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  1. Kirie/Keiko 1C Improvement Discussion

    https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:stararmy:equipment:ke-m12-1c_kirie_thought_armor ^ Work in Progress The old Kirie and Keiko articles has a lot of bloat regarding the nuances of their software to the point of making the article daunting to read. I'm trying to make a revised Kirie and...
  2. Approved Submission Kirie and Keiko Update + Weapon Update

    Submission Type: Kirie and Keiko Thought Armors and Weapons Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=faction:yamatai:ketsurui_fleet_yards:kirie_thought_armor https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=faction:yamatai:ketsurui_fleet_yards:keiko_thought_armor...
  3. Adjusting old equipment...

    I want to modify the Kirie and Keiko's built in armaments to be modular. I don't want to actually change the function of the armaments aside from DR version 3 inclusion. It would require no new art or technology for the existing weapons. Is it possible to simply upgrade the equipment to be...
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