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$15 Character Artworks from Zairyo

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I agree (although I didn't buy Overwatch I've watched others play it), these arena shooters are pretty lame. Overwatch does seem like one of the better ones, though. I like games with a story though so I am extremely biased on the subject.
I don't play Overwatch, but it basically looks like a newer TF2, with a little bit of League of Legends thrown into it. How much art would you give me for me to buy you an air conditioner?
My only worry is the wings. I think there's too much red and it makes her look a bit aggressive. A lighter and softer brown, probably lighter than her hair would be good, something like maybe this color.
You can email the full size to me or upload it onto the Star Army wiki (it supports bigger attachments).
Your artwork is terrific as always! I don't even know what you did for the sweater and jeans' texture, but it looks great.

Though, answering your question regarding Overwatch? I probably wouldn't have bought it if it were not for how well fleshed out the characters and setting were. Yes, it's a good game, but enough for me to buy it otherwise? Probably not. I honestly bought it because it was a good game AND had a very likable cast of characters/setting. I made sure I understood from the get-go exactly what kind of game it was and how I felt about the gameplay itself first - the sort of game that can make me pretty salty - but I bought it anyways because all the things besides the game was so well done. I mean, it can be something as simple as the posters on the walls, or the pre-game banter between the characters.

I often settle for giving people Omnic Wars PTSD Flashbacks though; Bastion is one hell of a salt shaker.
Sorry I haven't been around, first my PC decided it didn't want to boot up (thus why I kept having to turn it off after a while to avoid overheating) then a power line literally exploded but only affected my house which meant I'm not a priority, took 2 bible days for them to fix it so now I'm trying to get my schedule back on track and freaking rest 'cause I couldn't sleep with that heat and no power.
Thanks for the update, Zai! Sorry to hear about your PC/power issues.
I'm cancelling some of the unpaid commissions:
  • 26: User never paid and is on a hiatus from SARP
  • 28: Jimmy has gone inactive/left the community; also failed to provide Zairyo with payment
  • 29: same as above
  • 32: DragonNova didn't pay and went inactive in May

Commissions Tracking Post
KEY: Order #, Character Name (Reply #), Order Status (Person Paying)
1. Maximillian Keno - PAID (Wes), Completed
2. Tanja Dunst - PAID (Wes), Completed
3. Freyja Oinari - PAID (Wes), Completed
4. Yamashiro Sakura - PAID (Gunsight1), Completed
5. Ise Nenene - PAID (Gunsight1), Completed
6. Nagato Maki - PAID (Gunsight1), Completed
7. Ise Momoka - PAID (Gunsight1), Completed
8. Quinn Cathal - PAID (Wes), Completed
9. Abigayl Dorkley (post #11) - PAID (Semjax), Completed
10. Hugar (post #11) - PAID (Semjax), Completed
11. Yori Kataoka (post #11) - PAID (Semjax), Completed
12. Ine'dan'ir Kel'ryn (post #36) - PAID (Aendri), Completed
13. Analiese (post #41) - PAID (Wes), Completed
14. Katayanagi Merna (post #41) - PAID (Wes), Completed
15. Hoshitomo Rin (post #100) - PAID (paladinrpg), Completed
16. Charalampos Ambrosia (#121) - PAID (Wes), Completed
17. Patroklos Lambros (#121) - PAID (Wes), Completed
18. Ambriel Cinna (#122) - PAID (Aendri), Completed
19. Chūjitsu Anjin (#173) - PAID (Nashoba), Completed
20. Ishikawa Chiasa (#173) - PAID (Nashoba), Completed
21. Matonaka Megami (#176) - PAID (Semjax), Completed
22. Sebestian (#253) - PAID (Archander), Completed
23. Anabel Ghent (#253) - PAID (Archander), Completed
24. Jei Hakuna (#254) - PAID (Wes), Completed
25. Aran'ya "Widow" Lycosa Lmanel (#277) - PAID (PaladinRPG), Completed
26. Mochizuki Sayoko (#299) - CANCELED - ( @paladinrpg )
27. Ji'xa "Bright" Seurik L'manel (#301) - PAID (Semjax), Completed
28. Koto Nobunaga (#302) - CANCELED ( @Jimmy )
29. Ketsurui Yuumi (#302) - CANCELED (Jimmy)

