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  1. F

    Laz Public Network Equipment Requisition (Origin Industries)

    To: Origin Industries From: Senator Barachiel Valeria * * * Encryption Detected. * * * * * * Decrypting… Done. * * * * * * Message Begins. * * * To whom it may concern, I require the following product(s) of your company and its subsidiaries to be shipped to the attached coordinates within...
  2. F

    Laz Public Network Equipment Requisition (Galactic Horizon)

    To: Galactic Horizon From: Senator Barachiel Valeria * * * Encryption Detected. * * * * * * Decrypting… Done. * * * * * * Message Begins. * * * To whom it may concern, I require the following product(s) of your company to be shipped to the attached coordinates within seventy-two hours of...
  3. F

    Laz Public Network Equipment Requisition (Advancer Enterprises)

    To: Advancer Enterprises From: Senator Barachiel Valeria * * * Encryption Detected. * * * * * * Decrypting… Done. * * * * * * Message Begins. * * * To whom it may concern, I require the following product(s) of your company to be shipped to the attached coordinates within seventy-two hours of...
  4. F

    Yamatai News (YINN) Senator Places Bounty on Alleged Criminal

    Empyrean, Elysia Novus - Citing "growing concerns amongst [his] constituents" and a "moral obligation to bring the heathen responsible for slaughtering one of the Lord's heavenly children to justice," Senator Barachiel Valeria has placed a large bounty on Lazarus, the individual allegedly...
  5. F

    SYNC To: Second Chance Salvage Company

    To: Second Chance Salvage Company From: Senator Barachiel Valeria To whom it may concern, On behalf of the Elysian Celestial Empire, I would like to inquire about purchasing the following items currently in your possession. Xiphos Infantry Blades (NMX War, TC: 64-99, IC: 6393-51042-156)...
  6. F

    SYNC To: Star Army Logistics

    To: Star Army Logistics From: Senator Barachiel Valeria To whom it may concern, On behalf of the Elysian Celestial Empire, I would like to request that the following starships be transferred from their current location in the Scrapyard System to the orbit of Keren III so that the process of...
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