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RP (non-canon) 1st SORT: R&R #1

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Retired Staff
July 1943, Malta, Mediterranean sea.

The SORT was, for the most part, cordoned off from the rest of the Military forces on the tiny base on the tiny spot of rock in the Mediterranean sea known as Malta. Not much more than an out of the way airbase with a tiny, neglected garrison, Malta was the perfect place to put the SORT while keeping their existence as quiet as possible. The SORT had their own separate facilities, mostly in tents; Barracks, a small mess, showers, briefing areas, and places to simply relax. Entertainment was mostly card games, though there was a horseshoe pit as well as enough space to play football (Both American and regular) as well as a few bats for baseball and other similar games. Somehow, one of the supply officers had scrounged up a projector and a movie screen, although the selection of films was mostly limited to propaganda and a couple of John Wayne movies.

April had, for her part, taken to sunbathing near the rocky coast of the tiny island. She had acquired a folding chair somewhere, as well as a book or two, and simply sat about, having removed more splinters and bits of shrapnel than she bothered to count, and otherwise sewn up the NECOs to allow their healing to work even faster. Now, it was time for her to rest. And why not? it was the middle of summer, they were not assigned any tasks, and NECO physique meant that she would be in perfect fitness for the rest of her life whether she lifted a finger or not.

"Y'Know..." she muttered, mostly to herself, though anyone nearby could certainly hear her. "This aint so bad."
"It is like a fantasy land. A paradise."

Jane sat under her makeshift umbrella, a healthy piece of silk from a discarded training parachute stretched over wire, held together with clips and with a shot machine gun barrel for a stem. She wore discarded uniform pants, rolled up at the legs, and a simple undershirt.

She liked the sun. Just not when it was so ... prevalent. Her skin wasn't much for tanning.

She watched the water, which behaved nothing like the water she was used to in Norway or Montana, the state her mother and her had moved to when they emigrated. It was clear like glass, a beautiful sea green, and there was nothing between her and the rocks. She was a good swimmer, but she didn't want to jump in just yet. The dry wind was so pleasant. It tickled all the hair on her arms, neck and temples before blowing through her loose, curly locks.

"Enough to forget the war."
Clair lay sprawled out under a tree, eyes closed, the wind grabbing at her platinum hair as she relaxed. An opened book lay on her chest, a novel by a professor of midievel language at Oxford. The breeze felt good as did the partial sun that shone through the leaves and branches. All was peaceful.

She had healed up nicely after the splinters and bullet fragments had been removed from her wounds. She was still not used to how fast everyone who had undergone the Neco experiments healed. It was inhuman. She had then spend the time to replace the damaged stock on her bren, she had not been pleased that it had been broken during the mission.

Even worse though, Rosie had been killed. There had been a small ceremony after the completion of the mission. None of them new each other well, even still, but Clair had liked the American woman and thought they could have been friends. She felt a twinge of regret and guilt that the young woman had been killed so soon. It was the danger all of them faced. Death could take them at any moment, even here there was the threat of death. The enemy was not all that far away really.

Clair pushed those thoughts out of her mind and picked her book back up, opening it to the long narrow leaf she had placed as a bookmark.

'Riddles in the Dark' the chapter title read.
Catherine was sitting under parasol similiar to one Jane made, after Cat nastily made a similiar copy of her own. Only her had a rifle with for a stem. Rifle whose action exploded. Where one usually put put clips was a black, burned hole. It made for a good stem though. Cat was glad for a bit of shade and blanket to sit on. It was way too hot for her. She was used to temperatures under zero celsious. It was about 40 celsius here. Summer in the south. Cat was dying of hot weather.

"Ugh... so warm." She said, reaching into bucket of water where she tried to cool some lemonade. Water was cool when she poured it, now it was already getting warm. "Is there a way to chill oneself here?"


A jeep arrived into the small camp. A good old Willis. Driver was a corporal of american army, nice enough to give a ride from airport to a woman sitting next to her. The woman smiled at him, "thanks corporal!" She wore an american uniform, minus any flag or rank and her cat-ears clearly stated she was a NECO. FVS, Morgan and Bob would not recognize her of course.

