Star Army

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RP [Fort Hajime] Phase I: Nakaharo Yoshiko

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Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
Planet Kotori
Fort Hajime
School Building
10日 2月 YE 38

Miyamae Eriko strode into classroom A-1 of the school building on Fort Hajime to greet the first grouping of cadets of the Star Army of Yamatai. Manuals had been handed out, bunks assigned, and parents and families had departed now that the cadets were settled into their first training class. Nakamaru Miho glided on the air to move aside from the front podium and Eriko took the position behind it.

She spoke quickly, "Today you are gathered not because you chose Star Army, but because Star Army chose you. You are all the best candidates for the job of fighting and protecting the Empire and it is for that reason that you are deemed worthy to do so. I thank you for your inevitable service. Though some of you will not make it, I appreciate the effort all of you are about to put in. Without any further ado, let us begin Training Phase I."

Eriko went over the mission of the Star Army, outlined the Kuvexian threat, spoke of the rank system, outlined each occupation of the Star Army as well as the benefits of being a part of it as a whole.

She spoke the creed:

I am soldier of the Star Army of Yamatai…an expert in combat and exploration; a warrior ready to destroy our enemies where ever they are found.

I am a dignified professional, highly trained and highly disciplined – I will act in a manner that reflects well on the Star Army. I will maintain my mind, body, and equipment in constant readiness. I will take pride in my starship or unit and work hard to make it the Star Army’s finest.

I am loyal to the Empress. I will follow her orders and the orders of those appointed over me. I serve the people of Yamatai; I will never betray their trust in me and I will always do what's right.

Then Eriko went over the POW policy, regulations, then asked, "What do you know about the heritage, history, and traditions of the Star Army of Yamatai?"

Students raised their hands and Eriko nodded to Miho and the mini looked over the crowd and pointed vaguely at a pink-haired Neko fresh out of socialization training.

"We... I mean the Star Army of Yamatai was established in YE 21."

"That is correct," Miyamae Eriko said. "I would like to know what else you know."

"We have fought and won several wars. We have a strong heritage of self-preservation and tradition. We—" the pink-haired Neko was cut off by Miyamae Eriko.

"That is enough. Who knows more?" She scanned the crowd and picked a peach-skinned Minkan. "You. Nakaharo Yoshiko. Tell me what you know of the heritage, history, and traditions of the Star Army of Yamatai. Be as specific or vague as you care to be."
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Yoshiko smiled and lowered her arm, ready to sound intelligent.

"Well, I dunno a whole lot about the history of the Star Army in general, but I do know a lot about their guns! For example, the Type 35 Automatic Grenade Launcher was created by Ketsurui Zaibatsu, and is used for anti-infantry and anti-armor purposes. It was put into service at the end of YE 34. It can fire 4 grenades per second too! So it's really amazing!" Yoshiko stopped talking and thought for a moment.

"Uh...Well, I guess that wasn't historical really, was it? And uh...We win a lot, right? That's important I think! We also probably have the best equipment in the entire galaxy so that's important too."
Miyamae smiled, nodding, "Yes, we do have a great many accessories for our power armors in our arsenal. What I would also like to know about are some of the traditions."

She called on another student, who answered diligently and then moved on to proper care of the uniform, then looked to Miho, who nodded and began speaking.

"We are going to move on to teamwork and what that means in the Star Army of Yamatai. We will have you as groups of four try to recreate this image," as she said this, a large volumetric screen came to life behind her and a picture of a spire unlike any they had seen before came on the screen. "After only seeing it for this duration of time, you will be asked to remake the spire." The image disappeared after that last word. "Those with digital brains will be blindfolded and allowed to direct those without them. There will be one of you per group without a digital mind and three with. " Miho pointed to the back of the room where blocks were in five separate tubs. "Each box is labeled with the names of the students that will be working together. Go find yours and collect the materials and find a place in the classroom to begin working. You have ten minutes. Begin."
Yoshiko had thought about the Spire as she stood up from her seat and hurried over to where the boxes were at, sliding through some students but quickly excusing herself, to not appear rude. Yoshiko quietly wondered about how it would feel to be blindfolded, as she had never really had that happent o her before, but she wasn't too worried. She finally arrived at her box and awaited for her other partners to soon show up.
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The box that Yoshiko went to was labeled with the names, Signy Yamazaki, Eira Irie, Theliel Kallas, and Nakaharo Yoshiko.

