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[17th] Pilots Unite (Social/Arrival)


Retired Staff
Inactive Member
RP Date
RP Location
YSS Tokyo - Hanger Bays
Space in Jiyuu System
Closing in on Gemini Star Fortress

"This is Red Dragon to Gemini Star Fortress Actual, we are on route to dock with our squad with the YSS Tokyo" A squad of four Ginga flew in a formation next to each other approaching the large station that was in front of them. The engines were bursting every now and then to keep the speed equal to each other.

"This is Gemini Actual, we have confirmed your assignment Red Dragon, welcome to the Jiyuu system. Tokyo Actual will communicate with you in regards of your docking process, standby, patching you through" A few seconds later the channel changed "This is Tokyo Actual to Red Dragon, you are to dock at hanger bay one, please follow your navigation, it will guide you a proper course. Tokyo Actual out" The four Ginga's are changing their direction based on the information that was passed to them and Tokyo quickly came in their view.

"What a sight, that is going to be our new home" The Red Dragon voice stated as she leans back in her chair and smiled with the hanger in their sight, the Ginga made gently their landing and followed the hangers personnel towards their destination. The Ginga came to a halt into the position she was guided into and the engines turned down as the door opens and a woman in a pilot uniform with a red dragon helmet under her arm jumps out and looked around as her eyes stopped at a woman that was walking to her and she snaps to attention "Calm down, welcome to YSS Tokyo, my name is Nitô Juni Frigg Okamoto, I will be your Wing Commander here" She introduced herself as the Red Dragon pilot smiled softly "Ittô Heisho Sasaki Miyu, I will be functioning as Squad Leader of Squad Four" She waved her hand to the other Ginga planes that were turning off and their pilots were getting out "This is my co-pilot and crew" She waved to the people that were ready to get out.
  • Hangar Bay One - Flight Control Deck
  • YSS Tokyo

Motoyoshi-Asano Namika had arrived on her PAINT flight from Yamatai earlier in the day; the former Deck Boss of the YSS Densetsu had finally made the leap, she accepted Katsuko's invitation for adoption after a long stay at the Clan's Castle (Motoyoshi-jo) on Yamatai. The painful experience of losing her daughter the year before to Motoyoshi Kiyoko's bloody hand still had her feeling numb, with no ST data recovered the loss was a permanent one. The Taii watched as the bombers landed under Himawari's guidance, her arms folded just below her breasts as her cold sapphire eyes locked in the form of the one with the call sign "Red Dragon" through the tinted transparent pane that overlooked the polished floor of the hangar deck below.

She was probably the only member of the clan right now that was not on Jiyuu, she had been excused by the Taisho. She refused to step foot on the planet, it was one of her conditions to transfer. She cursed the day it was ever discovered, she spread the blame unfairly when it came to things but she couldn't help her emotions. Dressed in a Type 31 Working Uniform, she had an affinity towards a style of running her Hangar Bay that didn't involve clean hands; already since her arrival, she had chewed down a few technicians and deckhands that were not following her extended protocols. She liked her Hangar Bay neat, gantry ladders and rollaway tool kits in position and the polished black of the floor kept clean enough to eat off so long as it didn't have one of the magnificent craft disassembled on it. She had plenty of forgiveness for the equipment, the mess of personnel was another matter.

Namiko crossed the gangway and descended the staircase, her boots clicked against the polished floor as she moved towards the group of pilots. As she closed on the group she noticed a crack in the port pod on the wing of the Red Dragon. She tilted her head slightly as she looked it over and motioned one of the deckhands over, "I want the entire pod taken off, have a new one added from stock and send that up to the fabrication bay for processing and repair."

After that momentary distraction, the Taii moved in behind the group of pilots and crossed her arms as the squadron leaders continued to introduce themselves.
Hangar Bay One - Flight Control Deck
YSS Tokyo

Getting out of the Ginga, Reiko removed her helmet and snapped to attention next to Sasaki. "Nitô Heisho Akamaru Reiko, reporting for duty!"