It was Milena, the czechoslovakian neco, that was held back for some tests so she missed the mission at Castellucio. That was over now and she arrived to Malta as soon as possible to regroup with her unit. She took her large backpack and quite long hefty sack from the back of the jeep and waved the driver off. He gave her a nod and a smile and hit the pedal to the metal screeching off, trying to show off to the lady. What he did not know, was that she could drive better then him.

Milena looked around the camp, which seemed rather deserted. Just some tents of various sizes and no cat-eared ladies to be seen. "Sakra, I hope I arrived to the right place." She muttered. Milena hefted her backpack and sack with her machine gun and started walking to the big tent, hoping to meet some inside.
In the water in front of April she'd see a tan figure surface and then go back under the water, it was Robert doing some swimming exercises for a time. His well muscled arms and legs churning the water as he swam. He'd swim back and forth a number of times and then swim to the edge of the water and the rocky shoreline and pull himself up out of the water before starting to do a number of pushups and sit ups as he warmed himself up from the somewhat cold Mediterranean water. He'd do about 100 sit ups and roughly 50-60 push ups before standing up and starting to jog in place briefly to loosen up any leg cramps he may have gotten before taking off running. He had nothing else to do and it was a lovely day compared to slogging through the jungles of the Solomon Islands so he had decided to get some PT in to keep himself at the top of his form.
Malta. Just far enough away to make it feel peaceful. Just close enough to make sure that you couldn't forget that there was still a war going on. Riikka found herself pondering the empty chamber of a Colt .45 as she walked away from the tent she called home. It was too warm, too humid, and just too peaceful for the Finn's tastes. She had nothing to do and it seemed like she had nobody to do it with. Everybody was too busy beach-lounging.

And then she had heard the jeep. It had pulled up quick, on the dirt crossroad several feet away. The driver and one of the passengers exchanged a few words, and then the drive had peeled out. Rather badly, even in the opinion of the Finnish farm-girl.

And she recognized the NECO stepping out soon enough. Deathly fast footsteps, running with the .45 tucked in her beltline, she threw herself in to the air, on impact her legs wrapped around the target's waist, and arms over her shoulders.


"Umpfff!" Sighed out the czech woman as something landed on her back and wrapped itself around her body. She made a few steps forward before she caught her balance finally. She straightened herself up and turned her head towards the side from which she felt a hot air on her neck.

"Good day," Milena responded with a sigh. "Seems you are healthy enough."

The Finn pouted, "Are you calling me fat, Kirjat?"

She kicked a leg at the woman's hips lightly and pointed off with a free hand.

"Tents and racks are that way." Then she pointed off to the sea, "Most of the lovely young naiset are on the beach right now."

"I guess I'll drop the baggage first." Milena nodded and went to the tent, Riika pointed at. She walked fairly easily considering all the weight she had on her. She held her backpack in one hand, sack with machinegun in toher and also gave piggy-back ride to a healthy full grown finnish woman. "So how did the mission go? Too bad I could not go with you girls."

"Eh, we lost one. But you know how it goes. Went like the green ones always do: stupid and too quick to stop it." Riikka did her best to shrug from her position "Held a ceremony, but once you've been to one you've been to a million. Doesn't make it easy but she's probably just the first. You know?"

If the Finn was expected by an outside observer to be impressed at the Czech's display, familiarity with both the woman herself, and the enhancements all NECOs retrieved meant she was rather nonplussed.

"So what have you been doing, Kirjat?"

There was the sound of rushing water from a small shed in the corner of the camp near the cottage the SORT's tents had been arrayed around. Then, with a loud awkward squeak, a young man stepped out through the door adjusting his waistline and belt. He sighed in satisfaction, and then waved his hand in front of his nose as though trying to wave away a bad smell.

