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himiko system

  1. OOC OOC: [YSS Kikyō] Himiko System Kuvexian Invasion

    I will be playing the 8th Squadron's leader and captain of the YSS Kikyō, Taisa Naka Nai, as well as her bridge crew in this Kuvexian War invasion thread. I would like others to play the ship captains and bridge crew of the other ships in the area. The other First Expeditionary Fleet squadrons...
  2. RP [YSS Kikyō] Kuvexian Invasion Himiko System

    Himiko System YSS Kikyō Another sudden wave of anxiety was forcibly suppressed by the YSS Kikyō's Taisa-ranked captain, Naka Nai, as she paced the circle of the 2E Plumeria-class Gunship's small bridge. Flame-like eyes burned bright as she looked to the consoles of each operator, albeit the...
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