The Neko couldn't believe it! A Izanagi-class ship! The largest, most powerful and most modern vessel the Fleet Yards currently provided. It had a main weapon array complemented by an incredible number of turrets! Some said it had as much firepower as 8 Sharie-class ships. Reiko couldn't contain her grin at serving on this ship. Ever since she was born she loved Starships. It was partly because of that love that she decided to become a pilot. She couldn't wait to explore it!
Hangar Bay One - Flight Control Deck
YSS Tokyo

"They finally arrived." she thought as smirked from her crate spot. She had been notified of the arrival of her new assignment enough time early to reach the hangar and perch on a crate as the bombers landed and the big officially officials greeted each other and started the contest of who has it longer. She giggled between herself at her own thoughts; she knew she had to be carefull as there might be far more that what eye could see in any of them, but still.

She stood up from the crate as she directed herself to the so officially looking officials; new assignment, new faces, all the new! And she was going to fly on a bomber, poop for the Empire's enemies! It was going to be exciting, yes. She was the red: red technician suit and red hairs, her dreads swinging lightlyon her back. Proud she was of them. But auto complacency aside, she stood at attention, salutating all the officially looking officials "Santô Hei Leiko Matsushima reporting for duty." she said, plain and clear, trying to be professionally professional for once in a while.
RP Date: YE 42
RP Location: YSS Tokyo - Hangar Bay One - Flight Control Deck

As the formation of Ginga bombers approached the hangar bay, Rowena unplugged from SPINE in order to see the massive Izanagi dreadnought with her own pale azure eyes. The YSS Tokyo was a truly awe-inspiring machine, capable of harnessing the power of hundreds of stars to wield against the Kuvexian menace. It was the first time Rowena had seen one of the legendary Nekovalkyrja dreadnoughts in real life. Her nerves tingled with the same sense of frenetic excitement and nationalistic delight that she had experienced when she saw the formation of Hayabusas flying over Central Uesureya during her first week of life. The sight of the hundreds of turrets and heavy weaponry on the hull almost made her want to consider signing up to train as a Starship Operator so she could have the opportunity to fire those weapons. Nevertheless, Rowena craved the visceral fever of piloting a small fighter far more, even if the idea of going through with the aforementioned notion was tempting.

“Gosh...it’s so beautiful...” Rowena murmured softly after Red Dragon spoke. Moments later, when the Ginga touched down in the hangar bay, Rowena took off the helmet of her environmental suit and followed her red-headed commander out of the craft before forming up to her left. The tiny gunner assumed a perfect military posture as she waited for her superiors to introduce themselves. All the while, she took in her surroundings within the busy, yet neatly-organized hangar. A row of dagger-shaped Hayabusas were only a few meters away. The much larger Nodachis loomed behind them, their imposing bulk contrasting strikingly with the diminutive frames of the smaller craft. Nevertheless, the four Gingas dwarfed them all by virtue of their presence, not to mention the heavy turbo aether cannons which bristled on their hulls.

It was truly a blessing to be assigned to serve on such a holy and venerable starship. Rowena was not a particularly religious individual, but she felt as if she were walking in a sacred site. Of course, it would be customary for her to remove her shoes, but in the context of a military starship, that would be extremely ill-advised.

When she finally sensed that it was her turn to report, Rowena quickly executed a crisp salute and took a deep breath before introducing herself. “Santô Hei Rowena Fay, reporting for duty!” She spoke in a girlishly high-pitched tone that was quite fitting given her conspicuously petite frame.
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YSS Tokyo
Hangar Bay One - Flight Control Deck

She had arrived a bit before the others after she had been reassigned from the Sakura II after the ship had made it's final time back into port and the crew had all scattered. She had decided to take the next set of orders handed down to her with little issue, a chance to try something out different. She was to be part of a squadron again, certainly not her first and she doubted her last, though this group seemed to focus more on bombing runs, which frankly was new for the redheaded Neko. Datenshi walked onto the deck, a small sway to her hips that tossed her long ponytail back and forth behind her, a grin across her face as she looked over her new crew mates.

Eyes passed over each one, taking her time to look them over, before they fell on Reiko, and for a moment she nearly fell over as she stumbled. She lost nearly all her swagger and confidence as her shoulders slumped a bit.