It was Morgan, the young private who'd miraculously survived jumping from a flaming plane and been caught up in the groups first mission by mistake. The lieutenant had dragged the young private around to keep him away from blabbing to his comrades about the strange ladies.

He noticed Milena walking into the small group of tents, then he flinched a little as he saw what the blonde-headed woman had on her back. He waved to them both awkwardly.

Riikka found herself suddenly noticing something coming out of the shower stall just before she disappeared into the tent. She tapped Milena eagerly on the shoulder.

"Hey, hey Kirjat. Kirjat! Out there is a guy who shot me!" She was grinning a bit too widely for that kind of announcement.

Valerie was still lying on her bedding in her tent, and a loud yawn could be heard through the camp as the Englishwoman rolled over and took inventory of what happened last night. Her mouth felt a little dry, her head felt a bit heavy and she was in a state of undress under the covers. She rubbed her temples, robed up in some rudimentary casual wear she bought along, and emerged from her tent, scratching her feline ears.

Milena turned her and her eyes pierced the young american. She frowned, turned and walk the few meters to him. She checked him head to toes and then turned to Riika. "You were turned backwards to him or did he just got lucky?" Milena asked the Finn.

The Czech would get a seemingly playful swat on the back of her head, "Hey, don't be mean to Vauva. Not everybody just gets to shoot me and walk away with it. Besides," she shrugged, "he's kind of cute."

Morgan found himself staring at the ears. It was so strange, and all these women were so self- confident. It looked from one to the other. "Uh, hi." he said simply.

"Good day," Milena said to the paratrooper. She looked him up and down again and then grinned. She extended her hands forward, one holding the sack with MG and second backpack full of stuff. "Care to help a lady soldier?"

Valerie could hear the sounds of conversation somewhere out near the shores and started moving in that general direction, loafers, long dress, shirt and all. "Morning..." she said groggily to nobody in particular. "What happened last night?"

"Uh, alright." Morgan replied automatically, taking the backpack and MG bag without noticing how heavy they were until the combined weight of trying to pick up both spun him around and started causing him to stagger and topple sideways.

"Morning," Milena replied matter-of-factly to Val who suddenly showed up, while she grabbed the man by his jacket to not let him fall down. She giggled as she watched him. It was a little joke, but it was still a little mean. "Are you fine soldier?"

"Oh stop it. Like I said: Vauva is a little cute. Go easy on him." With that she hopped down from the Czech's back finally, moving around her to Morgan.

She grabbed the backpack from him, which was rather easy considering its weight. But she was no serving girl, somebody else could carry the machinegun. And then Valerie had showed up. Rather than talk, like a normal human being, Riikka's face suddenly gained a light red hue. She turned away from the Englishwoman and pointed towards the tents.

"C-come on, Kirjat. Let's get you to b-bed."

"Morning Milena," Valerie said to the Czech as she watched Riikka appear to blush and make tracks. "I see Morgan's all well after Sicily, sun's out too." She peered across the horizon and onto the water. She mumbled something about not enjoying swimming - she could swim competently, but found it unpleasant once her ears got to the water.

"I bet Catherine is hating on the sun already." Milena quipped with a laugh. She reached and grabbed the MG sack back from the soldier. It was just a joke, but for her it was really easy to carry. "Well then where is my bed then Riikka?"

Morgan sighed with relief as he was relieved of the weight, his red face slowly returning to normal color. "Ha, ha." he panted slightly. "Uh, well, I just wanted to say-"

"Oh, relax Vauva, just stand there and - and look cute." Riikka seemed to be making a visibly pointed effort to not look in Val's direction, "We're bunking two - t-two to a tent right now. Three if you're feeling cos - nice."

The stilted way that Riikka was talking was attracting Valerie's attention, she looked right back at her, eyebrow quirked. "Something wrong?" she asked from afar.

Riikka's nod was vigorous, and painfully forced, "Ye - no. No! Nothing wrong, Val. Just, go to the b-beach. Or something." There was a very quiet murmur of, "Jotain vaatteet päällä."

