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RP: United Outer Colonies [Prelude] Beyond these crowded shores...

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Executive Officer's Personal Log said:
I wanted the cabin on Deck One, till I realized Sean had already moved his stuff in. Having a view out that window would of been great. It's not worth rolling over and looking into his eyes every morning -- oh well I took the private suite on Deck Three. I'll be soaking in the tub every night, mulling over how to adjust the volumetric flames on the fireplace.

A fresh group of cadets is due, members of the former elite seventeenth armor wing. About that bath tub...

The seven ships that made up the 'S1' were all in a diamond formation above Jiyuu. The Commodore Yamamoto Maya was the first to arrive on the Shinnen, her and her trunks of guns and explosives, many of which the reclamation team was still trying to get their hands on--Yamatai had enough guns.

She had utilized the bookcase in her cabin to store the guns, what would fit anyway, the remaining ones were hung on the walls, overfilled the trunk at the end of her bed. Several varieties of NovaCorp granades were on the desk, a bottle of cleaning fluid open, each one had been polished.

Maya soaked in the tub, the jets sending water gushing around her soft tan hips, the abundance of bubble bath had her lost in a sea of foam, her dark red short hair was recently trimmed, hugged her head waterlogged. Her mouth gaped slightly, allowing her gaze at the rising steam from the other end of the tub, her eyes closed. "Nahhhh...." she said, allowing relaxation to flood over her.

The ship's AI had been ordered to alert her when the first of the cadets arrived.

Down in the multipurpose bay, the AI's projection awaited the cadets.
While on the shuttle to the location of his new mission, Tesuro's mind shuffled through all the same thoughts that had been floating around in his mind before. He was nervous. This wasn't like the times before--he wasn't just meant to be a grunt worker anymore. This time others would have higher expectations of him, as he was being trained to one day lead others. Tesuro always had expectations of himself and always delivered a decent quality of work, but this was much more important than anything else he had every done. He sighed, exasperated. In no way did he regret his decision, but he wasn't prepared to be thrust into action so quickly. But that was the life he led--he did not want to be a burden, so best to follow the orders without question or complaint.

In short order, he arrived aboard the Shinnen as its distance from the Akuro was not particularly far. As the shuttle settled, Tesuro gathered up his few possessions and exited the small vessel. Almost immediately he met with the projection of the ship's AI, figuring that the sooner things began, the sooner he would be allowed to eat.

He bowed lightly to Shinnen, the ship's AI, as he reported in with his name and rank. "Cadet Urameshi Tesuro, reporting." he said rather bluntly.
The shuttle carrying members of the 17th Kasairyuu settled down to the deck. Natsuko spent the short ride in a psuedo-distracted state, during that time she composed a message and sent it to Galar. Moments later Natsuko stepped out of the shuttle. "Cadet Hiragi Natsuko reporting as ordered." Natsuko said after bowing to the ships AI. Once Natsuko had introduced herself she looked at Tesuro out of the corner of her eye. Wonder who he is? Natsuko thought before returning her gaze to the ship's AI.
Though she felt better than when she had been on the Akuro III, Ai still felt a little depressed. She just couldn't snap herself out of it.

Ai stepped off the shuttle, and, upon noticing the AI, bowed deeply. She kept her head bowed, not up to being her usual hyper self. "Ano... Cadet Kitano Ai reporting."
Jason pondered the his new rank as cadet why the 17th wing shuttle headed to the Shinnen, but soon decided that he would find out soon enough. As the shuttle landed he felt a slight tremor. Not from the ship but something internal to himself, fear or excitement he did not know.

As the doors to the shuttle opened he paused for a moment before exiting, trying to calm himself slightly. Once he exited the shuttle he saw the AI and followed suit with the rest. Bowing he said. "Cadet Jason Starlock, reporting."
Xanatos had taken a short nap on the shuttleride over, and the slight jolt caused him to stir. After a bit of stretching and yawning, the Yamataian exited the shuttle to find the AI awaiting them. He bowed politely to it as the tech sentry awaited further orders.
Kenoki was in a bad mood, she was hung over and being pulled off a ship she had only just been assigned to wasn’t helping. But the source of most of her annoyance was the reason for the reassignment, Officer Training. She didn’t want to be an officer, Kenoki was perfectly happy as an Enlisted Peacekeeper. Why she had been pulled into this, despite her well-documented history of having issues with authority, was beyond her understanding.

Just thinking about it made her hangover that much worse as she stepped off the shuttle. She had the palm of her right hand pressed against her temple and looked at the AI with unmasked annoyance. “Ugh… Cadet Kenoki Hirahara, reporting… I guess.”
The AI said "Leave anything you brought with you here, and follow the indicators to the Ward Room." The black polished panels running along the interior of the corridor illuminated, as the AI's volumetric image faded from view. The panels would remain illuminated, down the central corridor and to the lift which would take them down to Deck Three and then to the Ward Room.

The AI alerted Maya The Cadets have arrived Commodore.. She sighed, pulling herself out of the tub, she quickly dried herself off and got into her uniform.

"Shinnen, alert the Vice Admiral the Cadets have arrived, and tell me once they have all made it to the Ward Room." Maya said, placing one of her E1 pistols in its holster.

