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RP: United Outer Colonies [Prelude] Beyond these crowded shores...

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Ever one to speak her mind, Kenoki wasn’t going to hold her tongue when the Vice-Admiral made the open invitation for questions. “The Rules of Engagement?” In open warfare, Kill or Be killed was often the order of the day. She knew that much from her training as a Neko.

But this was peacekeeping. The rules would be far more strict, and their actions under pressure would reflect the whole of the UOC. And they called this training?
"No, I haven't Natsu-chan. I was only... fresh out of training when I first joined the 17th," Ai sent back, glancing back at Natsuko. Really, she should still be a low ranked enlisted, but now all of the Kasairyuu Wing were in Cadet positions and to be commanding ships. It seemed like a huge jump to Ai.

She couldn't screw it up that bad that she'd get many people killed, could she? This was still the main thing on her mind. The cadet couldn't stand a whole ship full of people, dead, on her conscience.
"The Rules of Engagement here," Richter explained, "are something along the lines of 'don't fire unless fired upon'. They're a bit stricter than that, though: 'Don't think of firing until fired upon'. This is a peace-keeping mission. We're not going there to fight the Nepleslians' war for them."

The Vice Admiral smirked slightly at the recruits. "And don't worry. If you mess up too bad, the DIoN has more ships in system than I can count to bail you out."

No matter how many times she thought of it, her team name had sounded better than 'blue' team. "So, as long as none of us are exploded, it's still okay if they are as long as they don't shoot at us? I think that's simple enough, sir."

She was excited, and nervous to still be standing so seriously, just waiting to be told to go. "When are we heading out, sir? Sir?"
A peacekeeping task for Nepleslia? Tesuro asked himself. He still wasn't used to serving a sovereign nation separate from Yamatai, and therefore aiding Nepleslia with their war was a difficult concept for him to wrap his mind around. Though he knew if that was what was commanded of him then that was what he must do. Aside from all that, they would be protected by the DIoN, so the mission in and of itself wasn't really all that dangerous. Any potential enemies could be easily dealt with, and there was a good chance that he would not have to open fire on anyone.
“Understood Sir, Safeties on and guns for show.” Even as a Neko, made to fight wars, Kenoki hadn’t experienced combat first hand --here superiors had considered her too insubordinate-- and she wasn’t aiming for a fight now that she was a Jiyuuian.
Natsuko understood exactly what he meant, this time it would be less stressful however, partly because it wasn't another neko on the other side of her gun. "Understood. What are we supposed to do after the transports reach Kennewes?" Natsuko asked toying with the name as she said it. Nepleslian words are so...unique. Natsuko thought as she muttered the name under her voice a few times, playing with the inflection and tones a little.
As Jason listens to his orders a frown quickly appears across his face and just as quickly vanishes. He has no love for Nepleslian's nor will he. If he must work with those treacherous bastards, he will for now. But if they step out of line he'd gladly blast them to space dust. He will do his duty regardless of personal feelings at this time. If the UOC however decides to make lasting peace with them. He will have to resign and go elsewhere to take a crack at them.

He listened as each member seemed to be asking questions. Ultimately he knew his place will be in engineering so ship command isn't something he will have to worry about. He'll just focus on what he always focuses on, bringing the best performance from what ever machine he is assigned and he'll let those in charge take care of the politics.
Richter looked at Ashlyn with a look of somewhat confused contempt. "I'm afraid I have no idea what you just said, Cadet. However, it sounded a bit along the lines of 'we can kill all of them'."

Richter looked to the rest of the cadets. "Once we reach Kennewes, we do exactly as Cadet Kenoki said: 'Safeties on, guns for show'. You'll watch the transports like hawks and sandblast anyone who tries to shoot you or them down, but other than that, you'll behave like Peacekeepers."
Natsuko had been trying to hold off on answering Xanatos. She didn't want to admit even the possibility of that happening, but a small voice in her head told her how much more she'd regret having said nothing if something did happen. "Ne, Xanatos..." Natsuko whispered telepathically. "Don't talk like that. Nothing will happen, I'm sure of it." even as Natsuko finished the sentence she feared what could happen. While the mission seemed simple and relatively safe, combat had a way of making things complicated and dangerous. There shouldn't be anyone attacking them, but that's when it's the most dangerous.

