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$15 Character Artworks from Zairyo

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As the Elysians are slowly becoming more and more popular I figured I should probably get some more art for them.. unfortunately I'm short on money, so these will have to be Star Army Requests.

Character Name: Charalampos Ambrosia
Character wiki page URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:npc:charalampos_ambrosia
Character wiki page up-to-date? (Y/N): Y
Uniform/Clothing Reference URL:
First Officer Cap (White)
First officer Cap
(Due to there not being a picture of a First Officers Cap (White) with only one row of 'scrambled eggs' as wes calls it, I have to post both pictures)
Skirt (Pleated Version)
Officer Uniform
Rank Pin
Rank Stripes
Notes: Wings Spread, arms extended, legs slightly crossed as if walking, with a calm serene look on her face.

Who is paying, you or Star Army? Star Army

If Star Army is paying, answer the following too:

Have you donated to Star Army? (Y/N): Y (Site Supporter)
Does your character have existing art? (Y/N): N
How long has this character been actively played?: A week (as the plot only started recently)
Plot Character Is In: YSS Anoiktos
Plot's Most Recent Plot Audit Grade: N/A (Still Open RP)

Character Name: Patroklos Lambros
Character wiki page URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:patroklos
Character wiki page up-to-date? (Y/N): Y
Uniform/Clothing Reference URL: A Body Suit of light blue origin. Something Akin to this: http://www.dhresource.com/albu_347356070_00-1.200x200/rubber-pvc-bodysuit-zentai-suit-sky-blue.jpg
Notes: He is usually seen reading a book on histories involving the Elysians or other races, as such if you can I'd like to request a book in one of his hands either reading or closed. Otherwise Pose is up to the author.

Who is paying, you or Star Army? Star Army

If Star Army is paying, answer the following too:

Have you donated to Star Army? (Y/N): Y (Site Supporter)
Does your character have existing art? (Y/N): N
How long has this character been actively played?: Original Plot Owner wasn't around to actually do anything.
Plot Character Is In: YSS Anoiktos
Plot's Most Recent Plot Audit Grade: N/A (Still Open RP)
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And I'll actually convert mine over, since you're not comfortable with the other idea I had.

Character Name: Ambriel Cinna
Character wiki page URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:ambriel_cinna
Character wiki page up-to-date? (Y/N): Yes
Uniform/Clothing Reference URL: Going a bit old school here. https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=stararmy:uniforms:duty_uniform_type_30a
Notes: (Pose, expression, props, etc) Keep in mind that a Patrician like her has BIG wings compared to what you usually see in artwork. 9-10ft wingspan.

Who is paying, you or Star Army? Me
@Aendri: Please don't order new art for the 30A uniform. It is no longer in service or authorized for wear. We stopped using it in 2012. Please use a uniform that is currently in use like the Type 35 or Type 30C.

@Semjax : Could you fix the clothing references? A Shosa doesn't wear an admiral's cap (fixed). The skirt reference links to two examples and doesn't specify which type. Also, what's up with the blue spandex on the art for Patroklos Lambros? Just wondering.

Patroklos likes spandex.

And the Wiki says that the cap I placed down was for 'Captains, First Officers, and Admirals' , she can't have it even though she is the First Officer of the YSS Anoiktos?

Fixed the rest though.
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The uniform is a personal item, not her active uniform. She already has art that depicts her wearing the Jacket over a normal uniform, the 30A is a uniform she kept and happens to like. And more to the point, I'm paying for art, I get the say what she's wearing.
@Semjax : The problem was not that the cap was the white version, but that image you linked had the two rows of "scrambled eggs." A Shosa only has one row on it.
@Semjax : The problem was not that the cap was the white version, but that image you linked had the two rows of "scrambled eggs." A Shosa only has one row on it.

I'll have to post a second picture then as there is no White Cap with only one Row.

@Semjax: I just linked to the cap's wiki page.

So... about this spandex guy, is he wearing boots? Shoes? I noticed his bio doesn't list an organization (instead it has the ship link). I'm not going to accept paying for this commission until this is cleared up. I'm mainly interested in art I can use to enhance the site and showcase its factions and it's not clear what this one is doing.
@Wes he is a civilian that is being put onto one of the ships particularly the yss anoiktos as a civilian chemist thst was contracted by the senate. His art would be used like chars to promote elysians. So far I've only seen two elysian arts while there's a million nekos. If we want to bring the elysians attention we will need more then just ambriel and another elysian located on the character creation page. And of course he wears boots. And the spandex was more of a body suit reference rather than a kinky spandex slutty thing.

If this is an issue I will scramble money together and pay for it myself, and support the elysians on my own.
@Semjax: I'll add him to the list.

Commissions Tracking Post

1. Maximillian Keno - PAID (Wes), Completed
2. Tanja Dunst - PAID (Wes), Completed
3. Freyja Oinari - PAID (Wes), Completed
4. Yamashiro Sakura - PAID (Gunsight1), Completed
5. Ise Nenene - PAID (Gunsight1), Completed
6. Nagato Maki - PAID (Gunsight1), Completed
7. Ise Momoka - PAID (Gunsight1), Completed
8. Quinn Cathal - PAID (Wes)
10. Abigayl Dorkley - PAID (Semjax)
11. Hugar - PAID (Semjax)
12. Yori Kataoka - PAID (Semjax)
13. Ine'dan'ir Kel'ryn (post #36) - PAID (Aendri)
14. Analiese (post #41) - PAID (Wes)
15. Katayanagi Merna (post #41) - PAID (Wes)
16. Hoshitomo Rin (post #100) - not yet paid (paladinrpg)
17. Charalampos Ambrosia (#121) - not yet paid (Wes)
18. Patroklos Lambros (#121) - not yet paid (Wes)
19. Ambriel Cinna (#122) - not yet paid (Aendri)

The total to be paid by Star Army is now $120, so please no more requests for Star Army to buy art for now. We've reached the limit of what our donations can cover.
Quinn Cathal

Yes, no, maybe?

For future reference, take it easy on what the character is wearing and doing, too many extra... items? You know what I mean. Or just keep it uniform only. Also if there isn't any art of the character and you have an idea of what he or she should look like, a visual reference of that would help. Thanks

If I'm completely honest I do not like that sketch.
Besides his feet looking funny, and the odd position of his right arm/hand on the guitar, and the coat needing to be a tad longer, I think you did great considering what I gave you to go off since there is no set uniform for an independent character. Completely willing to work with you on this. What do you think needs changing?
@Zairyo I updated Yori's character page to decribe her face a little better as well as adding a reference image for it. For her commission on post 11, her tool belt could have closed pouches so nothing can really be seen in it.
OK how about this

I know I haven't drawn the rest (that's what the paper allowed) and I'm not sure how to go about that if this version is approved. (thinking of completing it digitally but it might not look right, will have to try first) Also, this doesn't have the vest because you said it's black so what's the point of detailing something that won't be as noticeable. Wastes time so I removed it. Feel free to say no if you don't like it, I won't get my feelings hurt T_T (jk) I do like this version tons better than the other one.
Sorry for the delay, had to take a break from drawing. My shoulder was hurting a bit.

If that's the skin color you want, mind if I make the coat lighter?

Added the shade map to point out that it is almost ready, needs a defined palette and the highlights
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