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  • ๐Ÿ“… July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Year-End Festival ๐ŸŽ Empress' Gift Festival of YE 45 ๐ŸŽ

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RP Date
YE 45,9
RP Location
Kikyo Sector
In the far reaches of the Kikyo Sector, a curious and silent procession unfolded. Star Army soldiers of Yamatai, disciplined and enigmatic in their uniformity, ventured among the stars. Each bore a singular mission, delivering a vermilion envelope, a token steeped in mystery and tradition. Their presence was fleeting, a whisper of boots on foreign soil, leaving behind only the enigmatic gift from a distant Empress.

Within these envelopes lay a message, penned with the grace and authority that only an Empress could command. "Season's greetings," it began, a salutation crossing the vastness of space and society, from the heart of Yamatai to every corner of existence. The Empress's words were both an olive branch and a beacon, extending goodwill beyond the confines of her empire, reaching out to friend and stranger alike. "In this season of renewal and joy, we of Yamatai extend our hand in friendship. May this small offering be a testament to our desire for harmony and understanding throughout the cosmos."

The card, elegantly scripted, invited its recipients to share in the spirit of giving. It spoke of gifts, not as mere material tokens, but as symbols of unity and shared humanity. The Empress's invitation was clear: express your heart's desire, and let Yamatai, in its boundless generosity, fulfill it. This was diplomacy woven with the threads of compassion and respect, a gesture transcending politics and reaching into the realm of the personal, the human.

On the card's reverse, a portrait of the Empress gazed back at the beholder, a serene and majestic reminder of the distant yet caring sovereign who sought to touch lives across the galaxies. This image, suitable for a place of honor in any dwelling, was more than a mere photograph; it was a bridge between worlds, a silent yet eloquent ambassador of Yamatai's goodwill.

As the Star Army soldiers retreated into the cosmos, leaving behind their enigmatic gifts, they sowed the seeds of a new understanding, a new connection between distant realms. This was the Empress's gambit, a play of soft power in the grand chessboard of interstellar relations, where every gesture, every word, could tip the scales toward peace or conflict. In the hearts of those who received her message, a new perception of Yamatai was born, one of benevolence and beauty, reaching across the cold void of space with the warmth of human kindness.

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Happy Holidays from Her Imperial Majesty Empress Himiko - 2021 art by Nomirin Commissioned by ...png

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OOC Notes: If your character sends a nice reply to the Empress, she will try to give you that yule gift your character has been thinking of. Basically Himiko is Santa Claus. Non-YSE characters are welcome to participate, for the Empress' love can cross borders, and so can Star Army Logistics.
To: Empress Himiko I
From: Radcliff Yingzi, Shoi

It lightens my heart to know that the Yamatai Star Empire has an empress that cares about its people. As much as other Nepleslians like to malign my people, sometimes for good reasons, are still a people looking to learn from our mistakes and contribute. I am thankful for the Star Army of Yamatai this opportunity to prove just that to all of Yamatai and the Kikyo Sector.

Thank you again for your kind greetings.

Radcliff Yingzi
Shoi, Star Army
To: Empress Himiko I
From: Mikael Harris, Chusa

My Empress,

A year truly flies when you are busy and it has been a busy but joyous year. I still have not quite figured the meaning of your gift last Yuletide. Nor have I figured how to best express my gratitude for it beyond serving and proving myself worthy for it. On a related note, a former CO offered their connection to the Ketsurui Samurai to ask for a yojimbo. My own daughter even joked we should start a clan even, something I have dismissed. But I am rambling to a most generous Empress. I must remember who I am.

It is a honor to serve you and the Empire, my empress.

Mikael Harris
Chusa, Star Army
To: Empress Himiko I
From: Vedica Radcliff


So I was given this card with your face on it. I was going to just set it up in some corner since you have a very photogenic face, but then I got to reading your message. I don't need anything from Yamatai, never have. Fully believe that I should be the one to take destiny by the *censored*, even to the point that I signed up for a lost cause and nearly died working with a bunch of amateurs. Those Greens outside of their military sure love to use their big mouths to talk a big game and then fail miserably when it comes to put up or shut up.

Anyways, thanks... I guess. Long live the Empress and all those things you Yamataians do.

Vedica Radcliff
To: Empress Himiko I

From: Taisa Thomas Canterbury, CO, YSS Wakaba

Your Imperial Highness,

I am honored to receive this card from you. This might be a strange request, but if you could arrange it, I would be most grateful. I have the honor to command one of the finest ships in the Star Army, the YSS Wakaba. Although I have had command of her for almost 2 years, those 2 years haven't exactly been ideal. Due to our constant fight for survival and our low supplies, I was never in a position to entertain my officers and crew the way I would like to.