The three figures that followed Yoshiko to the table were diverse and colorful. First, a tall Elysian woman with green wings arrived, followed by two Neko, both of whom seemed to be very close to each other. The shorter Neko was pink skinned and had long, flowing pink hair that was roughly the same shade as her skin tone. The taller Neko was red skinned, with short mahogany red hair that was slightly darker than her skin tone.

"Hello.", said the Elysian woman. "My name is Theliel Kallas. What is yours?"

However, before Yoshiko could respond, the two Neko arrived, both holding hands.

"Hello!", the two colorful Neko said in rhythm, giving small and energetic salutatory bows to Theliel and Yoshiko.

"Nice to meet you all! My name is Eira Irie and her name is-",

"Signy Yamazaki!", finished the red skinned Neko. "Let me say my own name!", she said playfully to Eira.

"Umm...well...anyways...", Theliel started awkwardly, "my name is Theliel Kallas, and her name is...actually I don't know her name."
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Yoshiko looked at the three in suprise, smiled, and then politely bowed in return.

"Hello you three! My name is Nakahara Yoshiko, pleasure to meet all of you!" Yoshiko Greeted, happily.

Yoshiko quietly thought to herself how beautiful and special looking they were, compared to her looking rather plain, causing her to blush slightly in person.

"So uh...Where do we begin?"
As she lifted up the box, Theliel decided to take the lead.

"Hmm...well...let's begin with-"

"Let's sit by the corner!", interrupted Eira excitedly as she took the box out of Theliel's hands. Yamazaki, the red Neko, reached inside the box for a blindfold, deftly tied it over Theliel's eyes, and led her towards the corner seating area.

"Now! Let's begin!", said Yamazaki as she gently guided the blindfolded Elysian into a seat and started to go through the materials inside the box.

"Hmm...let's see, we have a base, a few rungs, and about...six long and curvy stick things!", said Eira.

"Let's put these on the desk in front of Theliel!", added Yamazaki, as she moved the pieces over to Theliel's desk.

Once everything was all set up in front of the blindfolded Elysian, the two Neko looked at each other quizzically and turned to Yoshiko.

"What should we do?", they chorused.
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Yoshiko sat down and looked over the contents of the box.

"Well," She started, "I believe a good place to start is to blindfold everyone that has a digital brain! From there I think we have to direct the one without the digital brain, to have them create the spire!"
As Yoshiko looked over the contents of the box, she noticed what the two energetic Neko had not: the presence of two other blindfolds, presumably for the purpose of blindfolding the individuals with the digital brains.

"Ohh...right...", said Yamazaki as she took another look at the contents of the box and grabbed two blindfolds. She proceeded to hand one to Eira and tied the other around her head.

"Good thing I don't need this anymore.", said Theliel as she untied her own blindfold and handed it to Yoshiko.

"I can't see out of this thing!", joked Eira as she turned head this way and that.

"Me neither!", replied Yamazaki as she extended her arms out playfully.

Meanwhile, Theliel began to piece together a rudimentary version of the spire based on what she could remember. However, she only had the base and two of the curved sticks fitted properly together, leaving four of the curved sticks and the rungs to the rest of the group, who was now blindfolded.

My mistake! Sorry about that last post!
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Yoshiko eyed over the blindfold, and then put then tied it around her head, blocking out her vision. She also adjusted her hair, so the front of it wouldn't get caught under the blindfold. She waved a hand in front of her eyes, just to be certain the blindfold would work, then lowered her hand down off to the side.

"Alright, I can't see anymore! So uh....Theliel, what have you got so far?"
"Well, I have a few pieces that I...think are placed correctly, memory is failing me for the placement of most of the curved sticks we have...", Theliel answered as she looked through the pieces.

"If any of y'all could well...describe to me how the curved sticks on the sides of the spire fit together...then I could do something with that information.", Theliel finished as she looked around at her blindfolded partners.

"Ohhh, me!", said Eira as she attempted to raise her hand, hitting Yamazaki in the face.

