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OOC 188604: The OOC Thread

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Looks like I need to JP with @LittleWasp and @Smanthia now

Going to let everyone react, and then start up two new SP threads, one for the ground team and then one for the space-team. Those should be up Tomorrow or Wednesday.
So wait, is Arccos repairing the Spacer ship before the NMX space battle or during? And is it going to be more than one battle?
The group going to the NMX area is just doing recon, they are supposed to avoid a big fight.

Once Arccos and the gang planetside have finished building a sufficiently sized fleet we're going to try and blow up all the NMX at once.
Ahhh okay, just recon now. Will the NMX thing will be mostly just a ship-to-ship battle or will there be some Infantry action?
As a heads up.

I'm good to do the GM-thing for anyone willing to go in for digging up relics of the original human settlers of Usotzka, but if Ace wants Tomblyn and Scrabbler coming along they're going to need to report in quick-smart, else they get turned into NPCs, unloaded from the plot or killed off depending on whatever back room shenanigans we come up with.
I don't think they ever showed up in 188604, just Ragnarok. So I would say they're in Icefall still, most likely.
I meant more it's something the GM's would vote on if it comes up.

If they're busy IRL they're meant to post and inform us of that though, otherwise they've just disappeared. When they've just disappeared, their fate falls into GM hands.
Raiken are on the wiki and I don't see anything saying not to use them. This seems like a question for @shammy

Though from what I remember, Ace has only been in Ragnarock so far, so he has not fought a Raiken. Stuff like that really needs to be run by the GM if it is going to be cannon so right now everyone can safely assume Ace is just making stuff up.
ALSO! Pilots!

Looking at you: @Kevin @Samanthia @Legix (and anyone that wants to participate in some space combat)

The next star wasp SP thread is here: https://stararmy.com/roleplay-forum/index.php?threads/star-wasp-2-the-hunt-begins.30386/

The fleet is getting together (Fleet being, the 2 warships Uso has already) and is going to head to the I'ee home system soon. I'm really busy at work for the next few days, so I might not get a post in until Friday.

Also: There is a site wide meeting in 20minutes, anyone who is on should try and hop into chat!
I have a general idea of how the NMX fleet will act, where they are, and how many of them there are, but what happens is kinda up to the players.
Ace probably would wrestle the biggest on the animal to prove his point if he had to though
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