My plan is to have a formal dinner once a week for all my officers. Another night one for department NCOโ€™s on a rotation. I would also like to provide breakfast for the night shift as they come off duty. The Star Army is known for serving good food in the Mess Hall, but I would want this to be extra special, a treat that they would look forward to as being different than day to day mess.

Iโ€™d like to have an exquisite dinning room to host these dinners as well as some extra special food and items for the dinning room, and if you could recommend a very good chief. I want the Wakaba to have a dinning room that no other ship in the fleet has.

Your loyal servant,

Taisa Thomas Canterbury, CO, YSS Wakaba.
To: Empress Himiko I
From: Joto Heisho Setsunu Meiosei, YSS Wakaba

My Empress,

There is nothing I can ask of you that you have not already given me. The Star Army brought me to life. Trained me and gave me a duty. What more can I ask for than the opportunity to continue to serve? My life is to the Star Army.

That being said, I would humbly like to request your support in nominating Taisa Thomas Canterbury for the Yui Blood Medallion. I firmly believe that the Wakaba would not have survived without his leadership. He worked tirelessly to keep the Wakaba going, even when moral was at itโ€™s lowest and the crew was ready to mutiny and tear itself apart, he remained firm and kept pushing forward.

Forever in your service,

Setsunu Meiosei
Joto Heisho YSS Wakaba
To: Empress Himiko I

From: Ryoko, YSS Wakaba

To whoever sent this,

Iโ€™m not sure if this is for real or if this is some kind of joke. I mean, why would the Empress of Yamatai be sending these out? There must be billions of people in the Kikyo sector, thereโ€™s no way the actual Empress will ever see this.

But if by some miracle the Actual Empress reads this, I want to know why does a natural born Neko have to serve 3 years? I didnโ€™t ask to be born, even though I love both my parents and couldnโ€™t be prouder to have them as my parents. But I donโ€™t like being forced into doing something. If I decide to serve in the Star Army, I want it to be my choice, not because I was born a Neko.


Ryoko, YSS Wakaba
To: Empress Himiko I

From: Hotaru, YSS Wakaba

Your Imperial Highness,

Thank you for the card and the well wishes. Iโ€™m not sure what Iโ€™d ask for. Iโ€™m about to head to university. Iโ€™ve been working as a science officer aboard the Wakaba since my birth but when we returned to known space I discovered that to continue as a science officer I must become an actual officer.

Oh, I know. Perhaps you could provided me with some of the books I might need when I attend? And any other equipment or items you think might be beneficial for me to succeed at university.

Thank you so much,

Hotaru, YSS Wakaba.
To: Empress Himiko I

From: Taisho William Fletcher I

Your Imperial Highness,

Thank you for the card and the well wishes. I hope you have a most joyous year end festival. With the return of my son, I find that my family has expanded and I need a new frame for the additional family pictures. If you could find me a nice one, it would be appreciated.

Your Obedient Servant,
William Fletcher
To: Empress Himiko I
From: Kamachi Yoshiko, Santo Hei

My Empress,

Your message brings great joy during the holiday season. It will serve as a bright reminder in a place of honor within my home, in memoriam of the mission to achieve harmony. I am quite nervous to ask for anything, perhaps some decorations for the office? I wanted to jazz it up for when my fellow service members return from holiday leave!

It is an honor to be in your service,

Kamachi Yoshiko, Santo Hei
Supply and Cargo Specialist, Central Fleet Depot
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To: Himiko
From: Aiko


My duties in the Star Army have kept me from visiting Yamatai for the better part of a year, so I am glad to have seen the holiday greeting showing you in good spirits to the people of our Empire and this universe.

During my reconquest of Hanako's World the midshipmen under my command discovered a new species of kikyo flower there that carries a vibrant red color, so I have sent one such specimen along as a gift for you. Please add it to an Imperial garden somewhere so the Ketsurui Clan and citizens of Yamatai can experience forevermore its splendor in contrast with the national kikyo flower so frequently observed across your vast domain.

If you could spare one of the trees or flowering plants from the Empress' Palace in kind I would be overjoyed to receive it. Much of my time is spent away from my first home's quarters there โ€” whether aboard the YSS Kaiyล II, in port at Tami, or at my newfound second home with the Ketsurui Samurai on Iรฐunn โ€” so some maple or chrysanthemum, or whichever greenery you choose would be a splendid sight and reminder of home in those times I cannot visit Kyoto.

May Your Yule Tide Be Merry,
To: Empress Himiko I
From: Taii Aliset of Koun

Empress, it is good to hear that this tradition has found itself in full swing. I wish I could participate in it in more capacity than to write a message to return, and I wish your agents in this endeavor safe journeys and many smiles.

