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Approved Submission 000604 System

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Minor grammar issues.

debris not derbies.

Gas Giant - not Gas GIant

Planetary data - There are 'xx' planets?

gaseous not gasious

A black hole seems kinda dangerous to have a fleet and stations near ...
Hmm. Well, seeing as I remember why this article was moved to rejected in the first place; could I ask that you make a sub-article for the stations that are present in the system itself? If there's already a sub-article containing the stations, which I'm sure there is .. could ya link it and put it into the system page?

And this is just me, but seeing as there's a population on the stations themselves, could you write an addendum somewhere that says something like .. "Station Population - (number here)".

After that I can go ahead and look over the station and power generator article from before and go along with approving it.

Maybe even add some more fluff like how many ships are usually present in the system itself; military and civilian. What sort of traffic it gets, if any.
That would mean having to make changes in multiple locations rather than in just one. It doesn't work well when structured that way.
But all you have to do is [[link here]] on the system article.
Then write a small paragraph underneath it with its own header, adding in what's already been written in the 'More Information' portion.
Overall it'll make it look so much more full and nicer and less empty.
Let's not have a repeat of this mess again. @Talarn, if Zack isn't going to cooperate, just reject and save yourself the trouble, please.

Zack has demonstrated his obstinacy in the past, and Talarn, it's important for you to recognize that and to adjust your expectations accordingly.
Obstinacy? This is literally a stub article that has everything it needs. It should be a straight forward approval.
Zack, I know doing extra work can be a pain, but this is pretty small and does add to a rather bare article. Just do it.
This is a stub article that is really just there to keep track of what has been said about this location in RP.

This article has everything that is required as per the submission rules.

This article goes above and beyond that and includes art.

This article is well in line with what other similar articles look like:

The population is included in the Elysian Government article, which makes sense because the population is on starbases and ships rather than on a planet. It makes upkeep easy because the important information is just on one page, and a change doesn't require someone tracking down every location where that information is.

This is all super-overkill for a background area that may not be visited in RP, of a small antagonist faction, that has been showing up every now and then as one of several NPC groups in my plot.
The other submissions in question are also stub articles for background locations. They are thin articles because we're not here to waste our time working on unnecessary stuff. It makes use of the template you put together very recently, and if past experience is anything we don't have a problem with stub articles.

So why are we all wasting our time on this?

This article has everything needed to keep track of what has been mentioned in RP. This is a stub article and everything that is being asked for is already on other wiki pages that are linked from this page.
This has much more statistical information than your article that you trimmed off. I was actually looking at it thinking earlier, "Why didn't he just use the system template to avoid all of this?" You took so much out that it's unrecognizable.

I really expected people to know that they should put all of the planets in the system, not just one, when I made it.
But the thing is ..
This is like the bare minimum. I was kind of hoping, seeing as this is the home system of your 4th, that there would be some more work and effort put into It?

Like what resources it gives, what benefits it offers, and whatever kind of fluff you might be able to muster.

I can approve it in line with your reasoning but what would that say about our quality assurance if I just green light It?

I just wanna see more is all. You have thirteen stations. Give them individual names. You're hovering around a gas giant; mining it for resources. There's gotta be traffic going through as well, right?

Just add fluff. I know you can do that. I saw your 4th Elysian faction article. :x
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