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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.


  1. Ametheliana

    RP Tsuya's Heart and Mind: Yamatai Gokoro

    Empress' Palace Samurai House Rei’s lithe body tucked out from the early morning fog that had swept around Kyoto, including the Empress’ Palace. Her stark red hakama were immediately the most striking part of her amongst the pale grey mist surrounding her. Her dark brown hair flung about behind...
  2. F

    Ketsurui Samurai

    @Wes, are Ketsurui Samurai allowed to - or would they even consider to begin with - teach(ing) foreigner individuals (such as those not born or raised on Yamataian soil) their martial techniques and knowledge?
  3. CadetNewb

    Ketsurui Samurai Dissolution

    It's recently come up in RP that the Ketsurui Samurai are to be terminated, and though I enjoy this great twist in Fred's great plot, I also feel rather sad. I'm under the impression that Wes had given the go ahead for this behind the scenes, but of course, I am not totally sure. Even then, I'd...
  4. Ametheliana

    Approved Character [Danko Clan] Kuro

    https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:kuro @Wes @Kim Notes: I want to add something where I wrote TBA about some other tragic thing that may have happened that forced her to want to change her mind about Ketsurui so I'm open to suggestions but I'm also ok with not adding...
  5. Ametheliana

    Approved Submission [Yamatai] Danko Clan

    Submission Type: Clan Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=faction:yamatai:danko_clan Faction: Yamatai FM Approved Yet? No @Wes Faction requires art? No For Reviewers: Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Yes, an NPC. I can Contains New art? Yes Previously Submitted? (Yes/No...
  6. CadetNewb

    What. Is the speed of an unladen Samurai?

    Ketsurui or another clan? Definitely Ketsurui. It's not often at all we get them in RP, and with how much time has passed, as well as with the new bodies that have come out, I don't know what depiction of them is accurate at this point. Are they anime DBZ fighters from the early days, or were...
  7. Ametheliana

    RP Rōnin Rei Ryokō

    Yamatai Kyoto YE 37 The day had finally come. They told her that she was too serious. That the changing of the guard was nothing more than a tourist attraction these days. Not something to brutalize overeager gawkers over for breaching security. They weren't hiding weapons on their body after...
  8. Reynolds

    Neko Martial Arts

    After a sudden inspiration, I have been working on the idea of a Neko-focused (although Minkans and other digital-brain types would qualify) martial art, specifically a sword style. Here are the basics I have so far, although I have some more ideas in my head...