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Year-End Festival πŸŽ Empress' Gift Festival of YE 45 🎁

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To: Kamachi Yoshiko, Santo Hei

From: Empress Himiko I

Dear Kamachi Yoshiko,

Thank you for your kind words and for sharing your desire to jazz up your office. We appreciate your dedication to brightening the lives of your fellow service members. We have instructed my staff to send you a package filled with festive decorations to bring cheer to your workspace. May they serve as a reminder of the unity and joy that the holiday season brings.

Thank you for your continued service to Yamatai.

Warm regards,

Empress Himiko I
To: Aiko
From: Empress Himiko

Dear Aiko,

Thank you for your kind words and for the thoughtful gift of the red kikyo flower. We assure you it will find its place among the Imperial gardens, where its vibrant colors will be cherished and admired by all.

In return, it brings me great pleasure to grant your request for a tree or flowering plant from the Empress' Palace. I have chosen a beautiful chrysanthemum tree, renowned for its elegance and symbolic significance. It will be carefully prepared and transported to you, so that you may enjoy its grace and connection to your first home, no matter how far you may be.

May this gift serve as a constant reminder of the bond between us, and the deep appreciation I hold for your service to Yamatai.

Wishing you a joyous and fulfilling Yule Tide,

Empress Himiko I
To: Taii Aliset of Koun
From: Empress Himiko I

Taii Aliset,

Thank you for your heartfelt letter and for the gift of cannonfruit brandy. We shall cherish it and enjoy it with great appreciation. It is a beautiful symbol of the connection between our two cultures, and We honored to receive it. We have not yet had the opportunity to try cannonfruit of any kind thus far.

Regarding your request for the Ginga Bomber, ISS Nicol, We understand the importance and significance it holds for you personally. We will make every effort to locate and demilitarize the ship as you have described. If it can be done, it shall be my pleasure to arrange for its conversion to a civilian vessel and have it named ISS Nicol in honor of your husband's sacrifice. We will keep you informed of any progress in this matter and ensure that the ship's current pilot and crew are aware of its history and the protection it carries.

May the spirits of our ancestors guide us, and may duty and love forever intertwine in our hearts.

With utmost respect and gratitude,

Empress Himiko I
To: Empress Himiko I
From: Shosa Trowa Yamamoto, Starship Operator, YSS Resurgence

Your Highness,
Thank you so much for the card and your well wishes during this festival time. My family really appreciates the attention and my daughter still adores the stuffed Bear she received from you last year.

This Year, my wife, Estrella Yamamoto has a request. When I was assigned to the YSS Aeon II my wife moved the family to Jyuun III, where the Aeon was stationed out of, and started a restaurant there. It has become quite popular, especially with other families who's loved ones serve in the SA. However since my reassignment to the YSS Resurgence, which is based out of Yamatai, it has become harder for me to visit them when I have leave.

We'd like to move my family to Yamatai, in the Central Uesureya district near the base. We'd also like some help finding and setting up a new restaurant. My wife refuses to be idle, and would love to serve the troops as they come in and out of Central Fleet Depot. Nothing over the top fancy mind you. Just a family and troop friendly restaurant. Maybe with a couple of upper dining rooms that can be reserved for ship crews celebrations when they come home.

I also acquired a prototype Mech during the Last Chance Salvage giveaway. It is a Star Army prototype that was lost at Glimmergold. I'd like to get some weapons and other upgrades for it. I believe it will be beneficial to the Resurgence if we have some optional heavy firepower, especially against the Mishhu who keep pulling out one new horror after another.

Thank you so much for your consideration. From my family to yours.

Shosa Trowa Yamamoto, Starship Operator, YSS Resurgence.
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To: Empress Himiko I
From: Itto Heisho, Sanda Hoshi, Ranger, YSS Resurgence

Your Majesty,
You have already given me so much. The opportunity to serve, A Yui's Blood Medallion and a post on probably the best ship in the whole Star Army. If I was to ask for anything... I guess the only thing I really want is to see my FiancΓ©. He's a Sargent in the USMC. We've hardly gotten to see each other this past year as our leaves don't always match up. I am very hopeful to finally get to see him over the holidays as long as my ship doesn't get deployed before then.

