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$15 Character Artworks from Zairyo

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So long ago, Another life
I could feel your heart beat
It's not a dream, remember us
I can see it in your eyes
We'll find a place in time
A place in time beyond the sun
We'll find a place in time
A place in time to call our home

OK, let me know if I'm missing anything. Also I assume the black "palm size" spots are on the body right? Didn't drew the tail 'cause it's short enough where it wouldn't be visible with the pose. (also no reference as to how it's supposed to look)

As for the lyrics, they are of the song that is playing when I finish whatever step I'm working on (in this case the base colors) Any link between song and image is purely coincidental if it ever happens.
Well, I was thinking there would be at least a couple of polka dots on her face. Again, if they look dumb, leave them off, cause it looks great otherwise.

@Fred @Wes do we have any examples of Neko tails?
Neko tails typically have been all short fur or skin with a short medium fur end section. There's no examples of them with large bushy or hairy tails that I can recall. I hope this helps.
In the interest of constructive critique, my feeling on the polka dots is that it turned a nice looking character... not so nice.

I'm not the client and it's not my character, so take that with a grain of salt, but frankly, I think showing her as instructed made her look like she's sick.

If it was mottling grouped in patterns or freckles (darker or paler), it might look more like actual markings rather than a disease.
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Reactions: Wes
I have to agree with this. But the art is already done so it's kind of late now. Maybe we should update the neko wiki page to make it more clear what type of markings Nekovalkyrja may have. The discussion for that should go in another thread, though.
I hate to be negative but it does look a bit like chickenpox or something ..
I have to kind of agree with Wes and Fred on that as well. It does not look very natural.
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Woah, don't drag my name into this. I think it looks fine. And if Ace likes it then I think it looks great.
Honestly, Skade is one of Zai's best pieces so far. She's entirely true to the physical description on the wiki and Acewing is good with the depiction.

She looks more alien than most Neko, but I was under the impression that type of Neko was desired by the management, anyway.
It might be the different sizes of the dots that looks off to me. I love the artwork it's just my brain tells me something's wrong.
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