopt Nariel Jehenniel for usage as a GMNPC in Ascension, please? (Apologies for the repost, @Wes; Kim effectively came into the original thread, made accusations and personal attacks against me, then - without waiting for you to post a response - rejected the adoption.)
  19. F

    Rejected Character Nariel Jehenniel

    @Wes - May I adopt Nariel Jehenniel for usage as a GMNPC in Ascension, please?
  20. F

    Interest Check Elysian Exploration Plot

    These are the voyages... Who: Anyone who wants to explore strange new worlds, seek out and destroy new life and new civilizations, and boldly go where no man birb Elysian has gone before. (in nearly a decade) What: An exploration-, mystery, science, theater, and combat-themed plot that'll be...
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