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RP [13th Precinct] Monster Factory


"Gavno..." Takeshi muttered under her breath as the lumbering beast made itself known, the sniper's breathing going shaky for a moment as she assessed the situation... how thick was that thing's skull going to be? it's eyes were so beady... a small fuzzy thing sitting atop a tree branch was one thing but if her aim was off by even a hair then it was a safe bet to assume she'd only piss off the monstrous figure.

Her few years of hunting experience told Takeshi the neck might also be pretty tough, usually not a problem for her .338 rifle but this beast was hardly her usual game, so she was approaching it more like a suit of armour than a creature - the halfbreed took a moment to steady her breathing, arm moving from supporting the stock of her rifle to bracing against the barrel, pushing it down into the table as Takeshi's crosshairs panned down to the monster's guts, where the scales at least looked softer.

"I think the plan is to just do what you can... I have you covered, Andrej," Takeshi whispered into her mic, finger slowly beginning to squeeze down on her rifle's trigger, the young woman letting out a slow breath as she prepared to keep firing until the beast stopped snarling - hoping to get a lucky shot through the base of its spine but ready to take whatever she could get.
Church Interior

As soon as the beast appeared, Flannery dropped to a knee and was ready to lay into it with an entire clip of 12g buckshot. It certainly wasn't the prettiest of situations to be found in. She didn't know what the creature was, or if it bled. But if it did, she'd do her damnedest to kill it.

But seeing Anderi walk by stopped her from opening fire. As concerned as she was for their safety, she trusted that Andrej has some sort of plan. She followed his lead, moving behind him but keeping her weapon trained on the giant beast and waiting for it to make just the wrong twitch before she would waylay it.
Church Interior

"Ahnd nahw yous vhill have thoo face hour ghod, bhargh'agard'ein'ee!" The preacher began, A strange supposed name of tongues and a broken nose cut off by the sound of his nose shattering even more as the detective stomped his heel on the mans cloth wrapped feet and followed up with a headbutt to his face as causally as could be before following after adrej, Nose blood covering his cheek from the preacher.

Andrej, however continued unperturbed with the gunhund in tow looking rather small as the pupper lowered herself with her tail between her legs and ears flat against her head but still letting out the occasional quiet and restrained bark as she loyally followed the kuz lieutenant towards the massive creature watching their approach with a curious gaze through obsidian eyes.

The whole encounter was easily visible through the marksmans scope and the operators screens as andrej stopped a few paces of the beat, The detective and flannery a few steps behind. The man looks almost like a child before it as the monster leaned down in an almost unnatural way, Its massive lizzard like head mere feet from the officers with massive twisted asymmetrical horns of bone white and aged yellow. It took a series of deep inhails from its almost bat like nose at the man before making a series of almost itelligle gurgles and grunts that almost sounded like some kind of words if they werent so deep and intimidating.

The Kuz, however seemed unperturbed as he appraised the beast and casually cocked his head in curiosity back.

"Sir, Do you be having of a travel permit or visa on your persons today?" He asked casually at the beast that withdrew its face from his slightly to stand at its impossing full height to look back at the officers before growling and gurgling out a slightly more audible "Kanni... nosho..kashi...kan..." In broken and obviously strained yamataigo before it looked around the church as if searching for something before shaking its head slowly.

The JANE in most of the HRRT suits and the operators HUDs partially translating the words as best Turi could as a confused jumble of words ending with embassy. The JANE sharing the view feed from andrejs helmet to everyone on the team as he tutted ever so slightly at the beast while turi fed the officer a stream of information through audio cue.

Church Exterior.

The massive beast now squatted over the hood of the enforcer patrol car like a seat while it tried to form the words to the detective. The monster; A member of the race of Lorrfolk, A massive lizzard like race native to planet yamatai and its scenic hell had managed to explain its vacation to the imperium had only now been discovered as some kind of scam perpetuated by the church cultists to take advantage of the demonic looking alien. Complaining constantly about the conditions it had been kept in, And the constant raw butchered animals it had been fed as tribute. The cultists its intended source of travel income to return home making continued excuses to keep the lorr, named Grrolek in the church and away from the nearest embassy that would likely see it safely returned home. And the embassy had sent several notices to the NPF on inquiries and search results that Turi had managed to acess and was already in contact with to arrange propper transport.

