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Going to keep this brief as well, since I have work in 15 minutes; anyways, based upon the posts in this thread, missiles are still a prickly subject when it comes to weapon limitations - thus I’m curious as to what everyone’s thoughts are regarding what an “ideal” (and simplistic) missile...
Submission Type: Template
Submission URL: Linky
Faction: N/A
FM Approved Yet: No, @Wes
Faction requires art? Nope.
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Nope.
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Previously Submitted? Nope.
Tis' nothing but another minor flesh...
Submission Type: Article Update
Submission URL: Linky
Original Article URL: Linky
Faction: Elysian Celestial Empire
FM Approved Yet: Yes, four seconds from now.
Faction requires art? Yes; see below.
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Nope.
Contains Links to Unapproved Articles? Yep.
Missiles keep coming up over and over. It's its own problem and should be treated as such, so let's make a topic for the missile discussion.
Personally though there is one thing I realized that hasn't been talked about and I think it's part of why we can't get a solution. Missiles are all...
Submission Type: DRv3 Rules Addition
Submission URL: Linky
Faction: N/A
FM Approved Yet: I honestly have no idea what to put here.
Faction requires art: N/A
Contains unapproved sub-articles? Nope.
Contains new art? Nope.
Previously submitted? Nope.
So, I was going to write a massive rebuttal...
Seeing as how there's a standard for starship speeds in space, would it be possible @Wes (don't know who else to tag, really) to have the same for starship (/PA/starfighter/etc.) speeds in the atmosphere?
On that same note, has there been any progress towards making speed guidelines for...