Just go to the beach? Well, in order to do that, she had to get her bathing suit on, and she left that in her tent. So she started walking towards her tent, and inadvertently getting closer to Riikka.

"Well Val," Milena stepped in to defuse the strange situation, she did not understand properly. "How did you do? I heard we lost someone on the first mission? Who? What happened exactly?"

"I guess I'll... miss her rosy personality." Valerie said, train of thought being re-coupled to the memory of Rosy. "She was a very chipper person during training with that tank rifle. Now she's just another ray of sunshine in the sky." She waxed poetical as she kept walking to her tent absently.

"What happened? She forgot to keep her head down?" Milena inquired more. She was curious, she wanted to know what happened to technical sergeant, so she could prevent that happening to her or other NECOes.

"She domed herself." Riikka announced, taking just a half-step further from Val, "At least that's the story I got." Again she muttered something indiscernible, Finnish, and most likely about Val, "So Morgan!" She was cheery at the change of subject "How are you fitting in?"

"Domed herself?" Milena turned herself to Val, to not interrupt Riika and Morgan. Doming she did not know, dooming she did. But one could hardly doom oneself, unless one jumped a cliff or stood before a rolling train.

"Brained herself, she means," Valerie clarified, tapping her forehead with her index finger. "According to the LT's report, her rifle blew up on her and the bolt took her head out."

"Well that was hardly her mistake. That was just bad luck." Milena frowned. She did not like Riika dispensing dead Rose as if she was moron. One could hardly control if her gun fails. It was not as if their weapons were not maintained. All of them had drilled into them to maintain all their weapons in top-notch state. "Probably a bad shell. Exploded in the barrel, threw the bolt back. Nasty business." Valerie nodded in agreement as she knelt down and went into her tent. The sounds of shuffling fabric could be heard inside.

Morgan's eyebrow raised as he listened to these women talk so casually about losing one of their comrades. He'd never met this Rosy, and with nothing to really add he kept silence for a while. He looked between the three women curiously. As the silence continued after Milena's last statement, he interjected awkwardly. "I'm sorry for your loss."

Riikka vaguely noted the Englishwoman disappearing in to one of the tents as she entered another. Picking one of the two bunks, she threw the Czech's bag on to it rather lazily, "You lose one, you lose a hundred, Vauva. That is just the way it all happens."

She turned around with her blush fading and a wide smile on her face as she regarded Morgan curiously.

"So! Vauva, you have beach clothes?"

"Uh, I'm practically wearing everything I own." Morgan said, looking down at his dirt stained uniform and boots, gesturing them with a hand and then looking back up.

The Finn shrugged, "Then we'll go alasti, Vauva, it'll be fun!" She shrugged, "What do you say? Come oooon! What's the worst that could happen?"

Milena tossed the MG-kit where Riika tossed the backpack. A good old field bed. More of a cot then a bed. Still it was something better to sleep on rather then ground. The woman leaned downed to her backpack and tied off the helmet that was there, placing it by the bed. It was an old custom of her. Back in Britain, everyone had a helmet handy. You never knew when shelling could come. Of course the chance of that happening here was astronomically minimal, but it could still happen. With that, Milena took of her jacket as it was still pretty warm, tossing it on the bed along with her belt and sidearm.

"Uh, what does that even mean?" The young man asked, scratching the back of his and cocking an eyebrow at Riikka in confusion. "Are you a kraut or something?"

The tent that Valerie had popped into opened again, and she emerged in a conservative one piece bathing suit. It was made for the colder British waters, whose idea of a 'a day at the seashore' was normally a cold affair. She looked herself down and sighed. Since the NECO process, it didn't sit as well on her as it used to.

"Well then," she mumbled as she evaluated herself and frowned. "Guess I'll see if these Maltese beaches are all they're cracked up to be..." and she walked right past Riikka towards the beach.

"A 'kraut', pffffffffffft! I'm a Finn, Vauva!" She smiled, "So come on, silly!"

"A Thin?" Morgan asked. "Is that a state or something?"