I understand my duty and will set aside my desires for the good of the SA. But if it's at all possible, I'd like to see my FiancΓ©. Thank you.

Long live the Empress,

Itto Heisho, Sanda Hoshi, Ranger, YSS Resurgence

P.S. Your highness, just as I was sending this response I received an unexpected visitor. My FiancΓ©, Caffran! We've have decided that we want to get married over the holidays when his whole Clan gets together. As time is so short, would like to request a wedding dress from you. I'm sure you can get one whipped up quicker than I can find one. Thank you.
To: Shosa Trowa Yamamoto
From: Empress Himiko I

Dear Shosa Yamamoto,

Thank you for your message and for sharing your family's aspirations and needs. It is heartening to hear of the success of your wife's restaurant and the positive impact it has had on the families of Star Army personnel.

Regarding your request to move your family to Yamatai, We admire your desire to be close to your base of operations. We will make prompt arrangements to secure suitable housing for your family in the Central Uesureya district near the base, ensuring that it meets your needs and provides a comfortable environment for your loved ones. Additionally, We will assist in finding and setting up a new restaurant for your wife in the area, as you have described. We recognize the importance of such establishments in providing a warm and welcoming space for our troops and their families.

As for your acquired prototype Mech, We understand the need for additional heavy firepower in the face of ever-evolving threats. We will provide the necessary resources and support to equip your Mech with upgraded weapons and other enhancements. Our Ketsurui Fleet Yards engineers and technicians will work closely with you to ensure that your Mech becomes a formidable asset to the YSS Resurgence in combating the dangers posed by the Mishhuvuthyar.

It is Our pleasure to support you and your family in these endeavors. We appreciate your dedicated service to the Star Army and wish you and your loved ones continued strength and success. May you find joy and fulfillment in the journey ahead.

With sincere regards,

Empress Himiko I
To: Itto Heisho, Sanda Hoshi, Ranger, YSS Resurgence
From: Empress Himiko I

Dear Sanda Hoshi,

Congratulations on your upcoming marriage and the arrival of your fiancΓ©! We are delighted to hear that you will finally have the opportunity to spend time together over the holidays.

In response to your request, We will see to it that a wedding dress fit for a royal occasion is tailored for you with utmost care and expedited delivery. Our skilled seamstresses will ensure that it is a masterpiece of elegance and beauty, befitting of such a joyous celebration. I have also sent you 5,000 KS to help cover the cost of the food at the reception.

May your union be blessed with love, happiness, and lifelong companionship. We wish you a memorable wedding and a future filled with endless love and joy.

With my warmest congratulations,

Empress Himiko I
To: Empress Himiko I
From: Alastair Belmont

Greeting to our Empress,

It pleases me so to have received this letter. I make it a point each day to share with the crew that we do right for the better of the empire. Our mission in some small way shall bring joy to all. It humbles me so to have the tables turned and to be asked what I desire. I am but a simple servant so what I desire is also simple. I ask for a day of your time to join me to walk the Belmont Compound. I believe it would serve well to see what all takes place on these grounds. Rumors have started to spread and I see it wise to clear the air. Think of it as a day to walk among your people, I am but your humble guide.

In all your glory,

Alastair Belmont
To: Empress Himiko I
From: Mikodimus Belmont

Hello My Friend,

This is wonderful news to hear you have reached out to give out gifts. Had I know such a thing was going to take place I'd have sent you some cookies or a cake. Which if you are ever in need of someone to cook you a good meal, hit me up. I have no doubt you have the finest chefs cook for you daily but this still does not compare. My food is so good it will blow your clothes clean off your body and curl your toes like a night with a lover. My desire while might sound silly I feel would have much use. I'd like to have commissioned an Apron that has your likeness on the front. This way anytime anyone eats my cooking, they can also bask in the glory of the empress as well.

With love and affection

Mikodimus Belmont

Included in Return
Plate of her favorite cookies
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