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2015 Planning Survey

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I'm going to call out Question Number 5 (Question 6 technically) as a Biased Question. Question wording potentially influnces answers. In a Fair Survey, all questions are supposed to be neutral.
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Question 5 should be reworded, because several folks have already stepped up to make the changes.
What question? This?

What's biased about that? Looks fine to me.

Course, it seems a little redundant. How exactly are these planets suddenly going to up and move, so they're magically farther away from each other? Does Star Army have super-sized Star Trek technology that can teleport entire planets? Or, are we going to say whoever measured the distances was simply a complete idiot and took the measurements wrong?
Reactions: Wes
It's considered bias because it's the only one that's listing the negatives of following that plan.

As for how it would happen is a Retcon Samael. Meaning everything would be changed retroactively. In other words the articles would be changed and people would act as if it was like that all along.

Last year's survey was anonymous, why do we have to put down our names now? Did you not like the answers on the last survey, @Wes?
@Foxtrot The username is there for me to individually contact members to address their concerns, if warranted, and also to discourage people from voting more than once.

@Sham The explanation on the retcon vs. non retcon is for people who were not paying attention to the map expansion thread, and breaks it down in the simplest terms as to what each requires. Essentially, expanding the map requires no retcons, just removal of the invisible fence around the main map, whereas scaling the map means altering what we have already firmly established (e.g. it'd be a retcon). I don't think censoring this information would make the poll any better.
the thing is, you didn't list ANY of the drawbacks of expanding the cluster.

-numerous COMPLETELY NEW system articles
-Even bigger map to make
-some other third thing by somebody with more comprehensive arguments
Done. The survey had very polarizing choices to it - I've answered, but I don't feel nearly so adamant about most of this.

Except that I kind of resent the starmap issue being held up to a vote again, with the Tyler Young commission thing again raised. I made my opinion clear on it. I said I was willing to take charge and fund it, and long as it went to support in-community talent (Khasidel, namely). What the heck is the problem?? That wasn't clear enough or generous enough before?

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Phrasing things in a non-negative manner =/= censoring.
There is nothing negative about it. It's very straightforward about the requirements and offers no opinion on them. "This would require a major retcon that would change the historic distances between systems and would require dozens of wiki edits," simply states the facts.
the thing is, you didn't list ANY of the drawbacks of expanding the cluster.

-numerous COMPLETELY NEW system articles
-Even bigger map to make
-some other third thing by somebody with more comprehensive arguments
That's because there aren't any. Making a map is not a problem for me and we don't actually have to make articles for systems until somebody visits them.
I already know your opinion on this issue; the poll is there to get the opinion of the whole community, or at least as much as possible. If people prefer another artist they can vote no.
Then the question should've been phrased to point out Fred's option as well, not "Do we get this artist to make us a map or nothing?"

And yes, the question is phrased negatively. It's not a major retcon, it involves some minor edits to a decently small number of pages, which several people have offered to help with. It's no more work than expanding would be. If anything, it's less. And saying that articles don't have to be made until someone visits the systems kinda undermines the point about needing to fill in the current map.

The former statement: Alright, fine. It's the only question that has a DRAWBACK listed. And as Aendri said, people are willing to make the edits necessary. Stop acting like you're the only person who has to make changes, please.

The latter statement: Wes, your bias is showing. Expanding the cluster does what exactly for all those systems that aren't up to snuff in the current cluster map, exactly?
Right. This has prompted me to post something on the forums.

I find this to be rather a silly survey. Yes, No, or Maybe. But I can't say why I chose any of them when one would think that the reasons for the choices, especially the Maybes, would be rather important. It makes me think that my opinion isn't actually wanted. Just a vote on or rubber stamping of the question.

Next, I fail to see why the current Star Map is inadequate. Another way of saying that is - I haven't seen a reason for why the effort needs to be made to change what isn't broken. Granted, I've not been around and haven't yet seen the current iteration. Maybe you've gone and added a ton of new factions to clutter the map. I dunno. Thought I saw one about to be approved in the NTSE by a random guy.

The more I think about things when I was active on SARP, the more I realize how... stupidly we run the wiki. Why don't we get volunteers to help us update things? Why is updating the wiki left to GMs and FMs? It may not work because no one wants the responsibility but it is a possible way to relieve the burden on GMs. That way, we won't have situations like how I was the only one ever updating anything for Nepleslia and becoming overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the task. I know I still have a huge backlog that will probably not be attended to until December.

Lastly, get more GMs for the established non-Yamatai factions. Nepleslia, the Abwehrans, the Garts, the Lor. Those will help flesh out the existing things far better than any map or artwork.
Next, I fail to see why the current Star Map is inadequate.
I put the question on there because of feedback I've got, including the big map expansion thread that recently happened, and because people have, for at least 3 years, tried to submit alternative maps.

Why is updating the wiki left to GMs and FMs?
It's not. Anyone can update the wiki, subject to approval in the setting submissions (NTSE) forum. There's a number of reasons people don't edit, and I think a big one is they're afraid of stepping on someone else's toes. With GMs and FMs, at least I can make it part of their official responsibilities. And even then a lot of them don't do it. I would love to have a squad of wiki helpers for each faction. Maybe what we need is a subforum for volunteering?

Lastly, get more GMs for the established non-Yamatai factions.
How? I mean, we have created the Open RP system where anyone on the site can start running an RP, regardless of official GM status, and it's underutilized. Which says to me there's just not a bunch of people willing to take responsibility for running a plot. In particular we could use another Yamatai ship (I know you said non-Yamatai but that's where there's demand) and a Nepleslian plot for normal space marines. It seems to be that the major factions are short on GMs and the minor factions are short on players. I would love if you start a new thread on finding GMs, where we could share suggestions! Do it!
Just out of curiosity, what percentage of non-rescalers are people who don't really RP on the forum anymore?
The results have their own thread now.
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