Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC 1st SORT Restart Role-Call


Inactive Member
Okay, for those of you who clicked this for curiousity's sake because you weren't in the original, welcome! We'd love to have you join us if what follows seems interesting to you! What follows is essentially a non-canon alternate-universe roleplay set in World War II.

The 1st Special Operations Reconnaissance Team (1st SORT) is an Allied weapons program aimed at developing a new breed of super-soldiers, genetically altering young women to bolster the ranks of the men now fighting. The 1st SORT is, appropriately, the first successfully altered women to take part in this project. Essentially you will be playing a Neko, sans flying and telepathy, taking on special and dangerous operations in what would more or less be a "hero unit".

As a note, normal male GIs would be able to serve, but we'd prefer more Nekos (NECOs in the setting) just to overwhelm the poor commanding officer.

For those of you that were in the original, this is all old hash.

For those of you that weren't, here is the link to the original IC thread.

For signing up, follow along the lines of the format below for your character.



Other Information:


Fian (GM) -- Fian Vel Steyr
Homeside 6 -- Riikka Kaitala
ShotJon -- Milena Špaténková, Catherine Smith
Doshii Jun -- Jane Sarah Rosenthal
Gunsight1 -- Clair Elizabeth Sheffield
Luca -- Valerie Meyers
Born-On-Board -- Willard David Baird Jr.
Compouds117 -- Nika Zaytsev
Lamb -- Clayton Morris Thomlin


Name: Riikka Kaitala
Age: 26 years old
Rank: Alikersantti (Corporal, Finnish Army)
A Finnish ski commando with a softly defined, round face, the green-eyed NECO could be described as an attractive spitfire. Toned from her past work as a commando, and larger than average bust would have one thinking she was an undeniably feminine spitfire. Shorter than some others in the unit, her uniform hides the tone and muscle she has developed and just how strong she can actually be in a fight - even by the newly set standards of a NECO.

To the other NECOs of the program she is warm and friendly, considering them all her sisters, and coming up with endearing nicknames for each of them. Even if she may get in fights with some of them, she still considers them far better than outsiders who have yet to prove themselves to her. Others she doesn't like - or who are targets of her boredom or interest - have been targets of the lowly whispered promises in languages they may or may not be fluent in that have developed her reputation as possibly being a flirt.

Winchest Model 1912 shotgun, 12-gauge, w/ bayonet.
-- "A haulikko. So I can be sure."
-Secondary: PPSh-41 submachine gun.
-- "Sometimes - sometimes you just need a lot."
-Backup: Mauser C96 "Broomhandle".
-- "If all else fails, it can be a club."
-Extra: PMD-6M series anti-personnel mines.
-- "Go ahead. Jahdata minua."

Other Information:
- Fluent in Finnish, Russian, German, and English.
- Passing knowledge of Italian (she can swear).
- Illiterate.
- CQC expert, survivalist, and mechanic.


@Kai, @Gunsight1, @Yoshi, @Riko, @Fian, @Centurion0507, @Doshii Jun, @SageShooter, @ShotJon, @Luca, @Jimmy

For quick access to your old sign-ups.
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GM and GMPC reporting in.

Name: Fian Vel (Von) Steyr
Age: 27
Rank: Lieutenant First Class (United States Army)
Description: An Americanized second generation descendant from Austrian immigrants, he changed his name slightly to avoid discrimination due to the war. Slightly taller than average with a lean but toned body covered in slightly tanned skin. He has short parted black hair with dark brown eyes. A good complexion, narrow nose and small chin makes him look a lot younger than he actually is. Fian is well read and educated, holding a Bachelors in Science which he leveraged for his commission. He speaks mainly English and Austrian, with some understanding of Chinese and Japanese. He was attached to the American embassy in Beijing prior to the war. He is currently the Commanding Officer of the 1st SORT and tasked with commanding and evaluating the NECO soldiers.

