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OOC 188604: The OOC Thread

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Corgan probably is glad he isn't there heh. Although a tactical strike team would come in handy. This incident could be the catalyst for forming Section 6.
Heads up, that wall of text took forever! There might be some errors. let me know if you see any and I will correct them as soon as possible.
JK maybe 12 or 13 to shields and electronics. They're primarily just to disable and hamper their weaponry
@Alex Hart dude, I am so sorry. I completely forgot to post. I don't have time to make a post today, let's just assume that mr. Donovan has his hands full keeping the shuttle level.
Actually I have a friend who wants to join sarp and she is an amazing artist, she told me that she would be opening a DA account soon. Her work is amazing, and she said that she was open to doing commissions for the site.

So the Frontier Service Corporation needs a suit for its people's protection. It will be openly available to all manner of buyers. It's 30-40 dollars for the art and I would like to have different variants available.
If enough of us contribute I'll hire the artist to make something like different helmets or an armor package, what ever seems to be the most wanted piece.

In the meantime I'm going to still work with him to make the base version.

ALSO, credit where it is due. Ark3nd is the commissioned artist.
Oh, also, I forgot to mention this part. I am a bit selfish. The way I see it, if I have to spend a significant amount of money on this I don't want other factions getting to equip their entire army with it. It'll make me super jealous. At the same time I want to be able to offer something special to the people who chip in for this art commission.

So here's the dealio!
Because I really do want to see this in use by multiple factions and see some variants I am offering unlimited usage of this submission, and the line art to make your own coloration if you choose, to ANYONE who chips in to defuse the cost.

I mean anyone on the website will have unlimited in character usage for their faction. This is only going to be offered before I pay the artist, so once I use my PayPal it's too late.

The more people we have chipping in for this the better this is going to work, because if we can manage to have a surplus of contributions I will invest that surplus into further development of artwork for this project, which will probably be an upgrade to light power armor. So that means contributors now get full access to a power suit and light power armor for their faction.

As always, I'm open to other opinions, ideas, or comments.I simply believe that this is the best way for everyone to benefit from this expenditure.
Reactions: Ira
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