The cultists, Their church now being scrounged top to bottom by more officers had been detained, No clue about any missing women the cultists where looking at a kidnapping and several counts of animal cruelty; easily a 100DA fine for most of them with the exception of the main cult leader who would be required to take at least 70 hours of mandatory community service and pay a 200DA fine for attempting to assault an officer.

The detective had also seized his drivers lisence for getting his noseblood on his nice shirt when he hit the man.

All in all many of the officers where feeling rather disapointed at the failed bust. The one officer long since passed from his deathly fall covered in a white sheet as collateral; A hazzard of the job...

The backup DTR team had even arrived when the talk of a Lorr had gone through the channels, A timid rookie amongst them as the backup team approached the main team huddled outside the safe house. Andrej offering the sniper, operator, and flannery a smoke each before taking a drag of his own, His expression seemingly lost in thought.

The backup team with katya in tow had almost reached the main team and would be the first ones to notice that the cordon of officers several douzen feet away keeping the crows of civilians out of the crime scene where shuffling nervously as many of the civilians seemed eager to push into the scene, shuffling hastily and shouting, unheard of by most of the DTR members as something seemed to be happening behind them when many of the civies in back began shoving violently and trying to shout over the crowd...
Haisley was kind of glad they hadn't had to gun down the whole building and fight the Lorr, though she had since snapped shut like a clam at the conclusion of the operation instead choosing to meticulously pack away her expensive gear and tighten her hoodie to the point you almost couldn't see her face behind it save for the pink hair flowing out of the opening. At the offer of a smoke she'd simply turned and walked off, finding a small perch to sit down cross legged on and whip out a laptop. The crowd was a nuisance, she hated groups of loud idiots more than she hated people she didn't know trying to talk to her, especially since she wasn't diving into her digital world.

Her screen was blank save for the window of solitaire she had opened, one of many pass times the girl had which many others didn't know of and usually never believed when they found out. Despite how into technology she was, and her digital diving and hacking, something about the simplistic card game called to her in times of boredom or whenever she wanted to block out the world for a bit.

"Can we hurry up and leave, isn't our job done here." She said bluntly to their leader through comms, not even bothering to walk to 10 or so meters to him.
Church Exterior.

Katya nervously held her trench shotgun, with a couple of bright embroidered red cross patches on her clothing. Katya also had these patches on her backpacks, other pouches, and a bright white armband on her arm as if having a couple of bright red and white on her clothing already wasn't enough. With all those red and white colors on her, she might as well as be a walking target for well-trained snipers with some decent rifles. She couldn't help it though. After all, she was the medic, and medics require a specific way to designate them from others.

It was not easy for Katya to concentrate with all the civilians and officers around her shouting and yelling at top of their lungs, especially when the crowd was trying to shove into the scene. However, Katya wasn't exactly new to these types of situations and managed to successfully ignore the chaos. The very first thing Katya did as she and the back-up DTR team reached the safehouse was to look around her surroundings for any injured people, with whether they are her fellow officer, a random civilian, or cultist not in her mind. As soon as she turned her head toward the church door was the officer, with his neck twisted and bent in such a way that she knew that there was no way that he was alive. Katya, however, still decided to run to the officer, while slinging her shotgun around her shoulder and opening up her rucksack filled with all sorts of medical gear. After all, she could at least cover the guy up properly with the grey sheet she always kept in her rucksack for such a case.
Church Exterior

Like the other officers, Flannery was disappointed with how the fruitless the raid turned out to be. The whole set up to this was a waste of time, the action was a waste of time, and the pay off meant nothing. Kids were still missing and the team was back to square 0. She took a seat against the fence the surrounded the church at the base of the stairs, propping the shotgun against it, and brooded with the other officers. Once Andrej came around offering cigarettes, she shook her head and waved him off.

"Kicking the habit." She grumbled before looking over at one of the new responders messing with the covered body and getting out another blanket. "He's already covered, you know?"
Church Exterior

"Heh. 'Sof your loss." Andrej chimed, Putting the second in his mouth and lighting it, Taking a drag out of both of them oddly without showing any signs of not committing to the double dose of amphetamines and tabbaco laced within. The second DTR team had joined the first and glanced longingly at the church, Obviously both upset that they missed the fun and that the whole objective for the raid in the first place had been brought back to square one.