In actuality he work(ed) for the Office of Strategic Service and was one of the many agents that infiltrated, stole and sabotaged the Japanese NEKO research program prior to World War II, and was one of the few that survived the last part of that operation in China. Despite witnessing the atrocities and inhuman experiments commited during the course of the Japanese research program, he voted to hand over the stolen data instead of destroying it, He has since secretly regretted that decision. The data was later used to start the Allied NECO program. Has mild PTSD and an allergy to cat hair as a result.

-Primary: SCR-694 Field Radio
-Secondary: Luger Pistol
"They can have it back one 9mm at a time."
-Backup: Very Flare Gun
"Wow! Such brightness!"
-Extras: M16 Smoke Grenades X 4
"Dont throw the airstrike marker when you want the supply marker and vice versa."
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Itsa me! Czechio!

Character 1

Name: Milena Špaténková
Age: 29 (Born on 20th of february 1914
Rank: no military rank
Languages: Czech, English, German
Primary skills: Heavy weapons (primarily MGs), CQC (Smgs, knives, hand-to-hand), Heavy Vehicles (half-tracks, armoured cars, trucks and tracked vehicles)

Description: Born in 1914 in Czechoslovakia (Austrio-Hungarian empire back then), Milena grew up in small mountain rural village in northern parts of the country. The village mainly lived from a wood industry and luckily was fairly untouched by World War I. After the war the Empire fell apart and the village was officially czechoslovakian. Still there were a lot of germans living in it.

Milena was always a bright and curious child and it was clear that she would not stay back for long. She moved to Pilsen when she grew up and attended the university there, studying history. By that time there were already tension between czech and german people in Sudetenland. Something Milena was very sorry about, but could do very little about.

She finished school, but was unlucky in searching employment in a museum or other such place that would play well to her skills. In the end she found work at Škoda factory. Not a perfect job for a girl, but at the time she was not picky. She ended up on the line helping putting together various machinery. Engines, cars, tanks, cannons. Of course as a women she worked on the easier tasks, still she learned to handle a welder fairly well.

Within few years she got an eye of one of the higher ups and moved up to become his secretary. After all she was fluent in german and also learned english in school, plus she could write well and had organisational skills needed.

Soon after year 1938 came and germans rolled into the country. Milena was staggered as France left her country to dry, rather giving up in face of Nationalistic germany then stand beside an ally. Milena saw them as traitors and cowards. Before Germans rolled in to get the factory, Milena stole a technically specification of most equipment made by Škoda at the time and fled to Poland. She lived there until 1939, when war broke out.

Even then she fled to Denmark, and from there to Britain. By then it was inevitable that Britain would be pulled in the war so she contacted the military. She gave them all the specifications she had. Mainly on tanks like pz 35t and pz 38t, which were made by Škoda, but accepted into German army. Milena joined the British Intelligence after some scrutiny and worked with them. Mainly she translated any possible documents in czech language they got their hand on.

Secondarily she was trained for a time, where they would send her back to Czechoslovakia as a spy. Sadly that time never came as british focused on France and resistance there. Milena could not go there as she did not speak french and there was no time to learn the language. Not to mention that her hate for France was fairly clear.

IN 1942, opportunity was presented to her to join the so called NECO program. It was a top-secred and volunteers only. Milena did not hesitate for long and joined. After more training and and sub-sequent transformation she joined up. The girl could not join the team on their firs mission to Sicily, because she was held back for few tests, but with that done she is ready to join 1st SORT on their second mission.

Milena is very strong-willed, calculating and calm. She tries to be honest and dislikes lies. When riled up she can get fairly passionate, which is easy to see whenever french, german or poles come up. In battle she generally stays calm and tries to stay in the picture.

