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RP [Fort Hajime] Phase I: Nakaharo Yoshiko

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With all of the responsibility off of her back, Theliel seemed to be more relaxed as she operated the console and searched for information pertaining to the Star Army. As she browsed through PANTHEON and the military databases, she focused her search parameters on fleet composition and starships.

"The biggest starship to ever serve in the Star Army was the Chiharu-class Flagship!", Theliel stated, as she looked to the two Neko.

Meanwhile, Eira was jumpy and hyperactive as always, however, belying her seemingly unfocused appearance, she had engrossed herself in an article about the mobility of the MINDY power armor.

"Oh Empress! You can travel faster-than-light in a Mindy! Imagine if you could put on a coat and it would take you to a different star system! Cool!", Eira piped up. "What do you have?", she added, as she leaned onto Yamazaki's shoulder.

From her persepective, Eira could see that Yamazaki was looking at a page about the 7-Line system.

"Hmm...pop quiz...what does 'Let's provide a shining example for safety' mean?", she asked, with a glance directed towards Yoshiko and Eira.

Hint: The answer is in the 7-Line link
Yoshiko started searching through PANTHEON, and discovered something of high interest to her, starship fleets. She then looked over at Yamazaki, and proceeded to answer.

"It stands for the 7-Lines, right? Location, Patients, Assistant Type, Security, Enviroment, Faction and..." Yoshiko thought for a moment, but had completely forgotten, "I can't remember the last one!"

Yoshiko then eyed over the fleets, and quickly found Fleet 2 to be of the most interest to her.

"Did you know, Fleet Number 2 has over 900 ships?" Yoshiko asked looking at the three, "It's the biggest fleet in the entire Star Army!"
Miyamae Eriko had been looming close by as she listened and tapped her hands together after Yoshiko's group had shared information with one another.

"By the by," the battle-hardened Neko said to Yoshiko. "The seventh line is special equipment, such as "H" for hemosynth. Information that could one day save you. Girls," Eriko went on, "what do you think makes a disciplined soldier? One that knows the difference between how to get help and how to not need help because they've done nothing that necessitates it?" She strode away from the girls before they answered and stood at the front of the room next to the floating Miho.

"Discipline is not something you learn in a night. It is something you live through and achieve through graceful daily actions and self-respect. I do not have an exercise for you to prove you are disciplined. Rather, every day we are together, I will witness it. Miho will witness it. Your other teachers will witness it, too. And when we don't witness it? You will know. And then you will reform until we can tell you are looking, acting, and thinking like a soldier. Dismissed." She bowed her head and turned to Miho, who spoke out.

"You will be able to find your bunkmates as they are those in your group. You will work with them closely over the course of all three phases before graduation. Get to know their good habits and pick up on them. Everyone is someone to learn from. Have a good day." Eriko had already begun to stride out of the classroom and Miho followed. Before leaving the room, though, Eriko snapped back to face the crowd.

"Phase II at 0600 hours in the courtyard tomorrow. Good day." With that, she and Miho were out of the classroom and many of the students began talking amongst themselves or standing and leaving, as well.
Yoshiko looked over at Theliel, with minor confusion on her face.

"She seemed fairly serious. I wonder why! Also uh...What's 0600 hours?"
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