"Owww!", shouted Yamazaki. "Who..who hit me?"

" Yamazaki, was that you? I'm so sorry!", Eira cried as she blindly and lovingly began to rub Yamazaki's chin.

Suddenly, Yoshiko was the only one left to guide Theliel through the process, since the two Nekos were romantically preoccupied with each other.
"Five more minutes!" Miho said across the room.

Nobody was done yet, but a few groups were ahead of the game by having serious communication between the four of them. Some of them were lagging behind, though, and had none of the structure built yet. It was a good thing it wasn't a competition.
Yoshiko gently giggled at Yamazaki and Eira, then thought for a moment about how to explain it.

"Okay so Theliel," Yoshiko started, "You wanna make them look like this."

She lifted up her hand, her finger pointing down and began moving it up in a clockwise fashion.

"You should go up like that until you run out of parts!" She happily explained, lowering her hand.
Theliel was able to follow Yoshiko's directions to perfection, and in two minutes, she had finished constructing the curved sides of the spire and had installed the pieces on the base. The two Nekos were paying attention again, and they began to offer more instructions for Theliel, regarding the placement of the rungs.

"It looks like all of the rungs are straight, so those parts are interchangeable along the spire.", said Eira.

"Hopefully, there are some holds for the rungs.", added Yamazaki.

With those instructions, Theliel began to quickly add the rungs to the spire. This was the part where the group could make up the most time, so she rushed through this segment, aware of the five minute warning that was given by the instructor.

"There!", said Theliel as she looked over the structure. " looks like we used all of the pieces!", she added with a smile on her face. "I hope this is the correct alignment..."
Yoshiko smiled and adjusted herself in her seat, then stretched her limbs out a little.

"So...What should we do now?" Yoshiko asked, sitting up a bit better. "I bet we did the best, so I dunno if any fixing or possible adjusting will be needed!"
Miyamae Eriko tapped her foot on the ground and looked to Miho, who said, "One more minute. I see some of you are done. You may bring yours to the front of the room and Miyamae-Shôshô and myself will be judging your complete spires."
Yoshiko looked over at the teacher and nodded, then looked over at Theliel.

"I think the one with the steadiest hands should walk up with it," Yoshiko suggested, looking over the other two. "We don't wanna drop Theliels work, right?"
"Don't look at me!", said a hyperactive looking Eira, who then looked down at Yamazaki, who seemed to be glued to Eira.

"I'll take it.", volunteered Theliel as she took up the spire. "Everyone follow me!"

With that, Eira and Yamazaki began to follow Theliel to the front of the room.

"Let's go!", said Eira enthusiastically as she blindly gestured at Yoshiko.
Yoshiko nodded and stood up, and began following the group to the front of the room.

"I'm curious to see how ours compares to eveyone elses!", Yoshiko stated excitedly, looking at the Spire the best she could from her position.
Once they had reached the front of the room, Miho floated aside and Miyamae Eriko bent over a bit as she herself floated into the air.

"More than satisfactory," Miyamae said after a few moments of looking over the construct. "Yes, this will do just fine. Thank you, girls."

Slowly, those that had not brought theirs to the front finished and soon the project was over, though Miyamae instructed everyone to stay in the same groups as they had formed for the spire experiment.

"You will work closely with this group through all three training phases. I hope you enjoy one another's company," Miyamae Eriko said. "Now that we worked on teamwork and attention to detail, next we will focus on communication." She walked them through how to write reports, fill forms, issue orders, and ask for orders before moving on to how to operate basic radio communications. She then asked them all to flip their desks over and the students found they were all looking at basic consoles that would be found on a starship.

"Now..." She took them through the steps of operating a basic communication network, then said, "Now for the fun part. PANTHEON access is granted in these terminals with some security limitations. You should be able to look up anything that could be found out about the Star Army and its knowledge, as long as it's not protected by SAINT, routinely once you're all out of training. For now your consoles are limited to finding out about mostly mundane things, but I would like you to search for the most interesting thing you can currently find out about through PANTHEON and share it with your group. You have a few minutes to talk amongst yourselves." With that, Miyamae turned to Miho and the two began speaking discreetly about phase II plans.
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