I send with this letter my first bottle of cannonfruit brandy, a Shuristan delicacy made by juicing our people's staple fruit, and fermenting the juice into a wine, alongside water and caramelized honey of any honey producing insect. In this case, Yamataian honeybees working near the Temple of Naga'Shun at Neta, I managed to sweet talk the Templars out of some of their honey. This wine is then freeze distilled and heavily filtered to produce this blue fluid you will find in this bottle. I have taken great care to ensure the finished product is safe for one of your species to drink, and hope you will enjoy.

As to what I wish for, this may be slightly more complicated. There is a Ginga Bomber, one that formerly served with the 17th Strategic Bomber Squadron aboard the YSS Tokyo. If memory serves, its tail ID tag was Dragon 871. It was heavily damaged during the Battle of Glimergold when a missile penetrated her shields and nearly severed her wing, shattering the spinal power conduit in the process. She was left spinning and dead in space, falling towards Glimmergold through the grinding crossfire of the battle. One of her crew, a flight engineer named Nicol Sanger, sacrificed his life to keep it flying, using his own body to bridge two main power conduits. Inso doing, he saved the lives of everyone on board by restoring main power. Senti, being iron based life, are more conductive and can use our bodies to bridge connections. But we have limits. Within seconds, he became the first Senti to die in combat service to the Star Army, dying by electrocution and vacuum exposure. But my people have this way of serving even in death. His wife fed him into the Tokyo's reactor core to forge his body into steel for that Ginga's repairs. Through this process, Senti vessels become living avatars of our families and histories as parts are replaced with the burial steel, and reforged with our dead. I do not know what happened to this bomber afterwards, as I transferred to the Koun in YE 44, and could no longer serve as Dragon 871's pilot.

I still dream of the look he gave me right before. The look of a man who knew it was his time. He was a man of duty to a fault, and kindness despite his past. He was the last survivor of his first ship and a fosterling Soren took in during his trials. I met him not long before I was selected as the captain of postage freighter Soren, and he followed me into the Star Army. I sometimes feel responsible for him, and all other Senti fallen in the Star Army, as though they were all my fault. But I find solace in their steel being used to protect the lives of their comrades.

I would like my bomber, with its burial steel repairs still in place, demilitarized and outfitted for civilian light cargo and personnel transport duty. I would like it to be renamed ISS Nicol, and modified for indefinite space flight certification under Shuristan and Yamataian civilian codeces. I understand if this is impossible. If it is, then I would like news of that ship, and what it has done over the years. I would like to meet her current pilot and crew, and have them know they are protected by my husband's soul watching them from the steel in her hull.

With respect, love, and duty eternal,
Taii Aliset of Koun

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To: Radcliff Yingzi, Shoi
From: Empress Himiko I

Dear Radcliff Yingzi,

Thank you for your heartfelt message and kind words. We appreciate your recognition of the Yamatai Star Empire's efforts to foster understanding and unity among our diverse peoples. It is through dialogue and shared experiences that we can build bridges and move towards a brighter future.

We believe in the power of forgiveness and growth, and We understand that mistakes are a part of the sapient experience. We all have the capacity to learn and improve, and we commend your willingness to acknowledge past errors and strive for better.

As the Shoi of the Star Army, your dedication to service and commitment to progress and the defense thereof embody the qualities We hope to inspire in all of our subjects.

May this season be one of healing, unity, and the forging of new bonds amongst all peoples in the Kikyo Sector and beyond.

With warm regards,
Empress Himiko I
To: Mikael Harris, Chusa
From: Empress Himiko I

Dearest Mikael Harris,

We are delighted to receive your message and to hear of the joyous year you have had. Your dedication and commitment to serving the empire have not gone unnoticed, and we are grateful for all that you do. It is Our hope that the gift We bestowed upon you last Yuletide brought you not only comfort but also a glimpse of the possibilities that lie ahead.

As for your desire to have a yojimbo or even starting a clan, it is a noble aspiration. Family and the bonds we forge are of utmost importance, and We encourage you to follow your heart.

With deepest respect,
Empress Himiko I
To: Vedica Radcliff
From: Empress Himiko I

Dear Vedica Radcliff,

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my greeting. We understand that not everyone may be in need of material gifts or assistance, and We respect your independence and determination. However, We want to assure you that my invitation to share in the spirit of giving extends beyond material possessions.

While you may not require anything from Yamatai, there may be other ways in which we can cultivate understanding and harmony between our peoples. Cooperation and mutual respect are the foundations upon which diplomacy and lasting relationships are built.

Should you ever find yourself in need of support, whether it be in the form of resources, information, or even a conversation, please do not hesitate to reach out. The Empress of Yamatai is here to serve all those who seek a peaceful and prosperous coexistence across the galaxies.

May you continue to chart your own path and make a significant impact in the universe.