"Are you fuckin kidding me? You...?"
YSS Tokyo
Hangar Bay One - Flight Control Deck

Hearing Reiko introduces herself so formally made Miyu giggle a bit as she knew that Reiko was not for the whole formality thing and rather direct to a point that even Miyu wanted to roll her eyes. She noticed the new recruit introducing herself and smiled as she remembers that the woman was assigned to her bomber specifically "Welcome to the 17th and our squad Leiko-Hei I believe you will be our bombardier?" She then noticed Rowena getting out of the craft and smiled at her introduction "About time you got out of there, though you were glued to the chair"

Then Miyu heard another voice and looked at the direction where it was coming from. This woman was looking at Reiko and Miyu wanted to say something about her language what their ranks were the same and she simply looked back at Reiko "You know this one?" She looked puzzled as Okamoto narrowed her eyes at all the introductions and looked Datenshi "Are you not suppose to be reporting towards the 218th Wing Commander?" She asked with an eyebrow-raising up as she noticed the Deck Boss approaching "Attention!" She stated with Miyu going to attention as Okamoto turned to Namika to let her join in "This is Taii Motoyoshi-Asano, she will be our Deck Boss and Flight Control Officer"
Hangar Bay One - Flight Control Deck
YSS Tokyo

Reiko nearly dropped her helmet in shock. "Tenshi...?" she whispered. She hadn't seen her sister in so long. Almost a decade... Reiko felt so many emotions she couldn't decide which to express. Relief? Sadness? Joy? She didn't know.

She vaguely heard Miyu ask her something, but she couldn't say anything. Her brain was fried. She almost ran towards her sister until she heard Okamoto's cry for attention. Military protocol took over and the neko once more stood at attention. She welcomed the distraction.
Namika nodded and then spoke up, "The Tokyo's Hangar Bays are a place I expect to see you use to your full advantage. You respect the Hangar and my crew and we will make sure you get what you need and that your ships stay in tip-top shape. If any of you have modifications or customizations in mind or wish to play an active role in the maintenance of your craft, you can see me at any time," she pointed up at the flight control deck and continued, "I'm generally up there or under something down here. I'm not one for formalities, save the saluting, and stiff poses for the Flag Officers. I got too much on my plate to worry about it." She said her piece and stepped back, she was a grease monkey at heart, she had no taste for command outside of the wishes of Katsuko.
"Yes, Sir. Ready to throw poop all over our enemies!" she replied with a big grin on her lips. She could be professional and all, sure, but only up to a certain point, and she didn't say nothing bad, just the truth! Wasn't it? She remained silent for the moment as it seemed one of the so officially looking officials had a bit of a breakout at the sight of some new officially looking, was it officially looking? Whatever looking new military person coming up.
RP Date: YE 42
RP Location: YSS Tokyo - Hangar Bay One - Flight Control Deck

Ever the observant woman, Rowena quickly took notice when she saw the two bronze-skinned Nekovalkyrja staring at each other with disbelief in their eyes. After seeing the astonished expressions across their similar-looking features, she did not need any more hints to realize that she was seeing a reunion, one that was potentially precluded by many years apart. The two batch-sisters were almost on the verge of running into each other's arms. The only thing stopping them was their obligation to execute the necessary formalities of rank given the presence of a flag officer in the immediate area. Nevertheless, the sight of the two excited batch-sisters nearly brought tears to Rowena’s eyes. It made her think of her own batch-siblings, most of whom were working in the Zesuaium factories of Central Uesureya

In the middle of her first day of on-the-job training, Rowena had abandoned the career she had been created for in order to pursue the pipe dream of becoming a starfighter pilot. Of course, she had failed miserably, having washed out into a lower course to train as a gunner instead. Although she enjoyed serving in the military, Rowena could not help but to feel guilty due to the fact that she had abandoned her only family in order to chase what had ultimately amounted to a fantasy. Her guilt had led her to stop contacting them, because she was ashamed of her failure to achieve the goal she had set for herself in joining the military. She didn’t want her batch-siblings to think of her as a failure, especially since she had told all of them of her aspiration.

