Star Army

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RP (non-canon) 1st SORT: R&R #1

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Clair glanced up from her book to see what the others were up too. She did not feel like joining them in the water just yet. She had been enjoying her solitude, some time to collect herself and relax. She set her bookmark, then closed the book and set it down beside her. She then picked up the thermos of hot tea she had brought with her and poured some out into the lid.

She sighed. They were getting noisy, she would not be able to read in peace much longer. Claire leaned back against her tree and sipped her tea. Just a little more quiet.
April shrugged when Robert asked if anyone wanted to go on a run with him, and set her book down, picking herself up off the lunge chair she3 had been occupying. "Ah guess tryin' ta tan is a futile effort with a body that heals this quick, so ah wouldn't mind goin' on a run with ya guys. Where ya headed, anyhow, Robert?"
"Not sure yet, just planning on runnin' 'til I get tired, then mosey on back for some chow and perhaps another 2-3 mile cool off swim afterwards. I guess it really depends on how far the rest of y'all feel like runnin'" Robert replied as he got two takers willing to run with him and he was curious to see if anyone else wanted to come along.
With all the naked or nearly naked flesh about, Jane thought she would be more comfortable running than she would sitting, doing nothing.

But she had run this morning, and did her climbing farther inland. She wanted the time to relax while they had it. It was a small advantage to being NECO, and she was going to use it while she yet breathed.

"Thank you for the invitation, sir," she said, the title used out of respect. "I think I'll see that the swimmers don't drown from embarrassment."
Since her discussion buddy got up and took off, Cat sighed and stood up herself. She laced on her shoes and jogged to where the rest is. "I guess I can do a bit of running as well. Can't let the muscles get all lazy." She giggled and stood next to Jane. Catherine stretched her back and then did proper short exercises one did before running.


Meanwhile in the camp Milena walked to the mess hall. The warm ground felt nice against her bare foots and she could not wait to go on her first mission. It was time to fight and she was damn best soldier on the planet. Or at least she was supposed to be one. Milena suppressed those feelings as in her mind she realised, this all was just her being anxious to jump into fray and do something. That was okay, but one must not be impulsive. Jumping before looking can get you killed. With that on mind she entered the mess hall.
Running. Now that was something she was definitely not going to do, Clair thought to herself as she saw a group of the others get going. She had enough running with PT early in the morning, she did not need any more in the middle of her allotted time to relax. She closed her book and set it down next to the dew other things she had taken with her to the spot under the tree and got up. Maybe a swim would be nice and refreshing. She was glad she had packed her bathing suit and now wore it under her khaki shirt and shorts.

Stretching, the British soldier unbuttoned her top, slipping out of it, then her shorts, leaving her in a plain black one piece. She set her clothes down, kicked her shoes off and headed down to the beach, quickly submerging herself in the cool Mediterranean water.
"They WHAT!?" Fian exclaimed out loud. If some of the enlisted in the mess hall didn't notice the LT in the corner, they did now.

"God dammit, Vel. Have you been taking your medicine?" The other man replied over the phone. "Look, there might be another excuse for ordering 1,000 new Panzer Jackets in feminine cuts. Maybe they are really hurting for tankers?"

"I think they'll surely make little Panzer Jackets in prepubescent boy cut first before they put a regular Fraulein in a tin can full of sexually deprived men." Fian snorted sarcastically. "Whats next, are you gonna tell me the Japs have made a thousand sailor suits with short skirts to put little girls in? Because I bet that's what gets Togo off."

"Besides, 1,000 is an awfully high figure. I don't think our program is going to go into three digits before the war is over. They could just be screwing around with us." The voice on the other end replied nervously. "Nevertheless, HQ says I can borrow one of your cats for a reconnaissance mission or two."

At this, Fian noticed someone that could pull off a feminine Panzer Jacket walking up to him. "Speak of the Devil. I'll talk to you later." He quickly hung up the phone, straightened out his shirt and turned to face the new arivee, fully expecting the usual salute and introductions.
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Milena entered the mess hall. A simple big tents with rows of tables. To the side was a big coffee tank and some cups on tray. Lunchtime was long time past and too early for dinner. It was a small encampment anyway, so she would not be surprised if the necoes were not left off to eat from tin-cans and crackers anyway. There was also a man with lieutenant rank bars on his uniform, handling a field phone. It must have been the new officer. Milena nodded to herself and walked up to him.

"Milena Špaténková reporting to unit sir," she said, standing at attention. She did not salute though. As she came here from british intelligence, she did not even have official army rank. She was just a killer send there to help.
The Vel Steyr looked at Milena blankly, his eyes slightly glazed over before he cleared it by shaking his head. "Damn meds."