30. Yumi Matonaka (#323) - PAID (Semjax), in progress
31. Mihral Leko (#324) - PAID (by Aendri, for Syaoran), Completed
32. Claire Winters (#335) - CANCELED ( @Dragonnova )
33. Kumiko Endoh (#350) - PAID (Wes paying for Aendri)
34. Raphael Castiel (#353) - not yet paid ( @Gunhand4171 )
35. Matt Henderson (#358) - not yet paid ( @Acewing13 )
36. Yamashiro Natsumi (#399) - PAID ( Wes paying for Gunsight1)
37. Rathe (#428) - not yet paid ( @nite train )
38. Ashtoreth Demir (#455) - not yet paid @cyborgakadjmoose )
39. Freyja Yuuki (#459) - not yet paid @ArsenicJohn )

Artworks in queue: 8 (3 paid)
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Character Name: Ziara Wyld
Character wiki page URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:ziara_wyld
Character wiki page up-to-date? (Y/N): Y
Uniform/Clothing Reference URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=stararmy:uniforms:duty_uniform_type_35
Notes: I would like her to be looking at a datapad in confusion, with her "free" hand on her hip. Her datapad should be in her right ahnd as that is her dominant one, while her "free" hand should be her left one.

Who is paying, you or Star Army?: I would like Star Army to pay.

If Star Army is paying, answer the following too:

Have you donated to Star Army? (Y/N): N
Does your character have existing art? (Y/N): N
How long has this character been actively played?: She was created not more than a day, or a couple of days ago.
Plot Character Is In: YSS Aeon
Plot's Most Recent Plot Audit Grade: N/A
Commissions Tracking Post
KEY: Order #, Character Name (Reply #), Order Status (Person Paying)
1. Maximillian Keno - PAID (Wes), Completed
2. Tanja Dunst - PAID (Wes), Completed
3. Freyja Oinari - PAID (Wes), Completed
4. Yamashiro Sakura - PAID (Gunsight1), Completed
5. Ise Nenene - PAID (Gunsight1), Completed
6. Nagato Maki - PAID (Gunsight1), Completed
7. Ise Momoka - PAID (Gunsight1), Completed
8. Quinn Cathal - PAID (Wes), Completed
9. Abigayl Dorkley (post #11) - PAID (Semjax), Completed
10. Hugar (post #11) - PAID (Semjax), Completed
11. Yori Kataoka (post #11) - PAID (Semjax), Completed
12. Ine'dan'ir Kel'ryn (post #36) - PAID (Aendri), Completed
13. Analiese (post #41) - PAID (Wes), Completed
14. Katayanagi Merna (post #41) - PAID (Wes), Completed
15. Hoshitomo Rin (post #100) - PAID (paladinrpg), Completed
16. Charalampos Ambrosia (#121) - PAID (Wes), Completed
17. Patroklos Lambros (#121) - PAID (Wes), Completed
18. Ambriel Cinna (#122) - PAID (Aendri), Completed
19. Chūjitsu Anjin (#173) - PAID (Nashoba), Completed
20. Ishikawa Chiasa (#173) - PAID (Nashoba), Completed
21. Matonaka Megami (#176) - PAID (Semjax), Completed
22. Sebestian (#253) - PAID (Archander), Completed
23. Anabel Ghent (#253) - PAID (Archander), Completed
24. Jei Hakuna (#254) - PAID (Wes), Completed
25. Aran'ya "Widow" Lycosa Lmanel (#277) - PAID (PaladinRPG), Completed
26. (Canceled)
27. Ji'xa "Bright" Seurik L'manel (#301) - PAID (Semjax), Completed
28. (Canceled)
29. (Canceled)

30. Yumi Matonaka (#323) - PAID (Semjax), sketched
31. Mihral Leko (#324) - PAID (by Aendri, for Syaoran), Completed
32. (Canceled)
33. Truly Venus (#541) - PAID (Wes)
34. Raphael Castiel (#353) - not yet paid ( @Gunhand4171 )
35. Skade Masashiga (#545) - PAID 8/28/16 ( @Acewing13 )
36. Yamashiro Natsumi (#399) - PAID ( Wes paying for Gunsight1)
37. Rathe (#428) - not yet paid ( @nite train )
38. Ashtoreth Demir (#455) - not yet paid @cyborgakadjmoose )
39. Freyja Yuuki (#459) - not yet paid @ArsenicJohn )
40. Ziara Wyld (#537) - not yet paid (Wes paying for @TheTechnoVampire )

Artworks in queue: 9 (4 paid)

NOTE: For #33, I already paid for the artwork but Aendri has left the site so I changed it to another character.
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