Nevertheless, Rowena was still chasing after that dream, for reasons that she could never put into words. Just that morning, she had woken up early to train her reflexes in the simulator so that she could re-attempt the basic pilot course and hopefully, pass it with flying colors. he had not strayed from that routine for even a single day since the week she had washed out from the piloting program. It kept her focused, whereas her emotions would otherwise have her breaking down in tears over frivolous matters, especially if she didn’t keep herself occupied with meaningful work.

Listening intently to the black-haired Taii, Rowena took a deep breath and let her posture relax. When the woman finished, she nodded her understanding. However, an errant, if slightly disgusted frown came over her features when she heard the slang term for fecal matter from the redheaded bombardier...
YSS Tokyo
Hangar Bay One
Flight Deck

Datenshi snapped into a more presentable position as the flight deck commander made her presence known, though as she did offer the relaxed atmosphere, Datenshi took advantage of it. She wasn't about to run off in the middle of the woman's little speech, it would be rude and she doubted any commanding officer would appreciate being ignored in such a manner. No, the Neko waited, and without a word after Namika spoke, she turned and quickly made good on a retreat from the group to make sure she got as far away from Reiko as she could and over to the 218th.
Okamoto smiled softly at Namika and nods "We appreciate all support you can give us, as we would not be anything worth when you guys are not around. On that note if one of my pilots is being rude or has done something to offend you. Do please report it to me and I will take the actions needed, maybe let them clean the decks would teach them" She stated with a grin as she noticed Datenshi going "Wait a minute...if you are from the 218th, that means you do jointed operations with us...you would do wise to get to know your fellow pilots"

Meanwhile, Miyu looked at the interaction and relaxed a bit after Namika wanted to be a bit less formal. Reiko ignored her question and narrowed her eyes, though she didn't look at her and smiled at Leiko respond "Hope you never feel sick then" She smirks at her inside joke as she looked at the sudden sound of two hands clapping to each other.

"Lets hit the mess hall, most pilots are gathering there to socialize with each other. More pilots are arriving so I am sticking here, I will join you guys later" Okamoto said with her hands together of the clap she did.

Nodding towards their Wing Commander as Miyu grabs Reiko arm and Leiko arm "Let's get going! Party is waiting for us!" She said a bit too cheerful.
Leiko stood silent at the various exchanges, she had said her line, she was content to let others do their stuff, as long as it didn't take too long. She wanted to do something than just stand at ready while officially looking officials talked. "Oh yeah~" she grinned, leaning back into Miyu's side, she wasn't going to say no to a party, whatever that party was!
YSS Tokyo
Hangar Bay One - Flight Deck

Stepping in, Kyle Dee stood in his new Star Army Type 31 Working Uniform, the chest color being technician red. He appeared to be very, lost. "It would appear... That I have stepped into the wrong hangar bay... again." He sighed looking out to the others on the fight deck. "I mind as well ask for some help, no harm in asking again."

Making his way over, Kyle waved over to the people on the flight deck and asked, "Hello! I'm Santo Hei Dee, I'm a bit lost and am looking for the 17th Bomber Division... Also called Dragon? I was given orders to be assigned to be their technician and have been having trouble finding my way around the dreadnought..." He chuckled nervously as he scratched the back of his head.
RP Date: YE 42
RP Location: YSS Tokyo - Hangar Bay One - Flight Control Deck

Rowena frowned, feeling slightly jealous at seeing her wing commander lock arms with Reiko and Leiko, while leaving her out in the process. Of course, the woman’s invitation to join her in the mess hall had been intended for everyone in the squad. However, Rowena couldn’t help but to feel insecure about being picked over by her commander in favor of the two Nekovalkyrja. She was already in a bad headspace after contemplating on her failure to achieve her goal in becoming a full-fledged pilot, rather than just a gunner on an ugly bomber. Not wanting to be brought to tears in public over what was ultimately a meaningless slight, Rowena rapidly batted her lashes and followed after the taller woman.

Think happy thoughts, Rowena silently reminded herself as she ran her fingers through her blue hair. It’s a party! Everything will be great and my squadmates are nice. There will also be plenty of new people to meet. It’s a city-sized ship, after all.