He produced Milena's file from under his arm, as he last checked and it still is, the file was completely blank except her name and even then without the squggly dashes typical of an Eastern European origin. It was sent over by the British intelligence, who were evidently still very loathe on sharing more information than necessary.

"Welcome to the 1st SORT. So, tell me about yourself. Where you are from, what do you do."

And then, despite his Austro Hungarian genetics, the LT went on to casually make a faux-pas. "We got another Russian yesterday from the UK too, so you wont be completely without company."
Milena blinked few times, then frowned at FVS slightly. Then her face returned to neutral expression. She got a bit used to being called russian, even though she did not like it much. At least he did not call her soviet, like few yankies did. Bloody yankies usually did not even know that there was something slavic nations and there were more people with similiar languages and names like russians. Than that said, there were some yankies who thought that Europe was a big country and has just smaller states fight each other and were bitter that 'goddarn europians' dragged them into war. That said, stupid people and ignorants could be found in any country.

"I am not a russian sir, I am from Czechoslovakia. Country currently under german occupation." Milena explained to her new co. "I worked for British Intelligence as analyst and translator, until they send me over. Apart from czech and english I speak fluent german. One could mistake me for native. I got the training you could expect from a spy. I can parachute, slit throats, move silenty, woo a german soldier that sort of thing. I would very much appreciate if you would not have me woo any bloody germans sir. Only thing I hate more then germans are french."

Milena snickered a bit and then she continued. "My primary designation within the unit is a machinegunner, but I am trained with everything. Same as other girls, though don't expect me to shoot people in the head from a kilometer afar. I am also a mechanic and can drive any APC and most tanks. I was even shown a Tiger tank captured in Africa. Let me just say I hope we won't see any of those. Also if you need anything blown with a cannon I am your lady sir."
"Yah know what." April suddenly blurted. "Ah think Ah migh' be a bit hungry."
It was definitely a cop-out, and brutally honest, but while April, and in fact, the rest of the NECOs didn't need to exercise to stay in shape, they did require quite a bit more food than a normal person due to their high metabolisms and powerful immune systems and regeneration capabilities.

"How's about we just uh, run over to tha' Mess tent instead?"
Riikka had been too busy to see the attack coming. Between water dripping in her eyes from when she was cast from Morgan's shoulders and the fact that Valerie's words - or rather her being so close, in nothing but her beach clothes - brought a red hue to the Finn's face. So devoted was she to suddenly becoming interested in the horizon out at see as she took to swimming lightly with a laugh that hopefully didn't sound too forced at Valerie's expense that she hadn't even heard the splashing of water just behind her. By the time she had any idea what was going on it was because she was already being pushed under the surface. While down there she did her best to maneuver around and using training and strength to her advantage. By some miracle in her flailing struggle she managed to get a tight wrap around the waist of her attacker with her legs and attempted to roll her weight to place her above her "opponent".

After all, play or no play, it'd be egg on her face for the resident CQC expert to loose in a fight: splashing in the water or not.
At the mention of food, Jane's stomach gurgled something fierce. She looked up, blushing at the sound, and nodded. "I think I had better join you before my body rebels." Riikka, Morgan and Valerie would just have to get along.

She stepped up and circled her arms around one of April's. "I hope there are eggs."
"Sounds like a reasonable plan to me" Robert replied with a mild smile. "No reason to go hungry today I think, we may find a day in the future where we end up on short rations dealing with the Axis."
"Yes more instant eggs and cans. Can't wait." Catherine laughed out loud. She was ready to do some good exercise, but it seem that the gang decided it was lunch time. That was okay with her really. "I should grab my rifle and go shoot us a deer or something. Me and Tiff can prepare it for you guys then. It would be awesome.
Antionette was about to saying something about how a direct assault on the Eagles Nest would be crazy or suicidal, would be a better idea if it was an inside job, before food was brought up. "Ahh oui a petite zometing would be nice, maybe some escargot or some ozer seafood dish, ve are on ze coast after all."
Clair finished her swim. It had been relaxing and peaceful since everyone else had gone off to do other things. As she got out of the water, she brushed her wet platinum hair away from her eyes and walked back to where her things were. Picking up her towel she dried off as best she could, then slipped back into her khaki shorts and top. Buttoning everything up, she tied her hair back in a ponytail and grabbed her book and towel before heading back to the main part of the base.

She returned her things to her sleeping quarters, then went to the mess to get a bite to eat for lunch.
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