Her set of skill is various. She knows history very well, and speaks english and german apart from her native language. Still her years working in the factory gave her a certain mechanical skill set. She can work simple repairs on engines or weld fairly well. This was emphasized even more during her training in NECO program. Milena's transformation process was a bit different. Her bones structure and muscle structure is a bit different, giving her a better toughness, stamina and endurance. In other words, her bones are harder to break, she is harder to tire, but she is not any more stronger than other cats.

Her main status is a machinegunner, but as a Special Operations operative she was trained to work well in other fields. She is good with rifle, has needed survival skill. She as agile and trained in acrobatics and athletics. Milena got basic training needed to work with explosives. She was also taught how to operate heavy vehicles as tanks and shoot large cannons, just so the team has someone who knows that if it was ever needed.

Milena is not very tall at 5'8", but she has a fairly womanly figure. She lost some of it due to training, which made her more athletic, but she still has rather wide womanly hips and bountiful breasts. Her hair is raching up to her shoulders and without any noticeable fringe, but she ussualy wears it in twin-tail or a bun. The hair is straw blonde. She has cat-like eyes, yellow-brownish in coloure. She has normal human ears with slight fur on them, her hearing is slightly worse then NECOes with cat-ears, but she can still hear special whistles.

Likes: Books, history, americans,
Dislikes: French, German, Poles, Soviets, Communists, Fascists, Brocolli
Goal: Help freeing Czechoslovakia.

-Primary: Lewis Gun - 30.06 caliber version
"Hard to screw up or miss with. Just fire enough rounds."
-Secondary: ZK383 - 9mm version
"Trust in your nations equipment and it will help you achieve your goals."
-Backup: Browning Hi-Power
"Sure, Colts hit harder, but I prefer the extra few rounds."
-Blade: Fairbain-Sykes
"Sometimes you need to get your hands dirty!"
-Extras: 4x Mills Bomb
"Making others disperse."
-Extras: 2x Smoke Grenade
"Harder to be seen? Harder to be hit!"
-Field Shovel -sharpened for close combat and cutting wood.
"For when courtesy is not what you need"
-Uniform: Varies from the mission.
"Dressed to fit in."

Character 2

Name: Catherine Smith
Age: 25
Rank: Private First Class
Languages: English, Knows french enough to have a conversation
Primary skills: Markswomanship, hand-to-hand (knife), stealth and camouflage, outdoors and survival

Description: Cat was born in Canada in 1918 to a butcher lady and a ex-soldier, now hunter. As an only child she mostly spent her time with her father, as her mother was mostly busy with the shop. That ended up with Catherine being out most of the time and as soon as she got old enough, she had rifle in her hands and hunted with her father. Wilderness and outdoorsmanship were her things. She found she liked shooting and so she did a lot of it under tutelage of her experienced father. Whenver she was not helping in the butcher shop she was out in the woods.

She also spent one summer of her teenage years in Australia. Her dad took her, when he traveled to see his friend from Great War. The Man, who quickle became Uncle Jimmy, was a tough aussie hunter. He and Cat's father were both snipers in Great war. Most of the time they spend the time in the outback, shooting kangaroos and whatever else could be shot. There Cat also learned a little bit about survival in savanna-like place and how to be careful about poisonous animals.

When the war started, she wanted to do what she could to help and went to nearest military office to join up. Of course she was laughed at and sent home. Then she raged at the officer and told him she would outshoot him any time of day! He responded, that he would want to see that. Ten minutes later he did. Still it only made the man madder and had her dragged out. After that, Cat tried to go to America to see if she could convince yanks, alas not successful again. Until she noticed an application for female volunteers to special project. After a bit of thought she joined up.

Catherine is a sniper and specialist in survival. Her past life taught her how to survive in wilderness and how to shoot her rifle accurately. She knows how animals behave and how to track. When Cat joined the program she got extra combat training in canadian military and even more later with rest of the program members. Parachuting, athletics, acrobacy, demolition, hand-to-hand and knife-fighting were among it along such things as driving a car or motorcycle. Growing up in northern Canada made her quite resistant to cold weather, which was later boosted by the NECO process.

