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yss yukika ii

  1. RP: Hinomaru Sunrises II YSS Yukika II — Season 1, Episode 0: Pilot (Welcome Aboard)

    In the cavernous port-dorsal large craft bay of the YSS Battle of Ayenee Capital City, the sleek, new vessel rested on her landing struts like a bird of prey surveying from a high perch. The YSS Yukika II, one of the first new Nozomi II-class Scout ships, and the first delivered to the Fifth...
  2. Approved Character Ulla Vester

    Wiki Ulla Vester @Yuuki Hello folks, please see below or the Wiki link above for the profile of my Intel Analyst for the YSS Yukika II plot. Full disclosure I just copy and pasted my wiki into forums so if there is funky formatting thats why. Please let me know if I missed a gap in skills...
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