Still no sign of any missing girls...

The second team lead looked to be about to give his own opinion on the matter when the nearby commotion out of sight seemed to double in its excitement as the first couple screams, Likely of someone getting stabbed for being in the way of the show erupted and people started to surge against the barriers and police blockade and away from the scene.

This would have in no way been anything other than normal if it hadn't been for something emanating between the screams and shouting; A low almost guttural hum that continued ominously behind the crowd and grew louder.

And then the first shot rang out. A civilians personal weapon, As all nepleslians where want to as the bark of a 45. resounded once and then twice and then againcutting off the sound before it was silenced and the sound started again.

Andrej looked up casually and unperturbed at the distant disruption to his double smoke break and then dove to the side without warning as a man was literally thrown over the crowd and landed almost ontop of where the kuznyetski man had been, A limp mess with one of his arms twisted at an impossible angle.

Before the kuz lieutenant had even recovered his feet however the aggressor entered the scene. The crowd didnt so much part as dove out of the way as the second monster of the day burst through the police barricade and an officer too short on the draw as a chintinous crab like claw the size of his head smashed his face in flat and sent him skidding away with an unhealthy spray of blood.

Before the team and all the officers a pause took place as a vaguely humanoid creature stood before them. It was taller than most present with bulbous chitinous protrusions jutting uncomfortably from its red/brown skin and strange layers of almost one could say shell like carapace covering most of its naked body that topped with a misshapen head with a single humanoid eye and another on a long yellow stalk that twitched and bobbed as its mouth if the two carapace flaps foaming and gurgling a white and red mixture of something could be called such.

One of its arms seemed to lock at the elbow into a massive swollen crab claw with visible raw muscle below the carapace that looked like it could put any pneumatic claw the NPF used to cut people out of vehicles to shame in the sheer strength one could envision such an unnatural weapon could exude before the strange humming gurgle emanated from its chest and fresh pink froth seemed to bubble from its excuse for a mouth.

It took a single step after surveying the scene and locked onto katya with her back turned to it.

And then all two dozen officers drew their sidearms and opened fire. It raised its massive claw infront of its face as cracks appeared on its natural armor and charged towards its prey. The strange being would have been hamburger at some point before it made it when from behind it came four more strange entities in morbid representations just as gruesome as the first as a man running on all fours and resembling some kind of hyena. The supple form of a woman covered in strange hair across her body and a dozen black beady eyes and a set of mandibles. A strange crabling not unlike the first but considerably smaller than the first at the size of a child and a rather normal looking girl in scraps of clothes except for the rabid look in her bloodshot eyes and the blood pouring from her nose and eyes betrayed any sense of human logic all lunged into the scene and at various officers whose attention was too focused on the first target to react.

One such officer was a member of the second team in the form of a stoic Cyborg having not yet reacted as two officers had stepped into his line of site and stopped any premature draw.

The five creatures charged at random into the scene and at random and tore a bloody path through the first few officers. Nearby, A concerned Lorr from before looked on in abject curiosity as his nepleslian vacation just got more exciting!

@Karakuri welcome to the team, Fam! Time to fight some monsters!
Church Exterior

The sudden appearance of this giant crab... thing snapped Flannery to her feet with shotgun in hand. Her eyes glanced over to where to Katya and knew that action needed to be taken to fast. She sprinted towards the medic, shoulder-bashing her to the side as she let loose on the monster with a the shotgun, looking for any spots that could easily be shredded with bucskhot.
Church Exterior

Katya groaned as she just found out that the body she was about to cover with the white sheet was already covered. Shoving the white sheet back into the duffle bag she was trying to look around her when suddenly, a fellow officer bashed her with such force enough to make her stumble onto the hard surface of the concrete ground. Even before Katya could protest, her eyes caught the fellow officer's shotgun raised and quickly turned her head to look at a crab-looking creature dashing toward her.