Cat is slender and rather tall for a girl. She used to be 5'9", but the tranformation buffed her to 5'10" and added some meat and muscle on her bones. Somehow the process also boosted her cleavage, which makes her a bit uneasy about it. Catherine's hair is dark-brown and cut short so it does not get in a way, reaching only under her ears. She has a black furred cat-ears that were given to her by the process. Also she found out after the transformation that she is ambidexterous.

As for personality, Catherine is supportive of her comrades and just wants to get out and shoot krauts. She hates the war and wished to help with it being over. Otherwise she is cheerful and likes the life in the unit. As for discipline, she listens to orders, but tends to get into mischief when no officer or NCO's are around. She enjoys sneaking up on people.

Likes: rifles, knives, animal, food, movies
Dislikes: Krauts, soviets, snakes, hot weather
Goal: Fight in the war, be knighted by the british king if possible.

-Primary: Lee Enfield - sniper version
"Best for the job."
-Secondary: Welrod - 9mm version
"We'll go all sneaky-like."
-Backup: Colt Police Positive - 6 inch barrel
"Six is all I need."
-Blade: Fairbain-Sykes
"Sometimes you need to get your hands dirty!"
-Extras: 2x Mills Bomb
"I like to keep distance, but sometimes I need to make others keep the distance."
-Extras: 2x No. 69 Grenade
"Smaller boom for special occasions."
-Uniform: Denison Smock with Mk. III helmet
"Dressed for ball, with the fanciest hat of them all."
Name: Jane Sarah Rosenthal
Age: 27 years old
Rank: Corporal [Originally Private first-class, 10th Light Division (Alpine)]
Description: Jane lost family to the Axis powers and their mad genocide. She was lucky that she and her mother escaped to the States in the early 30s. Her father and brothers weren't so lucky. Their deaths give her dark brown eyes that haunted look, framed under the wavy ribbons of her dark hair contrasted against her pale skin. She stands at barely 5'3" in her fitted uniform and black boots, but she's a tough bitch, especially in the cold. She's a sharpshooter by trade, so her hair tends to be pulled up and tucked under a patrol cap.

She's surprisingly warm-hearted, and very much about building up the team. The quiet moments are when she tends to be less accessible, so she tries to focus on her duty or the rest of her team. She wears a gold Star of David around her neck on a steel necklace chain.

She gladly, even enthusiastically, volunteered for the NECO project from her home in Long Island, N.Y.

-Primary: Springfield Armory M1 Garand.
- "Fast, accurate as a bolt-action, kills every time."
-Secondary: M3 submachine gun.
- "When things are dirty."
-Backup: Model 1911A1.
- "To be sure."
-Extras: M7 grenade launcher with 4x rifle grenades.
- "Destruction from a distance."
Her eldest brother's puukko, with an ash handle.
- "To be ready."
Soviet NR-40 knife.
- "From a friend."

Other Information:
- Fluent in Norwegian, German and Hebrew. Can passably understand and speak Finnish. Her Russian is rusty.
- Worked at Republic Aviation as foreman assistant, later as test flight crew, until she signed up in 1942.
- Has experience with German and Russian long guns, and while she expresses discomfort using them, she also carries a full clip for each.
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Name: Clair Elizabeth Sheffield
Age: 23
Rank: Colour Sergeant, Royal Army
Description: Clair is short and on the curvy side. She has long platinum blond hair and big bright green eyes. She it outgoing, friendly and has a sarcastic sense of humor. Clair has a thing for big guns and making things go boom and enjoys a good ale, tea and scones. She knows how to speak multiple languages including Finnish, French and German in addition to her native and proper English.

Clair is one of the original SORT members, having been chosen for the program early on. She has seen a decent amount of combat in her time with the unit.

-Primary: MK 1 Bren light machine gun
-Secondary: De Lisle Commando carbine
-Backup: Webley Revolver Mk VI, Mars Automatic Pistol .45
-Extras: 5x No. 76 Special Incendiary Grenade
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Back for more, just like before.

