Star Army

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$15 Character Artworks from Zairyo

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Do you remember Zairyo, the artist that did tons of early SARP art for us? Well I contacted him today and he's offering us some really sweet prices.

Here's what he sent me:

OK, so as you may have seen, I've been doing full color "sketches" for the past year or so. These are cheaper than the digitally inked counterparts as they are less demanding. (I'm basically jumping over a whole step with this method and the finished piece is quite similar)

Here's a better way to explain it:

First the rough sketch as always: (rest of the samples are from a different commission, I'm using this one 'cause it's the only one I kept online. Mostly 'cause I like it even though it didn't get a pass)

Second the sketch itself: This is ready for color.

Third is base color and basic shading:

And the final piece:

These are $15 - $20 each based on complexity, don't see Star Army characters being over $15 since I've drawn them before. While that piece has a background, it's just something generic I threw there so there's no extra cost for that kind of background.

If you want one of these, let me know. Here's the info I need:

Character Name:
Character wiki page URL:
Character wiki page up-to-date? (Y/N):
Uniform/Clothing Reference URL:
Notes: (Pose, expression, props, etc)

Who is paying, you or Star Army?

If Star Army is paying, answer the following too:

Have you donated to Star Army? (Y/N):
Does your character have existing art? (Y/N):
How long has this character been actively played?: (X Years/X Months)
Plot Character Is In:
Plot's Most Recent Plot Audit Grade:

IMPORTANT: Please read the following notes from the artist:

I don't know Star Army like the back of my hand, I'm very familiar with it yes but I don't know enough to the point of grasping which rank is which, what uniform goes with what or any of that. If the character has previous art (especially if the previous art isn't mine) I take that art as the main reference. When I post the rough sketch I expect all the corrections to be posted with links when necessary (like Wes did here ) if after I post the rough I get approval instead of corrections, I move on to the other phase. Getting corrections after approval means I would have to start over. That delays me a lot, so please keep that in mind, I wish I was good enough to do it like a machine but I'm not, I do my best on every request and doing it twice is problematic 'cause it doesn't look the same even when traced.

Illustrating and designing are not the same thing. I'm charging $15 for illustrations, meaning a design or clear concept should exist. This character is the one exception to the rule (just 'cause I want to keep moving) Any future request to design will have to either pay for the design or change it to something that exists.

Power Armor is extra. It MIGHT not be too bad to draw, but it is a pain to paint and in either case not $15. Too complex for that amount. Besides you're better off hiring someone that draws mech stuff if you really want that one to look as good as it should.

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Just out of curiosity, what game?
Life is Strange Episode 3 to be exact.

Can't recommend the game enough, even if it ruined me. It's currently my favorite game of all time (unless they ruin the last 2 episodes)
The character page is lacking some info. Like hairstyle, skin color , profile page talks about fur but none of the drawings have fur. The uniform colors will be done as the example unless otherwise specified. And no idea what goes on the left (my left) side of the cowl.

View attachment 2872

Apologies for my absence. Actually, every single thing you listed as missing is sitting in the player card on the right hand of the screen. Depending on your resolution, you might have to scroll down a bit to find it, but it's all in the chart. In terms of the fur everywhere... I'm honestly not sure. My impression is that they are furred everywhere, but most of their fur is rather short across their body. What looks like skin in the drawings is supposedly short fur, to my knowledge. @Kyle would be a better person to answer that for sure though.

OK, let me see


I still don't see the hairstyle, would like an image instead of a long description of body fur that I know I will have to go back to and "fix" 'cause I don't have good visual aids for this. Not trying to be a D, but can't help it. Since the skin is actually the fur, then what color is the character's face? or is it just a silverish face?

Let me know
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Patroklos Lambros

Patroklos Lambros  rough.webp

Let me know if this is OK for the character. I added some details to the "catsuit" to make it more "interesting" but if you want it as basic as the sample I'm OK with that.
Nah, Nah, I like the details it makes it look quite sexy.

Only thing of note is that he is Elysian like the previous request so he'll need pitch black wings this time.

Otherwise everything looks perfect.
Damn wings lol, OK will add them for the lineart pass.
I assume they are the same size right?
Loving the artwork so much, wanted to get into the queue for another character who may be getting another chance at life. :)

Character Name: Aran'ya "Widow" Lycosa Lmanel
Character wiki page URL:
Character wiki page up-to-date? (Y/N): Y
Uniform/Clothing Reference URL:,,
Notes: (Pose, expression, props, etc) Please consult her wiki page for some reference pics (although they are not too accurate). She is generally a bit on the punk/emo side emotionally, and has lots of necklaces. Her aspect is a Tarantis spider (tarantula/mantis), so this figures into her aesthetic. Perhaps a nanomachine injector or liquid vial in her hand to show her biochemist origins?

Do you want to pay for this commission yourself or are you asking Star Army to buy it for you? I will be paying in the future
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Chūjitsu Anjin

Anjin rough.webp

Is this OK? Should I just draw her with the hair long 'cause the bun is not visible? Also, that OK for the flying Roomba? Let me know

Commissions Tracking Post

1. Maximillian Keno - PAID (Wes), Completed
2. Tanja Dunst - PAID (Wes), Completed
3. Freyja Oinari - PAID (Wes), Completed
4. Yamashiro Sakura - PAID (Gunsight1), Completed
5. Ise Nenene - PAID (Gunsight1), Completed
6. Nagato Maki - PAID (Gunsight1), Completed
7. Ise Momoka - PAID (Gunsight1), Completed
8. Quinn Cathal - PAID (Wes), Completed
9. Abigayl Dorkley (post #11) - PAID (Semjax), Completed
10. Hugar (post #11) - PAID (Semjax), Completed
11. Yori Kataoka (post #11) - PAID (Semjax), Completed
12. Ine'dan'ir Kel'ryn (post #36) - PAID (Aendri), sketched - STILL NEEDS RESPONSE FROM AENDRI - @Aendri
13. Analiese (post #41) - PAID (Wes), Completed
14. Katayanagi Merna (post #41) - PAID (Wes), Completed
15. Hoshitomo Rin (post #100) - PAID (paladinrpg), Completed
16. Charalampos Ambrosia (#121) - PAID (Wes), Completed
17. Patroklos Lambros (#121) - PAID (Wes) Completed
18. Ambriel Cinna (#122) - not yet paid (Aendri) - Needs Aendri to make payment to Zairyo - @Aendri
19. Chūjitsu Anjin (#173) - PAID (Nashoba)
20. Ishikawa Chiasa (#173) - PAID (Nashoba)
21. Matonaka Megami (#176) - PAID (Semjax)
22. Sebestian (#253) - not yet paid (Archander)
23. Anabel Ghent (#253) - not yet paid (Archander)
24. Jei Hakuna (#254) - not yet paid (Wes)
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