" What the he- "

Katya pulled her shotgun's sling to try to grab it but realizing the hard surfaces of the creature, Katya knew that less-than-lethal rubber rounds and buck shots from her shotgun won't be enough to even dent its thick armor-like skin. So, without a hesitation, Katya's hand grasped onto the white ivory grip of her SiZi Plasma Revolver holstered inside a brown leather shoulder holster. Pulling her SiZi Plasma Revolver out, Katya quickly pointed the piece to the creature's chest and squeezed the trigger.
When the monsters barged their way onto the scene the punk hacker's focus immediately shot up to scan the new hostiles. Snapping her laptop shut she stuffed it into her bag which was then secured to her back to avoid bouncing around, her eyes glowed a mechanical amber as the various lenses in each were cycled as she studied the creatures, her ears, tail, and claws extended in sync as she dropped low to the floor preparing to run. Given the size and physique of these monsters, she had a good chance to evade them if she went upwards. Then again she wasn't a solo show anymore, it had been her decision to return to her home and enlist so what would running now prove, that she was just a selfish coward.

"Well, it's not exactly incorrect." She huffed to herself, managing to put off her hasty retreat for a moment as she continued studying the creatures.

While her outward appearance may have shared similarities with the neko of yamatai she was definitely nothing like them when it came to fighting, the girl hadn't bothered bringing any large firearms with her as she still wasn't quite proficient enough with them so in a split second she took off in a sprint towards the rabid girl. Haisely's claws were good for close combat and the pistol she had strapped to her leg was her backup when she wanted distance between her and the enemy, with a yell she leaped at the girl intent on tearing her torso to shreds or at least aiming to cut some tendons somewhere and slow her down.
Church Exterior

Despite how one sided the battle seemed from the sheer volume of firepower, the end result was anything but bloodless. The two crablings soaked up fire left and right as the largest threat that drew all the attention. Bullets and buckshot alike struck and cracked chitin but otherwise only seemed to infuriate the strange creature until two events happened.

The first was flannery's buckshot breaking through in a tight grouping of already broken chitin, Causing the crab-mans massive arm to sag from the damage to its muscles, Though the shot seemed no bury itself very shallow not that the followup mattered as a bright green beam of energy punched through the maxillopeds that acted as its mouth and burned through the back of his skull with an audible hiss and the smell of boiled crab.

The second but large crab man attacking Katya was dispatched much the same as not so much the damage from the plasma itself but the spreading slurry of intense heat flowing through its chest cavity turned its water logged lungs into steam that boiled its insides alive, Toppling it over to the side and leaving her relatively unharmed.

The other morbid atrocities found success when the strange hyena like man got a hold of a civilian in rout and started pounding a double first into his head with a primitive display of force as muscles so overly developed they seemed to bruise and tear under his actions turned the flailing man into a limp statistic before launching towards another, and another, and another. Until finally, Dragging his latest victim in the form of a patrol officer clawing at the massive warped hand choking his life out the strange hybrid man dove over the form of the first dead crabling and hurled the still living officer at the DTR team like a flailing projectile.

The strange arachnoid woman met more limited success as she simply darted through the confused mass as the occasional bystander simply dropped, Clawing at their throat with their hands as the very hairs covering her body like concealing clothing seemed to go airborne and get inhailed by the screaming masses as it attacked and enflamed their throats and windpipes in a faux sense of choking as she joined the pursuit deeper as a new threat against the team.

The rabid young girl was the least noticed and had not completed any kills but had locked immediately onto the gaudy form of Haisely and met the challenge with what might have intended to be a scream but came out of a throat coarse and screamed dry. She charged manically at the taller woman only stumbling once as her one remaining shoe slipped off of her and dove at her shoulder first as if there was some weight behind it with the intent to spear into the office for a takedown.
The two girls collided as Haisely was met head-on by the charging hostile, her claws missed their mark as her target moved and instead she managed to collide head to head with the rabid girl. Unceremoniously falling over the assailant Haisely gripped her forehead and howled in pain, she hadn't sustained any real injuries as of yet but damn it hurt.

"Fucking, son of a." She muttered climbing back to her feet and turning to face her foe, claws at the ready with her metallic tail flicking from side to side, ready to assist her balance or act as a club if she saw fit. The cyber-eyes in her head locked onto their target, looking for any kind of exploitable weakness or a gap in the defense, hell she'd even take an existing injury, anything that may give her an edge in a close-quarters fight. The hacker had grown up on the streets and survived by playing to her strengths and others weaknesses.