"It - its a country." She deadpanned, "Near Russia. In Europe." The Finn rather angrily shook her head, as if dismissing the issue, "Whatever! Come on, Vauva: you. Me. Beach. Let's go!"

"Colour me surprised," a sarcastic remark could be heard from the tent as Milena emerged again. She only wore a t-shirt, her pants and actually took her boots off. "An american who does not know geography. You are invading a continent and you don't even know what countries are on it soldier!"

"Ah, okay!" Morgan replied to Riikka, smiling. "Sounds like fun."

"You kids go have fun, I am going to go have a smoke and cup of coffee in the mess-hall. I assume that is the big tent over there." Milena pointed at a big bloody tent.

"Of course it sounds like fun, Vauva!" At that point the Finn energetically took the GI by a wrist-grip, and took off for the beach, "So let's go!"

By now a perceptive man would have noticed the Finn hadn't changed yet. This puzzled Morgan slightly, but since he didn't have a swimsuit either he guess she must just like the sand as he was pulled along, he ran to keep up with her, but his legs couldn't quite seem to catch up with her. He laughed in amazement as he saw the clear quality of the water.

"Wow, I didn't know ocean could be like this. I thought it was cold and grey." He marveled as he ran with her.

"I know, right? Its amazing!: The Finn was practically laughing.

She let go of his wrist and started to slow down. She seemed to be trying to keep up her speed while working at getting her boots off. They were tossed aside carelessly and she waved for him to follow. Continuing to work at some of her clothes.

Morgan skidded to a stop as he saw her somehow skip off her boots at full run, quickly he leaned down to start undoing his own, leaning down and bending his leg up to reach his laces. He hoped on one leg and looked back up at her running towards the water as he fiddled with his laces.

One time he would look down and she was still mostly clothed. He might look up again and see she was down to her bra. Another glance away and he wouldn't have seen her without her pants because she'd already dived in to the water. The pants were laying on the beach, completely abandoned.

She was waving for him, laughing the whole time as she went out into the water.

Morgan's eyes slowly widened as looked on stupefied. Had she just run into the water naked in front of man? Truly these women were unlike anything he'd encountered. Slowly he got his boots off and stripped down to his skives, hoping clumsily out of his pants leg towards the shore before falling into the waves with a splash, quickly swallowed by a lazy wave of salty water.

He shook his head as he looked up and scanned the sea for his companion, still only half believing this was real. The water felt refreshingly cool against his skin after the heat of the day and his heavy uniform.

By then Riikka had disappeared, or at least he wouldn't be able to see her. Yet behind him, the Finn managed to maneuver. It was equal parts devilish plan and hatred for water that encouraged her to work for the surface. As she popped up, hands clamped down over the GIs eyes with a triumphant cry from the Finn.

"Surprise, Vauva!"

Morgan laughed. "Hey!" he complained, smiling. "No fair!" He twisted around to try and break her grip over his eyes playfully.

And with legs quickly around his waist, Riikka fought for the advantage against the admittedly taller human. A fight which couldn't end well floating in the open water.

Morgan swung around fruitlessly, stepping in circles with the enhanced woman on his back, laughing. His arms swung it mock panic and then the grasped her hands and pulled his head back. "Ah ha!" he declared triumphantly as his eyes could see again.

Not one to give up so easily, Riikka did her best to maintain her "assault", with the GI thrashing about while she tried her hardest to keep a hold on him. He managed to grab at her hands and nearly threw her off-balance - but threw her weight forward, closer to Morgan's back. This was her chance.

"Not so easy, Vauva!"

She used her superior strength to wrap her arm fully around Morgan's head to block his eyes once more, pressed to him to try gaining better control. Inadvertently, her chest pressed against his shoulders.

