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fort hajime

  1. RP [Fort Hajime] Phase II pt. 2: Nakaharo Yoshiko

    Planet Kotori Fort Hajime Courtyard 13日 3月 YE 38 0600 Hours "...and that's how to put on an AMES suit," Miyamae Eriko said as she placed the suit that was now off of her body onto a nearby bench. She waved an arm to what had drawn most of the students' attention while they had been putting on...
  2. RP [Fort Hajime] Phase II: Nakaharo Yoshiko

    Planet Kotori Fort Hajime Courtyard 5日 3月 YE 38 0600 Hours Standing to the side of the courtyard in front of where the neat lines of the first class of students at Fort Hajime was Miyamae Eriko stood. She spoke out to all of them in a voice that carried in the cool morning chill that swept over...
  3. Approved Submission [Star Army] Fort Hajime

    Submission Type: Base Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:stararmy:bases:fort_hajime Faction: Yamatai FM Approved Yet? No @Wes Faction requires art? No For Reviewers: Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No Contains New art? Yes Previously Submitted? No
  4. RP [Fort Hajime] Phase I: Nakaharo Yoshiko

    Planet Kotori Fort Hajime School Building 10日 2月 YE 38 Miyamae Eriko strode into classroom A-1 of the school building on Fort Hajime to greet the first grouping of cadets of the Star Army of Yamatai. Manuals had been handed out, bunks assigned, and parents and families had departed now that the...
  5. Interest Check [Training Plot] Fort Hajime

    This OOC thread is for the Fort Hajime plot that can be found here on the wiki. Its intention is to be a training plot for the newest players on SARP! Direct all of your questions about this plot here and they'll be answered ASAP!
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