Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC 1st SORT Restart Role-Call

General rule reminder for combat and combat situations, you can never do something, only just try to do. It is up to the GM to decide if it works.
how should we go about chain attacks? for example, when you get into CQC with an enemy and start smacking him around with your gun. you wouldn't hit him once, unless you're real lazy about it!
Rizzo, I like to say something like this: "For his next trick, Presto Prescott unleashed a wild flurry of blows from his melee wand; each with the surgical precision he was known for. The preeminent premier of prestidigitation slid to his knees in front of his assailant, aiming to send each blow directly into the soft underbelly of magical crime-- in this case, his unlucky opponent!"

Just change Presto Prescott to your character, 'melee wand' to 'stick' (which is really all a melee wand is), 'preeminent premier of prestidigitation' to 'quick-footed soldier of freedom', and 'magical crime' to 'the Nazi agenda'. Then, you can basically use that.

Y'know, since we're doing WWII and not Wizard Cops. If we were doing Wizard Cops, you wouldn't have to change a thing.
Well the way I do it sometimes, if the enemy you are facing is severely disadvantaged, I'll indicate that it is up to the player to describe the damage dealt. In fact I think I'll color them red.

On another note, everyone is free to contact me via IRC or forum PM if you have ideas, require clarification on the GM posts or would like to make a special arrangement like how some of the veteran players have done already.

Bunker post up, its late I know, sorry guys. I'll do a hillpost next then a convoy post.
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Alright so I definitely didn't forget to click the nice post reply button yesterday and I definitely didn't just realize it this afternoon.
H-here I go

Name: Anja Illic


Private First Class (Former Yugoslavian Partisan)

Description: Anja is a short and light-framed woman with striking red hair and fair skin. She has very sharp facial features that cause her to look as if she is permanently scowling at someone. Of note are her green eyes, a feature she was well known for in her village in the Serbian territory of Yugoslavia. Raised as the only child of a poor family, Anja's father made it a point to teach her how to hunt and track prey to put on the table for dinner. As a result, she prefers to wear a hooded canvas covering over her uniform on operations that she makes a point to "stain" to the environment with dirt and leave rubbing, etc. An odd feature, she has a veil made up of stretched pantyhose stitched into the hood of her covering to hide her face when stalking or in ambush.

Raised by her grandfather as the only child in her household, Anja is a natural tomboy; fiery and bombastic in nature - despite her previous occupation as a partisan. At a very young age, she was instilled with an extremely enthusiastic work ethic in order to help her mother and grandparents take care of their home. As a result, she has a very aggressive - almost irritating - tendency to butt into the affairs of others to offer her help.

History: Born to a machinist father and hardy mother, Anja was an only child in her household in Yugoslavia. With her father occupied most of the week making enough money to support the family, Anja and her mother were expected to fulfill all major household duties. Originally a homeless family, Anja's grandparents survived living off the land in the woods surrounding their villages - collecting meat for food and animal pelts to save up to eventually buy a house. As a result, when not tending to household duties, Anja's grandfather spent as much time as he could teaching his young grand daughter how to hunt and forage off the land effectively.

One of her grandfather's most important - proving to be haunting - lessons to Anja was how close they were to becoming homeless.

On April 6, 1941, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was invaded on all sides by the Axis powers including Germany, Italy and Hungary, with the Royal Yugoslavian Army unconditionally surrendering a mere 11 days after the invasion. With Hungarian troops pushing from the north towards her town, Anja's parents and grandparents arranged for her to be smuggled out of the town to make her way down south to Greece. However, her party was ambushed by a Hungarian patrol on the outskirts of the town, with only Anja managing to escape into the woods.

Forced with miles of extremely hostile wilderness on either side of her, Anja made her way back to her childhood town - only to find her childhood home burned down and a freshly covered ditch in the backyard. Managing to find work as a bar hostess in the town, Anja was eventually accosted by Wehrmacht soldiers visiting the town. Gritting her teeth just to find out where these soldiers headed each night after the bar closed, Anja was able to ambush one soldier on his way back - managing to "clean and dress" him in order to more discreetly bury his remains in the forest.

Eventually, Anja was contacted by members of a local partisan group. Her actions unknowingly recorded, Anja was offered the chance to act as their informant in a series of targeted killings of occupying Axis soldiers. With the killings already attracting the attention of Wehrmact and Hungarian command, their activities in the town eventually ceased when a Wehrmact Hauptmann turned up in a keg at the bar she worked at.

Making their way out of town, Anja's partisan groups passed through various areas - both gaining and losing membership due to their actions. Eventually part of a dwindling party, Anja eventually made her way south to friendly Greece, where she was contacted by intelligence forces of Allied command for recruitment into the 1st SORT - a new military program evaluating the combat effectiveness of experimental soldiers.

Later Model Yugoslavian M24 with bayonet. Grip cap installed, made out of horn and engraved with a Red Deer.
-Secondary: Sten Gun
-Backup: Modified Mosin-Nagant
-Extra: Trailing point skinning knife

Misc. Information:

- Can play the accordion.
- Mastery of insults and curse words (in Serbian)
- Horrible English skills.
- Basic knowledge of milling machines and lathes.
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Next GM post in 24 hours. I'm actually just stalling for time so the Convoy and Hill scenarios will be completed around the same time as briefing end so if you guys don't wanna whisper in the back, you don't have to.
Next GM post in 24 hours.

The liberties taken in the convoy postage by players has been made with prior consultation.
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>/Set SARPMod NECOSORT bCheatsEnabled True
>/spawn 1 MCycle.BMW.R75 -sidecar -Wpn.MG42 +saddlebags6
>/Set local MCycle.BMW.R75 ownership ClaytonMorrisThomlin true

>/Set local APC.UC2Special health 100
>/spawn 300 Cigarette4
>/spawn DancingGirl1
>/spawn DancingGirl2
>/spawn DancingGirl3
>/spawn DancingGirl4
>/spawn DancingBoy3
>/set local NPC dance
>/spawn BlackjkTable
>/set local HitlerParty false
Oh no. The nemesis ... Played by Kampfer?!

I don't know whether to feel joy, fear or the cold satisfaction of someday getting a better shot.