Name: Valerie Meyers
Age: 22 (Born December 16th, 1920)
Rank: Private, First Class
Languages: English, some Finnish
Primary Skills: Riflewoman, Hand to Hand Combat, Submachine Guns, Weapon Assembly and Maintenance, The Mad Minute

A picture of her pre-NECO can be seen here.

After the NECO program had finished, Valerie was 5'9" and her body had went from average to an athletic and lightly muscular build. Her fine motor senses went into overdrive, and pulling the bolt on her rifle or assembling fine components for weaponry became as effortless as blinking to her. She keeps her hair in a neat, flat, sandy blonde bun so she can wear her helmet without fuss. Her green eyes had turned yellow as a side effect of the NECO process, and her face had become somewhat leaner compared to her previous self.

Personality wise, Valerie seems quiet and reserved. When left to her own devices without anything to fight she seems to be content to spend her time getting lost in a book. She's a fan of Carroll and Verne. She has a preference for fighting smarter rather than harder, but values the right application of force when there's no clever way through a situation - and most of the time there isn't.

Born in 1920 to a well-to-do family of food merchants, the family's profits had fallen into the red with the advent of the Great War, and another, greater war underway. The family patriarch, Jonathan Meyers had to work closely with the military and frequently had officers visiting his house. Valerie was to be integrated into the company as a secretary and given a good education, but it came to a grinding halt when her school and his land was destroyed during the Blitz. Heartbroken, Jonathan had to face the reality that she would be caught up in the war and the Blitz had torn any hope for his company's recovery apart.

Valerie was drafted into the war to assemble weaponry for the soldiers alongside scores of other women. Occasionally she was called on to test the assembled weapons to ensure that they were functional before they were sent to the soldiers on the front lines. One of her favourites to assemble was the Sten. She prided herself on having the magic touch when she tested them and they came out reliable and well made despite the reputation the gun had for being a hasty, unreliable weapon.

When the brass were looking for candidates for the NECO program, the factory heads noted Valerie's excellent shooting skills when she was called on to test gear. They had a colloquialism that the weapons were so well made even the woman could use them like a commando. When she was notified of the NECO program, she was reminded of the look on her father's face when he sat down with her and told her that he'd lost it all and that life was going to get harder.

For him, she volunteered cooly, but eagerly. She wanted revenge for her father's losses, and the opportunity to do it head on beckoned to her.

Having gotten her feet wet in combat in Sicily, experiencing the loss of a fellow squadmate, completing the mission and extracting, Valerie has come out knowing that she can't always have the time to line up shots, and snap decisions need to be made for life and limb. During debriefing, she ended up making friends with Riikka as the squad was debriefing and cooling down. The reserved Englishwoman and the hotheaded Finn made strange bedfellows.

Arsenal & Armour
SMLE Mk. III, British .303
"I don't need a scope. It'll give my position away."

Secondary: Sten Mk. II, 9mm, suppressed and with magazines taped together for flip-reloading.
"I assembled it myself, and it still works as well as the day I made it."

Tertiary: Webley .455 Revolver
"I've been told this is a powerful cartridge compared to the kraut's nine. More bullets, or more bullet?"

Throwable: Mills Bombs x3
"Frag out!"

Blade: Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knife
"I feel guilty using this. It's a work of amongst the ugliness of trench warfare."

Headwear: Mk. III Helmet
"If I clean it, I could probably cook with it." (laughter)
Uniform: Denison Smock
"It was difficult to get this in a women's cut..."
Extra: Silk Scarf
"Lieutenant Fian told me the pilots wear these."
Name: Rosy Brown
Age: 21
Rank:Technical Sargent
Description: Rosy is a mid sized lady with quite a bit of curves, compressed into her uniform.Her red curly hair hair and shiny green eyes scream her Irish heritage. her gruff demeanor contrast with her need to watch over her fellow team members. Rosy focused on long rang combat, and heavy machine distribution lead her to hauling a huge anti-tank rifle around like most would their m-1 carbines.