Shinnen AI said:
Admiral Richter to the Ward Room. Your Cadets have arrived.
Tesuro had no objection to leaving his scant few possessions behind, for the less that he had to carry, the better it was for him. He noticed the other Cadets filling in after him--they all seemed to be somewhat familiar with each other, staying relatively close while Tesuro remained off to the side. One of them seemed familiar to him, but it was difficult for him to place which one and why. Not being one to actively approach others, he didn't spend much time considering who it might be, figuring that he would be able to determine what it was in due time if his mind deemed it important enough.

He let his bag fall gently to the floor as he headed off to where Shinnen had guided them, going ahead of the others. The ship was not nearly as large as the Akuro and could have easily been independently navigated, but having several new Cadets wandering aimlessly around the ship would not have done anyone any good. It did not take long for him to arrive at the lift, but being the courteous person he was, he waited for the rest of the crew to catch up to him instead of snatching the lift for himself and leaving them behind.
Xanatos set down his small duffel bag. It only really carried a few necessities and changes of clothing since he had decided to leave his Yamataian things in Yamataia. Before he went in the direction that the indicators pointed, he noticed Kenoki. "Oh, hey, it's the gal that almost passed out earlier... Are you okay today?" he asked, a little worriedly. She had probably been drunk at the time, but you can never tell sometimes..
Kenoki grumbled and set down her dufflebag, looking sideways at Xanatos, “Okay? I have a hangover because this new Jiyuuian body of mine isn’t used to alcohol. I used to drink people under the table and I’ve been reduced to a Lightweight. Does that sound okay top you?” She didn’t wait for him to respond, “and I’d like to know who’s bright idea it was to put me in officer training, I spent my life in Yamatai trying to piss off the officers, now the UOC wants me to Become one?”
Xanatos arched an eyebrow at Kenoki as she vented. "Sorry to hear that," he said after she had finished, "You know that there is more to life then just drinking, right? Well, we now have new lives in the UOC, so why not try starting fresh? It's a good way to just start over." The tech sentry smiled slightly as he said this.
Kenoki just looked at Xanatos, it would be easy to see his attempt at inspirational words had failed miserably. “Starting over isn’t so easy.” She looked away, her eyes becoming distant, “There are some things you can't let go of, others that you don’t want to, and some things you wished to God you could forget…”

Kenoki shook her head and snapped here eyes back into the here and now. “Come on, Let’s see who’s running this Popsicle Stand.” She said, heading down the corridor for the Ward Room.
"...reeeeEEeee-PORTING!" Ashlyn's voice chimed from inside the shuttle, and she haphazardly tossed her duffel bag out of the door to let it land where she thought some of the others would make a pile.

That's when she launched. Hugging Xanatos from behind she raised her voice, "Come on cadet we'll be late!"
Jason stood erect till the AI gave the order to move down the hall. Not paying to much attention to anyone else, and ultimately unsure of what exactly this promotion to cadet entails. He begins to move forward with the rest not knowing any of them intimately since his tenure in the 17th was less than 24 hours he tries not to gravitate towards anyone and focus more internally. He sets his body to auto pilot and to follow along with the others while his mind ponders his unknown future. Whatever it may be as long as it furthers his goal to get an oppotunity to avenge Dr. Yamada against the Nepleslians, he'll do what ever is asked of him.
Richter's heavy boots thudded on the ships deck. The Vice Admiral strode down the hall of the Shinnen, his black and yellow uniform quite neat on his frame.

The wardroom door slid open as Richter entered. The officer looked at his new subordinates, although he said nothing for the moment.
Kenoki slouched in her seat in the Ward Room with her sunglasses over her eyes and a board expression fixed on her face. Then the door opened…

Glancing back, Kenoki noticed two things. First, that a man wearing glasses had stepped through, second that his uniform had the rank badge of a Vice-Admiral.

Kenoki could be insubordinate, but even she knew better than to act out against a flag officer. And even she knew what to do when one entered a room. Her hand went up to snap the sunglasses of her face and she quickly stood up and at attention. “Admiral on Deck!” She belted out to alert the other cadets of the flag officer in their midst.
Ai walked down the hallways, still loathing in self-pity. She was finally realizing she needed to cheer up and get past it, though it was hard. More focused on her mind than anything, the cadet half-paid attention to the panels she was walking past, and even less to who, if anyone, she walked close to.

Entering the wardroom, Ai bowed deeply to the Vice Admiral present.
Maya entered the Ward Room, coming up behind Sean. How is the room with the view? She teased him, still bitter over having to take the private suite on Deck Three.

Her cool blue eyes wandered over the group of cadets. I thought they were sending us the mighty seventeenth; these are them? Is this some kind of a joke Sean? She asked Sean, as she handed him a datapad where he could record which of them he was placing on the White Team and which were goring to the Blue Team.
Natsuko dropped her bag and moved with the rest of the group down the halls. He's here too?!?! Natsuko thought as she looked at Jason. Great, we've got a mechanic with no respect for new things, a drunk Yamataian, and what have we here? Natsuko thought as she glanced again at Tesuro while they rode the elevator.

Once the group entered Natsuko sat down and waited. When Richter entered the room, Natsuko gave him a once-over. Vice-Admiral huh? Natsuko thought as she looked at the man's rank pin. When Maya entered Natsuko looked her over a bit more thoroughly.
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