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  1. RP [Star Army of Yamatai] Daisy II 10 Year Review Open Discussion

    "How did I get into this?" Mikael thought to himself as he looked down the oval table consisting of a mixture of Star Army personnel (actually in person or in volumetric form) and a number of civilian personnel from corporations within the Star Army Military Industrial Complex. Ah, he...
  2. Using the Mindy and the NH-33 Body to Their Maximum Potential

    So, I’ve been trying to re-commit to memory some of the details of the Mindy article since I returned to the site a couple of days ago. I made a thread similar to this one about 3 years ago, where I inquired regarding the capabilities of the Mindy armor. While I learned a lot about the armor...
  3. Questions on the Mindy Armor

    I have been reading through the Mindy article and those of its associated subsystems for a few weeks now, trying to obtain a fuller understanding of the armors capabilities, strengths, and, weaknesses. Although I have made a good deal of progress, I find that I am left with more questions than I...
  4. RP [Fort Hajime] Phase II pt. 2: Nakaharo Yoshiko

    Planet Kotori Fort Hajime Courtyard 13日 3月 YE 38 0600 Hours "...and that's how to put on an AMES suit," Miyamae Eriko said as she placed the suit that was now off of her body onto a nearby bench. She waved an arm to what had drawn most of the students' attention while they had been putting on...
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