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OOC 188604: The OOC Thread

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@Jack Pine

I have a JP where Tacticus gets fixed by Truffleclub and Uso so Jack and the others wouldn't have fixed Tacticus. Plus, I never told you that Tacticus would be repaired by Jack compeltly, we suggested it yes and talked a little bit about it but it was never a confirmed thing. That and we haven't rped Jack fixing Tacticus, so technically it hasn't even happened if Jack was the one to do it. My Jp with Zack and Primitave Poloygon came before this rp, so Uso and Truffleclub beat ya to it.
a little heads up in advance would have been great though, cuz it wasn't just supposed to be jack, it was supposed to be him, kine, and Izzy.
We never agreed it would be jack and the others. I said I'd consider it and Tacticus would choose in rp. The rp with USO and truffle was to give Tacticus a place to be useful in but it took its own turn. Plus you shouldn't have your character assume he fixed Tacticus when we didn't rp it out. If its not rped then it hasn't happened.
no what is pointless is failling to notify someone of something that is going to screw up there post like now. how long has it been since this supposed jp happened?
The JP got eaten a few days ago so we no longer have it to post. We ended up starting a new one and that hasn't finished yet
You shouldn't assume that your character would fix him. Jack owns Tacticus still. Jack could've had a dream of fixing him and thought it happened.

Another pointless thing is assuming I was leaving when I didn't do anything on site for a while despite logging in. I had several people tell me they thought I was leaving!! You didn't once ask me in pm what was up, you assumed and jumped with non evidence.

We had to start it over, the original we several weeks in the works and it got eaten. We're working on the sequel so it still counts.
Guys, don't fight over this. It isn't that big a deal.

We should have let you know about the JP and we didnt. Let's move on
Jack you can have your character say it was a dream when he sees that he was wring. If you delete your post, everyone has to delete their post after it.
One jack doesn't dream of repairing things or people(well maybe one person), and two like I said I was never told of this, and three my character is supposed to give off a certain personality and being a asshole is not it.
And yet you said earlier Izzy was there to fix him. There you go!!! Have Izzy in the dream helping him fix Tacticus in the dream.
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