"Come on then." She whispered under her breath, readying to try and counter the next attack, ears also on high alert incase one of the other nasties tried to flank her.
Church Exterior

Seeing the officer turned projectile flying their way, Flannery stiff armed Katya out of the way before stepping to the side herself as the officer flew past into the gate. The sound of ringing metal and snapping bones as the officer impacted into the fence caused her to wince before she reached into vest and pulled out a new magazine.

"Gets the civies out of here! And fucking isolate and neutralize these freaks!" she shouted while reloading, accenting the last part with a rack of the shotgun before bringing it up and letting loose on the hyena thing.
Church Exterior.

The flying officer missed Katya and Flannery by a hair, Screaming past them and hitting hard into the church steps. Luckily despite the odd angle his arm seems to rest he was otherwise alive and going between mewling and gasping in pain otherwise drowned out by the cascade of gunfire.

Its projectile out the way and its next two targets prone the hairy, cackling hyena pattern man seemed to laugh and bark and scream in all the same sound as he reared up on his twisted and canine back legs to stand at over seven-foot tall with an abnormally large chest and impossibly broad shoulder set that made his normal sized head almost comically small as he attempted to dominate the two women through some animalistic alpha male display of size and posture as he threw himself back down onto all fours and stalked confidently towards the two women with an air of predatory ease that implied the strange monster was somehow in charge of the situation.

Nearby, Haisley, still on her feet was faring better if only just. The small feral girl was a ferocious force of speed and surprising power and tenacity and had closed the gap between them in a fast dash and had quickly collided with the tech-punk head first and was trying to dig the broken and jagged nails of her hands into her pants to either rend her or gain purchase to go for her exposed throat while the techie was momentarily stunned and kept her off balance with a continued push that threatened to bring the officer to the ground if she lost her footing now, where she would undoubtedly find herself gouged from the throat as the feral girl no doubt followed the same predatory instincts off its more monstrous peers and went for the vital and exposed kill areas like the throat.

One final such monster was still striding confidently through the crowd in the form of the arachnade woman who had lingered over a familiar and writhing face in the form of the choking preacher; Who had managed to escape his bindings and made a run for it as soon as the shooting started. His bright, crimson robes making him stand out from the rest of the crowd and no doubt drawing the attention of the bug-woman who had bent down and cupped the aged mans still broken face and was bringing it towards her own slowly and methodically as her lower jaw seemed to unhinged in a set of venom dripping mandibles as he tried to choke and writhe out of her grasp.

The preacher however was narrowly saved by a size 14 boot that casually collided with the side of her head and sent her skidding several feet to jump back up and take up a defensive stance with choking spores and hairs launching off her faux naked form in all directions to paralyze her attacker.

"No this is not working on me!" Andrej declared, Tapping the mask of his HRRT suit and its built-in air supply and filtration system. Stepping casually over the still writhing preacher, The lieutenant holstered his Nova pistol after blowing a clean and still bright hole through the woman mandible yawning mouth with casual ease before moving on to something else that seemingly interested the lieutenant out of view.
Takeshi had been quietly fiddling around with what ammunition was loaded into her magazines, layering one with shittier ammo on top that went to her expensive polymer rounds about three-cartridges in before returning to junkier ammo - leaving her unused magazines as they were with a sigh, the young Nepper taking a moment to look into her helmet's faceplate as the acrid scent of smoke reached her nostrils, young Ms Yeon having declined the offer due to her job involving her respiratory system remain running at peak efficiency.

She was sitting on the hood of a nearby car in the taped-off area outside the church when everything kicked off, the young officer gulping deeply as everything began unfolding, quickly slipping the helmet on over her head with a frown of concern before the first beastie broke through the barricade - Takeshi's keen reflexes kicked her athletic ass into gear though luckily, prompting the young officer to take a few hurried strides over to the side of a parked patrol-vehicle, the halfbreed tucking herself away behind its sturdy hull as the gunfire kicked in.

She wasn't hiding, no, just preparing herself and setting up position... though it did help that she was unseen and got an opportunity to ready her rifle - releasing a spring-loaded pin that let her scope pivot to the side, exposing her .338 rifle's well-machined iron sights before the recently-reloaded magazine was slotted in and a round was chambered.

