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$15 Character Artworks from Zairyo

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The collar isn't the right one. The rolled up sleeves look with the shoulder pads was meant to be the one for the looks.
I thought I'd made it clear in this part of the collar post and by referencing the rolled up sleeve uniform base among the concept art. Apologies @-@
But you're talking about the collar... look never mind I'll work on that later
Sorry @-@ the latter part with the collar was to specify the collar since it was a bit vague in terms of how I'd indicated it. Thought the brief mention was enough. Apologies for the mix-up!
You realize that the sketch you gave me requires context, context that you have and I don't. For future reference if I'm drawing a concept that isn't already fully realized, put it together before you link a set of concepts. I don't mind "designing" for $15 if the back and forth is minimal.
I had identified which parts to use. The concept art was fairly well done and simple, but it could have been cropped and edited together. It was my mistake to not compress it into just the rolled sleeve version. It's clear the problem has so far been I've not provided enough clarity. It was the only short/rolled sleeve design and the furthest-most right one (as I'd said), but it seems that wasn't adequate to make clear which of the designs we'd gone with.

In the future, I'll make sure to provide that for any art I get from you. It was my mistake, as I've not worked with you on art before, so I apologize. If need be, I'll provide a cropped version of the concept art to specify it more precisely.
Draw over mine and tell me how you want it, will cut down two more passes that I may have to do. Lower the opacity of my drawing first of course.

Things were changed. Namely, NSMC patch and rank bar were added and shoulders were made symmetrical.

If you need it to be consistent with the concept art, I can procure a version that look just like that. The FM and Legix like this best, though.
Looks great. Now he just needs to be colored up. Really glad with how the uniform turned out =3=b
Definitely captured Juno's essence. Lookin' forward to seein' the final cut =3=7

And obviously Doshii is. But that's cuz Doshii is a freak for men in uniforms.
I haven't done fanart of anything since my Mercy pic, even though I kind of wanted to draw 2B among other characters from other games but with Mass Effect Andromeda coming out in a matter of hours (which btw, you shouldn't buy at full price or in this month for that matter) I opted to do a scene that I actually liked (ruined by the poor animations in the game of course) I may not finish this piece so I will share it as it currently is. I mean I'm only assuming there are at least some Mass Effect fans in a Space RPG website

EDIT: Replaced the original image with the final version as I won't be finishing the pic after all. This is as close to finished as it will get.
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