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OOC 188604: The OOC Thread

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I'm kinda hoping they lied about it being a holiday so that they could take the day off.

Naturally people like Flynn and Uso go along with it since they don't actually know what the local holidays are.

People occasionally ask what the holiday is about, and the locals make something up on the spot.

A year or two from now Uso decides she wants to take part in the holiday, and all of a sudden the locals have to get super-serious about all the stuff they made up for this holiday.
@Zack, at this point Mr. Donovan would be falling back on protocols left to him be Candon Suites. As you can imagine Mutually assured destruction is something Mr. Donovan is prepared to deal with using many many cheap bombs dropped from orbit and I believe Uso would begin shelling the city with positron cannons. This, of course, could significantly change the story. Is the story ready for this?
Bro, I am so sorry.
I totally meant to have Mr. Donovan call off Flynn! Let's say he got a big time 'abort mission'.

Now he and Alex need an immediate pickup and Flynn would be confident of a reward. They're using the city as cover. Theoretically they will not fire at their home.

He has a payload of compressed aerogel in crates. If the plastic packaging is broken it'll expand fairly quickly. Might help somehow.
@Alex Hart and the rest of the gang, I just want to clarify some things since this was totally not planned.

First, they are only attacking military installations. No civilian buildings.

Second, they are seeking to force a surrender, not dominion.

Third, and this one is totally my fault, they are not firing positron(antimatter) shells from space. They are just firing Armor Piercing High Explosive shells. Big howitzer shells.

And lastly, this is in response to multiple items. Keller threatening to incarcerate Alex, who is serving as an envoy of the USO, invoked the wrath of Uso who said she'd nuke the city.
Mr. Donovan, who takes her very seriously, is launching this attack to force a surrender and meeting with the city's leaders(which he doesn't identify as the mecha pilots). And frankly he did say that bad things would happen if they tried taking Alex so hopefully next time Mr. Donovan puts his foot down about not taking/harming his people, friends, and allies they'll take him more seriously. I mean, he's a robot. As far as I'm aware they don't bluff.

EDIT: I got of topic
Basically he's attacking so they don't get nuked.
Uso didn't want to handle the diplomacy because she was tired and it sounded boring.

Part of the fun is that things don't go according to plan. This plot isn't really on rails and it is certainly possible that the characters will end up getting everyone killed.
I can understand why, Alex, I don't particularly like it either but that's just who he is, I'm playing a character. If Candon were there he'd have probably talked Uso down and infiltrated the city later but Mr. Donovan doesn't tell Uso what to do and doesn't identify her threats as empty.
The city isn't defenseless. It's a half buried colony ship that has been terraforming this planet for the last 10+ years. It's held on against the Elysian and the Rixxikor so far.

Consider this an opportunity for Alex to show how heroic he is, and how he is different from the morally grey characters like Donavan and Uso.
You know, Alex, that's a really good point.
but now that I'm thinking of it I really don't think common artillery shells can't pass through the atmosphere that fast, not without shielding anyway...

So the order was pretty universal to not harm civilians, I imagine the gunnery teams would be throttling back the velocity so they can A) make it to do target and B) hit with appropriate force so as not to be a nuke equivalent.
Well the bombs haven't reached the surface yet, and I think Alex and his mecha are going to get insta-killed by silber if they try anything aggressive since they are already on edge.
Wouldn't help much. 2 ships with 4 cannons each all double tapping, that's 16 shells per salvo and they'd be moving very fast, probably too fast to hit. It might be possible, but highly improbable to block them. Though maybe if he saw who they were coming for he could warn the pilot? Not sure if he can do that but Maybe worth a try?
Maybe Alex could try reasoning with Donovan to simply get him to safety?
No arrest, no nuke threat, no reason to be there.
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