The sounds of chaos only continued it seemed, which made her frown deepen as Takeshi forced herself to bring her rifle up onto the hood of the armored patrol-vehicle - putting even space between each of the rear-prongs in relation to the front sightpost as the barrel lined up with the hyena-man's insanely muscled chest, with a simple pull of her synthetic trigger finger, a round was sent flying out her rifle's barrel.

Mutants were nothing new really and what Takeshi's aim was honed on when she was younger... anyway it had taught her that a simple through-and-through wouldn't stop a big lad like this when they were all rabid and such, no, she needed something that would break up once it hit and do further internal damage as the shrapnel was jostled about by all the muscle contractions.

Hence, a shitty round made from half-heartedly poured range-scrap with a bunch of impurities in the round, her own special kind of hollowpoint in a way, bound to break apart with ease after penetrating... assuming the sniper hit her mark.
Haisely grunted to herself, this was a fine and dandy mess she'd gotten into joining up with the NPF, mutants in close quarters was definitely not her idea of fun. Feeling the nails trying to dig into her legs she opted for a headbutt to try disorienting her foe while grabbing the hands near her legs in a desperate bid to crush the fingers with her enhanced mechanical grip, if only she'd actually built them for strength on not dexterity all those years ago.

Haisely could tell she wasn't going to last much longer unless she managed to get to her pistol. With a cat-like hiss she gritted her teeth and extended her claws, stabbing the feral girl in the hands before bringing a foot up to kick her in the chest and gain some distance. With that she managed to draw the sidearm on her thigh and began blasting away with her own feral sounding scream, it was just a coincidence but they were basically a perfect pair for each other.
The end of the battle was over with a single shot and a following salvo.

Looming over Katya and Flannery the grotesquely mutated man was coiling like a swing, corded muscles for arms raised for a strike that may or may not have connected on the stunned pair before a single crack broke above the rest of the gunfire. The results of which weren't seen until the mans next step paused and he coughed up an unhealthy amount of blood and the resulting intake of air was more of a wheeze than as actual breath.

His next step however failed as legs buckling the monster fell to his knees and clasped at a spot of red fur that seems to be slowly growing on his side, his head sagging ever so slow as growls and barks accompanied blood by the cup full as something vital was pierced by the fragmentation of Takeshis' bullet.

The look of slowly fading consciousness fading from his eyes was undescernable to the two officers as a final wheeze finished the deflation of his lungs and sagged off to onto his side limp and unresponsive, a long dog-like tongue hanging out of the side of his mouth.

Haiselys' encounter ended much louder and less fruitful as her penetration of the girl's hand sent her reeling off in pain giving the techie a brief reprieve kick the girl back and draw their sidearm. The girl, however, was nowhere to be found at the end of the salvo and showed no signs of further ambush. But not before Haisely was spooked by a strong pair of arms lifting her up from behind.

"Fighting ghosts while everyone fights the monsters, yes?" Andrej joked before carefully pushing the sidearm to face towards the ground and gave the girl a thumbs up and a click of his tounge before beckoning her over to the regrouping two DTR teams while the surviving officers collected the wounded for first responders and restored order to what was left of the crowd that had not fled or been attacked.

"Shits fucked, Andrej." The leader of the second team spat on the nearby corpse of one of the crab-men, foam still bubbling from the creature's mouth despite its lifeless state. "Four up including me, Karakuri, Katya and Arteaga. You?"

The Kuz took stock of his own team of remarkably unharmed members and stiffened briskly. A loud series of barks however caught the Lieutenants attention as slowly trodding though the disheveled officers the massive Lor was casually carrying Lily with one massive clawed hand gently carrying the gunhund with little discomfort as the puppet excitedly barked and wagged its tail while swinging her legs in imitation of swimming while she couldn't find the ground but was none the less content in her current situation of being kept above the lingering remaining hairs and spores of the arachne woman.

"Everyone is being fine from us." The grin under his mask was practically audible as he gave Flannery and Katya both hard pats on the back despite one of them not belonging to his team.

As if materializing after all the madness had finally ending however, everyone's favorite asshole detective shoved his way between Haisley and Takeshi into the meeting and spat a single word between clenched teeth.