The young man paused, and she felt the heat building up in him as he blushed. "Uh, Uh, Rii-" he uttered. "I, I don't think that's a good idea!"
As the others piddled around, Antoinette was down the beach a bit on a beach towel in a large floppy sunhat and swim suit. She was a bit embarrassed at first when the Drill Instructor yelled at her for bringing it back in boot but now she was quite happy that she had her swimsuit, And they called me silly for bringing it, I knew we would be at some beaches. She thought to herself flipping another page in the Yank issue she was reading, she still didn't quite understand why it was so popular with the regular solders. The articles are soso, and the illistrations are good but no Renoir. Finishing up another article Antoinette flipped the page and she immediately turned a dark shade of scarlet. "Oh la la!" She said to herself flipping the magazine sideways to get a better look of the pin-up centerfold ," So zees is why zese GI's like zis zing!"
"Ugh... so warm." Cat said, reaching into bucket of water where she tried to cool some lemonade. Water was cool when she poured it, now it was already getting warm. "Is there a way to chill oneself here?"

"Out there," Jane said, pointing to the water. "It isn't cold, but it is supposed to feel — "

At that point she saw Riikka frolicking, naked, in the water. With the gangly private who they had scooped up and kidnapped ("transferred") into their unit.

Also looking very naked, at least to her conservative eyes.

A red band streaked over her nose and her cheeks, but she smiled, sighed, and thanked God someone was having fun.

"Do you have anyone waiting for you at home, Cat?"
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Cat blinked few times as Jane asked and looked up. She prompted herself up on her elbows and she could see very much naked Riika on top of that paratrooper they brought with them, doing who knows what. "Oh my," Cat simply said, blushing a bit herself. She then looked at Jane.

"Just my Pa, and my mother. No boy though. There was one, but it did not lead anywhere." Cat sighed, remembering home. The boy was named Jack and they spend some times together. It was nice, but as she said it did not lead anywhere. Besides if her dad would find out, he would probably shoot Jack. "He was drafted, I have no idea what is up with him. When I left home he was still alive, but that was like a year ago. What about you Jane? Anyone home."
"My mother," Jane said. "The men of my family were shot and killed by the Nazis early in the occupation. They were resistance fighters."

She kept her eyes on the wide, clear water. "She waits in Montana for me, working in a cousin's general store. I left her all of my enlistment money, and the rest I make goes back to her."
April looked up from her book as Catherine and Jane traded stories. "Ah know yer feelin's, with the men o' tha family, Jane," she commented. "Mah brother was killed at Dunkirk, part of the American Expeditionary forces in France at the time..." the Blonde medic looked into the waves for a moment, pensive.

"Hopefully our contributions help end this war quicker so less people have ta feel tha pain of losin' a loved one."
Valerie had entered the water ahead of Riikka and Morgan and their frollicking, restless antics. She was lying on her back in the surface of the water, looking up into the sky and away from the sun. Perhaps, the sound of the quiet, bubbling water in her ears was what she needed to unwind. However, that peace was upset quickly once Riikka and Morgan started churning up the water and causing the formerly quiet whorling noise of peaceful water to be replaced with splashes on sploshes.

Some of their splashing got on Valerie's face, in her eyes and made water go in her ears. She stood up in the water and looked at the two offending parties. "Riikka, do you mind!?" she yelled, ears flattened against her head in anger. She thought was entitled to a moment of her definition of peace, but that seemed to be at a premium when the Finnish woman was nearby. Most of her indignation was pointed at the Finn - the scrawny private was just caught up in the storm that was Hurricane Riikka.
"My dad is back in the army too, though he is too old to be in the field, so they have him train troops. He fought in the Great war." Cat explaind, she was saddened to hear that both her comrades lost some of her family to this war. "I have been lucky so far, my family is all right. Though few men of my town I knew fell. Stupid war. I just wish they would give us rifles, insert us in the Germany so we can shoot the Teetbrush Moustache himself. Get me within 2 kilometers of him with no wind and clear view and I will put a hole in the wanker."
Jane felt the losses April suffered, and a new respect for the brash American rose inside her. She knew. She "got it," even if it was under different circumstances.

"Hitler is one man," Jane said, adjusting her pant legs and speaking toward her feet. "Many more Nazis have to die before the real war ends."

