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$15 Character Artworks from Zairyo

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Character Name: Analiese
Character wiki page: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:analiese
Uniform/Clothing URL: none
Character wiki page up-to-date? (Y/N): Y
Notes: blue overalls, green shirt and black boots...all very worn and dirty. Hair messy and dirty falling over eyes, but not totally hiding them. Could be holding one of the tools from the toolbox. Her expression is shy.

Edit: Okay, I found a few pictures to choose from: possible pose, possible hair style, various clothing (here, here and here). As you can see, my main look for her is more like Kaylee from Firefly, but feel free to do what you want. I'm not expecting anything, which may sound cruel, but it's better that than have expectations and, well, you know.

Of course, with this one, I would like her clothing to be way too big and worn through, as described for her initial look. Or, if you think it would be better, go with a cleaner look. I will leave that up to you totally as the artist and for what this commission is worth. Any others I will get with you personally to see what else we can do when I have the funds.

Do you want to pay for this commission yourself or are you asking Star Army to buy it for you? Star Army, please!!!

If Star Army is paying, answer the following too:

Have you donated to Star Army? (Y/N): N, but will as soon as I am able to!!
Does your character have existing art? (Y/N): N
Months Character Played: <1
Plot Character Is In: The Wayward
Plot's Most Recent Plot Audit Grade: 96% A

Character Name: Katayanagi Merna
Character wiki pate: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:katayanagi_merna
Character wiki page up-to-date? (Y/N): Y
Uniform/Clothing URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=yamatai:sss:tanken_uniform
Notes: Since she is blind and uses a typical cane for blind people, please add that in!
Edit: The only thing you would have to worry about is her elven ears. I say go with what you think would work best for her to hear better than human ears, but not as well as Neko.

Do you want to pay for this commission yourself or are you asking Star Army to buy it for you? Star Army, please!!!

If Star Army is paying, answer the following too:

Have you donated to Star Army? (Y/N): N, but will as soon as I am able to!!
Does your character have existing art? (Y/N): N
Months Character Played: <1
Plot Character Is In: YSS Sakishima
Plot's Most Recent Plot Audit Grade: 98% A
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OK, it's been a while but I sort of remember the new ranking system involves some bars on the left arm right? If the traditional pin still applies let me know. Also if I got the panel color wrong, anything color related now is the time to adjust. Last if you have a particular preference for the frames (color)

You mean like the top image? Because the others don't have any pins.

EDIT: Like this?

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You're right, and I was wrong. The sleeve rank is used for enlisted soldiers (the pin is only for officer). It might be covered by her book in this one.

Sorry about that. It's a new uniform version and I'm still getting used to it.
Can you make the boots conform to the leg shape a little more? In particular, I mean more narrow around the ankles than they are at the top.
I donno, thems look like some pretty shiny but kicking boots with extra butt kicking installed ;P
Can you make the boots conform to the leg shape a little more? In particular, I mean more narrow around the ankles than they are at the top.
I guess, I've always drawn them like this with the idea that they may have that Star Trek FC magnet thing just in case the artificial gravity gets damaged.

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