Already present from the death of the first officer the morgue and forensics team that was unharmed had already sampled the corpses of the monsters and found many traces of many active mutations that were inert in most nepleslians DNA cocktail. Such wild mutations however where rare and random and even rare to see a single mutant go feral let alone several at once.

To top it all off the next piece of the puzzle left more questions than answers as many of the biological samples had hit triggered information in the system towards missing person reports.

The very same missing persons the team had raided the church about in the first place.

"Big guy over there." The detective pointed towards the largest of the crabs with some sobriety in his tone before continuing "Names Mathias Clockwell. Age fourteen." His answer was followed by each individual corpse.

The smaller crab was his younger brother of eleven, Jonah.
The Hyena man was a seventeen-year-old named Gerd who had been one of the first missing persons cases.
The spider-woman was a fifteen-year-old student named Ann-Marie who disappeared on her way from schooling not a block from her own house.

"All minors, All showing advanced growth through hormone therapy and medically triggered mutations the techs say." He left the last statement hand before looking at the two DTR lieutenants as recognition triggered almost simultaneously in most of the team at once but was localized first by the second team leader.

"Someones nabbing kids and turning them into mutants..."

A tense silence rang before the orders where decided.

The second team, Almost combat ineffective would combine with the first under the Kuz lieutenant and move from the direction the mutants had come.

"Haisley get your things we will be of needings you." The kuz commented off-hand while the team checked their gear and prepared to depart.

Three Blocks West

The streets were rather bare after such a cascade of gunfire and offered the DTR teams little resistance but still kept them at a steady pace as gunshots further down had slowed them time and time again and no doubt more mutants were fighting armed civilians in the direction they faced.

The first sign of anything different came in the mostly abandoned warehouse district as more than a few mutant corpses lined the streets with signs of immense trauma or gunshot wounds leaving them dead on the streetside as someone had more luck against the overly mutated and almost certainly young mutants had fought than the long and drawn out fight from the police. The culprits were close at hand and quick to appear as two groups of four men each exited from different alleyways on either side of the street and each dragging large hulking mutants with some effort threw them onto a growing pile of corpses.

As if noticing the large group of cops they spread out across the street in a lazy line but none the less showed situational awareness and were ready for a fight. Most of them wore non-descript black clothing and bandanas and various headwear but each had on tactical webbing and gear to the likes of harnesses and grenade rigs, pistol holsters and ear bud radios. With each slinging a custom ZARCNAM assault rifle on a sling and at the ready to be brought up.

When they refused to make way however the second team leader took a single step forward and raised his hand in polite greeting towards what was no doubt one of the warehouses private security teams there to protect valuable property and after one of them stepped forward to speak the two men n began quietly conversing and gesturing about.

"They aren't wanting us to proceed" the lieutenant commented casually to the team and nodded towards a nearby warehouse with a garage door that was more than simply bored off its hinges and the nearby pile of mutant corpses.

"Flannery, Takesi, Katya, David, Victor. take the side alleyways around the backs, yes? Haisley to be going with them too. Karakuri will stay with Lily, The detective and lieutenant Guerea and the strong-me to keep these men here. Be of getting in that warehouse, ye?"
Haisely bristled as she was picked up from behind, she'd been very clear when joining up she resented physical contact but apparently Nepleslia was just how she remembered it, no one gave two shits about anyone else unless there was something to gain and the big guys picked on the smaller ones, in this case, her superior decided that because she was short he could just pick her up. This was humiliating even for her, and on top of that he forced her gun hand down as though she was some child who didn't know how to hold it.

"Fuck you." she hissed at him as he beckoned her over, claws scraping along the handle of the gun as she holstered it.

As they were informed of their next move the hacker found herself decidedly bored and annoyed, it had been a long, long time since she'd had anyone grab her, not since she was with S6 or the NDC or whatever they called themselves. The small girl nearly growled as she thought back, there'd been some cool people there, and she didn't hate any of them but the way they were so obsessed with social interaction really ticked her off, people disrespecting her personal space was something she couldn't stand.

"Long as I don't have to be near that guy." Haisely spat, thumbing towards Andrej with her claws still extended, glaring intently at him while she got her stuff and got ready to follow the others.
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