-Primary: Lahti L-39
-Secondary: M-1 carbine with folding stock.
-Backup: Colt 1911a1
-Extras: Cigars and dynamite. X10

OOc:: I'll come back as long as Kia is not in charge of anything.
I hate to say this but it is very much an issue, we have two posted threads containing lamentations of our women plus at least one more on the pads with commentary about her passing. NECOs are 20th century Nekovalkyrjas, but there is no 20th century Soul Transfer.

You'll have to make a new character, Rosy is sadly mortal, but she is immortalized.
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Name: Willard David Baird Jr.
Age: 27
Rank: Sergeant (British Army Reconnaissance Corps)
History: Born to a set of loving parents in a small, no-name burg of his native Scotland, Willard was only too happy to go fight the Hun when the opportunity arose. Joining the British Army under the 51st Highland Division in late 1940, Baird was attached to the Bren carrier section just before the British Army re-organized its infantry Bren Gun Carrier sections into the Reconnaissance Corps, where he served with distinction first as a rifleman attached to a universal carrier, then gunner, then driver, then commander of his own vehicle.

Baird was the only survivor of his Universal Carrier, which was destroyed during the invasion of Sicily. He sustained several non life threatening injuries during the loss of his vehicle and crew, and spent several months recuperating in a hospital behind the lines. Word reached him during his recovery that the 1st SORT, an experimental combat unit, required the services of an experienced Universal Carrier driver, he immediately volunteered, and was attached to the formation alongside a factory-fresh Universal Carrier Mk. 2.

Description: Willard is a big, burly man, with forearms like hams and a chest like a barrel. He stands at an even six feet, with most of the height in his torso. His hair is the stereotypical scottish red, and body hair seems to grow in an even layer all over his chest, back, arms, and legs. His skin is a crisp, light brown, with tanlines shaped like goggles over his eyes, a product of fighting in the Mediterranean. He wears his uniform sloppily, but otherwise unmodified from uniform regulations.

He tends to flip between boisterous and brooding at the flip of a switch, his personality rarely staying consistent during times of peace, but under fire is almost comically composed and unworried.

-Primary: Universal Carrier Mk. 2 (see below)

"Carries anythin' yeh fuckin' like, and speeds along at a pretty pace. Only thing it can't do is sleep with you."

-Secondary: STEN Gun, Mk. II

"Bloody cheap thing, aye, but it puts holes in things just fine, I ken."

-Backup: Webley Mk. VI Revolver

"Yea, I got one. Hope to god I never have to use it, good christ."

Sgt. Baird carries or wears several mills bombs, a canteen, mess kit, rations, sword bayonet, bedroll, webbing, pack, entrenching tool, mussette bag, standard British Army uniform, steel 'brodie' helmet with goggles, bagpipe, a pullover sweater, his beret, socks, undershirts, plenty of ammunition for both his weapons, binoculars, and several cartons of cigarettes and bottles of illicit alcohol stashed either on his person, or in his Bren Carrier.

Basically all the shit soldiers carry.
Other Information:
- Fluent only in Scottish-tinted English.

Details on Baird's Universal Carrier:
- He has named it Desert Oasis II, after the first Desert Oasis was knocked out in Sicily.
-Baird's UC is specifically the Mk. II variant.
- It carries two Bren guns, independent of the guns carried by other members of the SORT, however, the second Bren can be swapped out for a 2-inch mortar or PIAT projector with little notice.
- Baird is technically the driver, but in practice is also the vehicle commander. Other members of 1st SORT can be the gunners, if they ask nice.
- The Desert Oasis II carries its own ammunition, as well as various tools, oils, track links, etc, for vehicle maintenance. It can also carry the stowage of 1st SORT.
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Name: Nika Zaytsev
Age: 24
Rank: Efreitor (USSR Corporal.)
Languages: Russian, English, enough German to find the bathroom