“Yay!” Rowena exclaimed in a slightly forced tone. “Gosh, I hope they have cookies! I could really use something sweet!” The diminutive woman added cheerfully.
Namika walked towards Mister Dee and introduced herself, "Well, it looks like you will be working with me. I'm Motoyoshi Namika, uh - Taii. I'm the Deck Boss or CO of this Hangar Bay." She looked over his working attire and smiled a little, "Looks like you're not afraid of getting a little dirty. We can get started on this..." she pointed at the bomber with the damaged wing that one of the Dragons had flown in on. "After we check out this party, of course. I hate parties so I'll likely step out as soon as I can to get back here," she commented as she made an effort to follow Miyu and her pilots to see what the party was that they had planned. She left behind a list of orders for the rest of her deck crew, there was no reason for all of them to have to endure this 'party'.
Hangar Bay One - Flight Control Deck
YSS Tokyo

Reiko was snapped out of it as Miyu dragged her into the "party". "Miyu! I can walk myself, ya know!" the neko hissed, disentangling herself. As she noticed their new gunner falling behind, Reiko slowed down until she was walking alongside her.

"Cookies? I wouldn't mind some myself! I wonder if they have cheesecakes..." Reiko allowed herself to be dragged into the small talk, mind still remembering the look on her sister's face.

"This isn't over Datenshi", she vowed in her head.
Hangar Bay - Mess Hall
YSS Tokyo

After letting Reiko go, because she was making a scene again of being an independent woman, Miyu simply ignored it and held onto Leiko's arm and smiled at her while walking into the mess hall. She lets go of Leiko seeing that it was a bit formal looking, looking around seeing lots of pilots and hanger bay personnel talking to each other, made her wonder a bit what was going on. Miyu was told that there was a party going to happen and was excited for this and not for....whatever this is "Well that is anti-climax..." She said and placed her hand on her hips looking around and back at her fellow pilots and pitch crew seeing a new one among the mids, she made a mental note to introduce herself to him later as she looked at the podium as someone stepped onto it and most folks started to look at that direction.

A woman in an officer uniform steps onto the podium and looked a bit with cold eyes towards the pilots that stood there as she softly smiled and came to a stop while turning to them "Welcome to YSS Tokyo, one of the few largest ships to be in service of our beloved Yamatai Empire. While I know that not every pilot or technician is not here as of yet, we are going to start this welcoming party. My name is Chusa Yamashita Yuuka and I am the Commanding Officer of the 17th Strategic Bomber Group or to all of us known as the Dragons!" Lots of the 118th and 74th pilots replied that with "DRAGONS! WHOOHOO" As Yuuka smiled at them as she waved with her hands to lower it down "This unit will be a key in making great steps towards our victory, we have seen what the Kuvexian army did to our ships, our people, our homes. We will not stand by and let this happen, we will go in there and bomb and destroy their assets!" Everyone cheers on that and even Miyu smiled a bit to it "But while we are restocking, the command team of the 17th wanted to give you this party to make you feel at home, welcome home!" At that moment the music started to play a bit disco with bass in it as Yuuka stepped off the podium.

Miyu looked at the others "Well that was quite the intro, I wonder what we are going to expect on the frontline....anyone wants a drink?"
Hangar Bay - Mess Hall
YSS Tokyo

Datenshi had been "dragged" along with the others to the party, more like led the way to the mess hall, of the 218th and entered with a grin after she had gotten her eyeful of the others in her squad. She cracked her neck and stretched a little as she entered and practically made a bee line for the food and drinks. Two small cookies popped in her mouth and a cup in hand of something hopefully alcoholic, she began to wander a bit. While she had been a part of squadrons and big groups before, this had to be the first command sanctioned welcome party she had been to.

The red head made it a point of avoiding the other group that included her sister, not in the mood to deal with her just yet. She had ignored a number of messages and requests from the girl over the past few years since she had returned to the military, including an offer to come work beside her. The assignments had never been front line enough for the adrenaline junkie of a Neko that was Datenshi and so she had always refused. So for now, Datenshi had made it a point of avoiding her sister like the plague so she didn't have to be close to the woman.
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