Her moment of grizzled seriousness ended when Valerie shouted at Riikka. She looked up and laughed at the poor British woman's peace being foiled by the Finn.
Riikka was still atop the young paratrooper and didn't pay an heed to his words as the two of them thrashed about. Her smile was glowing as she sought to try to control him, with one hand over his eyes still. She was so brashly confident of her "victory" that when she had noticed Jane looking her way she offered a happy wave. The Finn hadn't noticed Valerie, however, and the moment she heard the Englishwoman's voice, Riikka had looked to find where it was coming from.

The Finn's cheeks turned red and in a moment of distraction she found herself flung from the poor GI under her own little "assault", straight for the water. She stayed under for a few seconds before scrambling back up with a fit of coughing.

"N-not fair!" She declared, though her broad smile betrayed her serious tone.
Tiff had been asleep for much the time at the beach, a odd thing for the usually energetic girl. But now she was awake and ready for some fun! She had missed the newbie coming in but as she strolled to the beach, spotting the nude Riikka, she grinned stopping at Jane and April. She had heard the sniper's comment about Hitler and as she began to shimmy from her rolled up pants, She spoke up to the two.

"Hitler may be one man, but the Nazis are like a snake. Cut off the head and the body will die." She said as she finally slipped all the way out of her pants. The two NECO near her would be treated to a view of her panty-clad backside, before she began to move to the water.

"Why didn't you all wake me up! You all let me sleep this long no fair." The usually energetic American shouted as she waded into the water, grinning all the while at those already in. She still had her tank top on, but that soon enough became see-through to show off the bra underneath as she cared little for modesty. She was quickly making her way toward Riikka, the one woman in the squad she had taken a shine too, and after a moment or two of maneuvering through the water launched herself at the girl from a few feet away. She intended to tackle her under the water.
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Putting down her magizine Antoinette sighed, thinking that she should pry be more social. From what it looked like everyone was having a bit of fun... getting naked and tackling the boys they had picked up on the way. Pushing herself up off the ground, she grabbed her beach towel and threw it over her shoulder before making he way down the beach to join the others.

"Bonjour!" She said with a chipper tone and wave as she set out her beach towel in an open spot to where she could jion in the conversation, "I zee our comrades are enjoying zemselfs in ze water."
Meanwhile, Robert had finished his calisthenics and was about to start on his run, he started off jogging somewhat slowly towards the beach and seeing who was around before calling out to them "Any of you ladies care to join me for a run?" He'd stay there jogging in place for a few until he got any replies from the other members of the team. Even if they could do nothing and stay in shape it was still always good to make sure the muscles remembered how to do things like run for long distances, swim, climb, or fight. Better to have the muscle memory still there rather than let it atrophy away and be unused until they needed it when it might fail them.
As Riikka was flung from his back the young soldier lost balance with the sudden weight gone spun, lost his footing and tumbled into the surf. Two hairy legs stood out above the waves for a few seconds as their owned tried to figure out why the lights had suddenly gone out. Then Morgan reappeared gasping for air slightly, he shook his head and ran a hand through his hair sending a spray of water into the air.

He looked around, suddenly startled at the number of people that had suddenly appeared and quickly sank back down into the water to his neck looking quite embarrassed.

"Uh, yeah. I'll run with you. I guess." Morgan replied, shifting towards shore trying to keep as much as possible of himself underwater before he was forced to surface to stand on the beach. Unlike the rippling muscle of Robert, Morgan was much shorter and slimmer. Big and strong compared to light and agile, not to say all those runs up Currahee hadn't don't Morgan some good. He stood next to Robert and worked his muscles a little as they waited.
"Well you know. Cut off the head..... exactly like Tiffy said." Cat smiled at Jane, trying to not pay attention to the american girl rushing off, into water and Tiff's shirt sticking to her body. It was showing off quite a lot. Then Ant joined them Cat gave the french a nod. "Oh hello there Ant. We were just talking about how they should send us to kill Hitler."
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