Description: A Soviet airborne soldier from Serbia, the pale Nika joined to fight not long after receiving the news of her older brother’s death. Standing roughly at 5 foot and five inches, her straight brown hair reaches about halfway down her back and her grey eyes are hard. Nika had always been slim from getting barely enough food at home but her training in the aircorp toned her body and made her more fit than she had ever been in her life.
Originally assigned to reinforce Stalingrad, she was given the opportunity to join the NECO program and managed to avoid what had most assuredly been a death sentence. Going through the training and genetic modifications at the time of the group’s mission in Sicily, Neka sadly missed out.


-Primary: M1 Bazooka
“For blowin’ crap up.”
-Secondary: Mosin-Nagant Carbine
“On the off chance explosives won’t cut it.”
-Backup: TT-33
“It they’re just outside of choking range.”
-Extras: 4x RPG-40
“Looks like Russian soup but only half as deadly.”

Other Information:
  • Can speak but can in no way read or write English
  • Has a great love of making all things German explode
  • Is probably the only Russian that thinks Polish vodka is better than Russian.
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I'd like to get in on this. Please tell me this character is welcome.

Clayton Morris Thomlin, 'The Desert Sands Vulture'
Age: 32
Rank: Staff Sergeant (Former Intelligence and Reconnaissance Platoon CO in one of the regiments of the 92nd Infantry, US Army)
Description: Clayton is a tall and narrow-built tracker with messy brown hair and sharp features. His gray eyes seem to peer beyond whatever he's focused on, and his expressions are usually pensive; misleading because his thoughts are usually simple. He wears a normal OD set of US Army fatigues, though he almost never wears it properly. At some point, he fashioned a patchwork duster from leather harvested from the jackets of SS Officers as a trophy of sorts. After some tanning and knifework, this overcoat serves both to protect from the harsh European winter and to cover up Clayton's uniform when neccesary. Clayton also wears a pair of bandoleers, filled with .45-70 cartridges. He usually keeps his last five bandoleer slots filled with cigarillos, which he replaces whenever possible.

History: Clayton grew up on the plains of West Texas in the midst of the first World War and the dying days of Manifest Destiny-- the end of the Wild West era. He was orphaned from his original parents when a Wells Fargo carriage tipped over onto them in a busy square in El Paso on a Thursday morning, then raised by an eccentric married couple made up of a cross-dressing female Pinkerton and an Apache tracker separated from his tribe. His adoptive parents were somewhat social outcasts in town, his mother for her manner of dress and his father for his race. The two of them taught Clayton to hunt at an early age, and there exist no photographs of the boy where he isn't holding a rifle. By the time he was a teenager, Clayton was an expert tracker in his own right.

To test his skills, Clayton left with his horse on a tour of the Western States to see if he could track without familiar territory. Being successful took more than a few years to figure out, in which time Clayton found work as a bounty hunter, a surveyor, a cowboy, and even at times a land guide. Over time, a narrative formed regarding him as poetic hero of sorts. People in the area were clinging to ideas like 'The Iron-fisted Marshall', 'The West Plains Rider', and 'The Fastest Man in Reno' in favor of things like actually paying taxes and electric lighting. So, with a little imagination and some clever exaggeration, many Westerners decided that Clayton was 'The Desert Sands Vulture'. When he found out about this, Clayton basically decided he didn't have to do any real work ever again. As The Desert Sands Vulture he got free meals in every saloon and had a bevy of writers ready to fill dime-store novels with his 'adventures'.

