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Year-End Festival ⛄December Art Raffle!🎄

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Hi Star Army,

Can you believe it's already December? Seems like time flies! To celebrate the holidays I'm going to get some more artwork for the site and if you're interested in that art being of your (actively played) characters, please enter in this free raffle below by posting a reply to this thread, which should include:
  • a link to your character's page on the Star Army Wiki
  • a link to an recent RP thread the character appears in (last 30 days)
  • the outfit you want them wearing (uniforms preferred)
  • a pose idea or expression
Selections will be chosen by assigning numbers and rolling dice on the Discord bot's dice roll feature. Rolls will be conducted basically when I have an artist lined up to make art for us. At least 2 people will win. Must be an actively participating member of Star Army (you made RP posts in the last month) to win. Characters from all factions on SARP are welcome.

If you want to help, please subscribe to Star Army and I'll be able to get more art. I could really use the money!
Since no one else has entered the raffle at this time, you've won the first slot with me having to roll for it. I've placed the order.
Sorry real life is a bitch... I am not sure who I want to get art for as I would like to get art for all of them. But I think I'll go with the one that is my main

Wiki page: Fuji, Lenna on Star Army Space Roleplay
(Additional reference picture - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/370384421934596108/914728100443590686/20101225023357.jpg and https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/370384421934596108/914728100057739315/20101225012221.jpg )
RP Thread: RP - [Open RP] Sood Zadra
Uniform: I am thinking since Lenna is an Independent I was thinking maybe an outfit like the second image
Pose Idea: I am not sure what I want for a pose, Maybe her in the hallways of the Sobek, In her quarters relaxing, Or even sitting at the command console on the bridge of the Sobek.
I'm am ready to roll again but I only see one new entry so Damaske gets it by default.

Edit: Ordered
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If this is still up and running, I'll pop in Cirillo! He could use more art other than his joke casual one
If this is already closed, then ignore it
Since there are no other entries to raffle and the artist has been waiting patiently for nearly 2 weeks for me to assign them the characters to draw, I'm going to close this thread and assign the remaining 4 slots to NPCs today so they're not waiting anymore.

Thank you to everyone who participated! Your characters will be ready soon!

I got another slot open, any entries?
I've only recently gotten back home, but I'd like to put forward Shinomori Matsuvo. I haven't roleplayed him particularly recently, much to my chagrin, but I thought it might be neat to have a male example of the Type 42 uniform, maybe with him working at a desk doing paperwork or saluting (and a bit more grown-up looking, the last art of him is about 4-5 years old after all).

If he doesn't qualify, Tobias Carrick is currently in play in the Die Screaming plot, and it would be cool to have some actual art of the Britva, albeit helmetless. Maybe he'd be kneeling and pointing towards something as if in the field or standing at ease.

Additional slots soon.
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