Warm regards,
Empress Himiko I
To: Taisa Thomas Canterbury, CO, YSS Wakaba

From: Empress Himiko I

Dear Taisa Canterbury,

Thank you for your heartfelt message and for sharing your desire to provide your officers and crew with a special dining experience aboard the YSS Wakaba. We admire your dedication to fostering camaraderie and morale within your unit, and We am pleased to be able to assist you in this endeavor.

We have taken note of your request for an exquisite dining room and a renowned chef. Rest assured, I will personally ensure that the necessary resources and arrangements are made to fulfill your vision. Your ship will soon have a dining room that will be a testament to the uniqueness and hospitality of the Star Army of Yamatai.

As for a chef, We will recommend Chef Hiroshi Sato, renowned for his skill and creativity in blending traditional Yamataian cuisine with innovative culinary techniques. His expertise and passion for creating memorable dining experiences will surely impress your officers and crew.

We wish you great success in your mission and hope that these gestures of goodwill will contribute to the unity and well-being of your crew. May your dining experiences serve as a reminder of the bonds and shared purpose that unite us all.

With warm regards,

Empress Himiko I

OOC: Chef portrait if you need one.

To: Ryoko, YSS Wakaba

From: Empress Himiko I

Dear Ryoko,

We thank you for taking the time to express your thoughts and concerns. We understand your frustration and desire to have control over the path you choose in life. The Yamatai Star Empire's policy of requiring natural-born Nekovalkyrja to serve for three years is rooted in the history and traditions of Yamatai. It is intended to ensure the integration and development of individuals within our society and to ensure that we have trained citizens ready to protect the Empire.

With that said, We believe in the importance of choice and individual freedom. While We cannot change the current policy, which was proposed by and voted on by the Senate of Yamatai, We encourage you to explore your options and engage in open discussions with your superiors. They may be able to provide guidance and support in finding a path that aligns with your aspirations and desires. There are many alternative ways to serve the empire in ways other than military service.

Remember, your voice matters, and your concerns will be heard. We appreciate your candor and wish you the best in your journey.

With sincere regards,
Empress Himiko I
To Joto Heisho Setsunu Meiosei of the YSS Wakaba,

We, Empress Himiko I of Yamatai, acknowledge your unwavering dedication to the Star Army and your heartfelt request. Your loyalty and commitment to our noble cause do not go unnoticed, and we are grateful for your service.

In response to your request to nominate Taisa Thomas Canterbury for the Yui Blood Medallion, we shall ask Taisho Ketsurui Yui consider this recommendation. The leadership and resilience demonstrated by Taisa Canterbury during challenging times aboard the YSS Wakaba are commendable qualities that align with the values and standards we hold dear within the Yamatai Star Empire.

May your dedication to the Star Army continue to shine as a beacon of honor and service.

With the grace of the heavens,

Empress Himiko I of Yamatai
To: Hotaru, YSS Wakaba

From: Empress Himiko I

Dear Hotaru of the YSS Wakaba,

We are most pleased to receive your correspondence and to hear of your impending journey into the realms of higher learning. It is with great honor that We, Empress Himiko of Yamatai, acknowledge your dedication and pursuit of knowledge.

The path you embark upon, transitioning from a science officer to a distinguished officer through academic enrichment, is indeed commendable. We recognize the importance of education and the role it plays in shaping the minds and futures of our subjects and our empire.

In response to your modest request, We find it fitting to provide you with not only the books you require for your studies but also a selection of resources and tools that will aid you in excelling in your academic pursuits. These shall include texts fundamental to your field, advanced scientific scanners and data pads, an AI assistant, and other technological aids that are deemed essential in a modern educational environment.

Moreover, We believe that an enlightened mind benefits greatly from exposure to a broad spectrum of knowledge. Therefore, We shall also include in your package a collection of works encompassing various fields of science, philosophy, and the arts, to encourage a well-rounded intellectual growth.

May these resources light your path to success and may your journey through university be fruitful and enlightening. We look forward to witnessing the great contributions you will undoubtedly make to our empire and to the realm of science.

With our best wishes and royal blessings,

Empress Himiko I
To: Taisho William Fletcher I
From: Empress Himiko I

Honorable Taisho Fletcher,

Thank you for your kind message and warm wishes. We are delighted to hear of the expansion of your family and the return of your son. Family is a precious bond that should be cherished and celebrated.

In response to your request, We have taken the liberty of arranging for a beautiful, handcrafted picture frame to be specially made for your family. It is adorned with intricate designs and made from the finest materials, symbolizing the strength and love that binds a family together. We hope it will serve as a treasured keepsake to display your precious family memories.

May your family continue to thrive and find joy in each other's company.

With gratitude,
Empress Himiko I
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