As one might imagine, this dried up after a fashion and the Great Depression wrapped America even tighter in its cold embrace. Clayton's first instinct was to go home, but when he arrived at his parent's old homestead, he found it abandoned. No one in town could tell him what happened to his parents, other than that they were last seen headed East on horseback. Tracking his adoptive parents down was Clayton's most difficult job yet. So difficult, in fact, that he never found out what happened to them or where they went. In time, he found himself a vagrant drifter riding the trails and living from the land. Tales of 'The Desert Sands Vulture' faded into stories of 'that guy who hangs around and has too much free time'. Eventually, Clayton decided to join the Army so he could learn a trade and build a future. For a time, he was slowly becoming an ace gunsmith and metalworker. That was all thrown into the wash when the tides of war arrived on America's shores. In Europe, Clayton honed his skills as a tracker in an Intelligence and Reconnaissance Platoon, ferreting out hidden supply caches and enemy communications outposts in the forests and mountains of the Old Continent. He was rapidly given a leadership position due to his immense skills and natural abilities; only to lose it shortly afterwards due to his equally impressive sense of self-determination.

Not wanting to waste an otherwise valuable asset, the nebulous organization known only as 'Allied Command' assigned him to the 1st SORT as a tracker, guide, and survival specialist.

Winchester 1895, Carbine model in .30-06
-Secondary: Winchester 1886, full-length in .45-70 Government, after-market hand-carved Remington-style oak stock stained red, with a leather cartridge holder engraved with a vulture
-Backup: Webley Mk VI shaved for .45 ACP, and at times a snubbed Smith and Wesson M1917 (it's his boot-gun)
-Extra: Clip-point Hunting knife, ala Jim Bowie

Other Information:
  • Believes in Spirit Animals to some extent, and considers his to be the vulture due to his luck with the creature.
  • Excellent rider of horses and motorcycles, loves the open air.
  • Will eat anything edible.
  • Makes things in his free time, enjoys leatherwork and seamstery.
  • Vocal reference coming soon!
Name: Nika Zaytsev
Age: 24
Rank: Efreitor (USSR Corporal.)
Languages: Russian, English, enough German to find the bathroom

Description: A Soviet airborne soldier from Serbia, the pale Nika joined to fight not long after receiving the news of her older brother’s death. Standing roughly at 5 foot and five inches, her straight brown hair reaches about halfway down her back and her grey eyes are hard. Nika had always been slim from getting barely enough food at home but her training in the aircorp toned her body and made her more fit than she had ever been in her life.
Originally assigned to reinforce Stalingrad, she was given the opportunity to join the NECO program and managed to avoid what had most assuredly been a death sentence. Going through the training and genetic modifications at the time of the group’s mission in Sicily, Neka sadly missed out.


-Primary: RPG-2
“For blowin’ crap up.”
-Secondary: Mosin-Nagant Carbine
“On the off chance explosives won’t cut it.”
-Backup: TT-33
“It they’re just outside of choking range.”
-Extras: 4x RPG-40
“Looks like Russian soup but twice as deadly.”

Other Information:
  • Can speak but can in no way read or write English
  • Has a great love of making all things German explode
  • Is probably the only Russian that thinks Polish vodka is better than Russian.

My only complaint is that the RPG-2 didn't come into Soviet military service until almost 1950 so you'd need something older than that. However, other than that it looks just fine to me.

Lamb, you'rs looks fine to me as well.

Its just up to Fian (plot GM) to give the approval.
@Compouds117 the RPG-2 is a post WW2 weapon and so is beyond the plot's (currrent) timeframe. I don't know if the Russians had one man long(ish) anti-tank weapons other than some AT Rifles in THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR but if they dont you can use weapons from the other Allied countries or even captured German stocks, weapon selection is not limited by the country of origin of the PC so long as it can be found on the average battlefield. Everything else is okay.

All we need now is Clayton to show Nika how the American Indians scalp their fallen enemies after battle for trophies. In Soviet Russia, cat skins YOU!
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@Fian Yeah I realized that. I managed in all my brilliance to misread the date it came into service. I decided to replace it with an american weapon because I like american weapons.
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