[[ooc: edit - shouldn't was doubled for some reason...removed on instance of the word]]
Xanatos smiled to himself as he responded, Yes... you are right, Natsuko.. I wish we could spend some time together before we depart, but I doubt that will be allowed until after the mission is over with. While he was waiting for her reply, the Yamataian, or Jiyuuian now actually, had fidgeted while listening to the briefing. He had nothing to add as his opinions and questions were really unnecessary for the moment.
Kenoki just had one more question, “What is the breakdown of our teams? Do we choose our own roles or do you have assignments in mind for each of us?” She was a newcomer to the group and Kenoki wanted to know just what she was going to be doing and who she would be supporting.
"You all know your strengths and weaknesses best, so I will allow the teams to decide amongst themselves. As most of you have worked together before, I hope this will not be a problem."

Richter's datapad beeped. He looked at it for a moment. "Xanatos Zarthe, you have received new orders. Looks like High Command has another place for you." Another beep, and Richter was just able to stop himself from groaning in annoyance at being interrupted again by the thing. However, he smiled when he read the message. "It also appears that your team instructors have arrived."

The Vice Admiral sent a telepathic communication to both of the men.

To: Stryker said:
Nice to see you've finally arrived. Report to the wardroom on my flagship and meet your teams.

- Richter
Xanatos blinked as he heard this. New orders? So soon? he asked himself with a little confusion. His first thoughts were of Natsuko, whom he messaged instantly, I... I see to have to go.. Please contact me once the mission is over. I will pray for your safe return. I just want you to know.. that I still have deep feelings for you, Natsuko-chan. He flushed slightly as he prepared to leave. Please don't forget about me.. He sighed a moment before asking, "Thank you, sir. I will take the next shuttle out then." The Yamataian bowed to the Vice Admiral respectfully.
Caine had just arrived, reporting for his new assignment to the Choteisha Squadron as an instructor, a proud position to be sure. Afterall, wasn’t the next natural step for someone in his position and experience to share it with future generations? But he was still upset over the fact that he’d been stationed away from Kiyoko AGAIN, the only question he had in the back of his mind where nobody could hear it was: WHY GOD? WHY DO YOU HATE ME SO?!

Once he’d gotten settled in and received the message from Richter, he perked a brow as he finished putting his hair in a ponytail and adjusted his uniform before heading there. Hmm I wonder what he could want, probably some preliminary greeting, handshakes, introductions and first set of ‘orders’ he thought to himself before reaching the wardroom.

“You wanted to see me Sir?” He said as he entered and performed the obligatory respectful gestures.
Richter saluted the instructor as he entered. "Commander Ionoche. Welcome to the Chouteisha squadron." Sean turned to the cadets behind him. "Now then, if your other instructor would care to show his face soon, we would be able to get g-"

Sean almost growled as his datapad rung again. He pulled it off his belt and read the information present on the attack on Yuukan and Nataria.

Oh shit.
As soon as Natsuko heard Xanatos and 'new orders' her eyes snapped over to him. New orders?!?! We just got here. Where will they be?!? Will he be safe? a flurry of thoughts and concerns flushed through the Neko's brain.

Xanatos said:
I... I see to have to go.. Please contact me once the mission is over. I will pray for your safe return. I just want you to know.. that I still have deep feelings for you, Natsuko-chan. He flushed slightly as he prepared to leave. Please don't forget about me..

"Forget about you? Why would I do that?" Natsuko asked telepathically. "What's going on Xanatos?" Natsuko asked her 'voice' betraying her confusion. I have to go? Still have deep feelings? Don't forget? Natsuko's chest tightened, although her face remained the same. "What's going on?" The neko asked again however, her 'voice' not only betrayed her confusion this time but fear as well.
Xanatos turned away from her. He visibly sighed out loud before replying to Natsuko, I have new orders... but I don't know to where yet. However.. I just want you to know that I... I... When he turned around to face her, tears were noticeable in his eyes. I love you, Natsuko! From what little time we've had together, I have fallen in love with you.. I will find out a way to come back to you... I promise. All he wanted to do at that moment was to embrace the Neko, to hold and caress her, and to shower her with kisses.
David steped off the shuttle and parted with Caine to use the rest room. while in the bathroom he ran his hands under the faucet and sighed. This was the third change of orders in so many days. It was frustrating and was tiring him out. He spashed water on his face and made sure not to get his uniform wet. He wiped off his face and made his way down to the ward room to meet the Vice Admiral.

He entered the ward room a minute or two after Caine and walked up besides him and bowed to the vice admiral. "David Stryker reporting for duty."
STRYYYYKER! Bonheur immediately thought at the man who walked in, bouncing slightly in place at his arrival. I thought that I wasn't going to be assigned to you again! You're here for that again, aren't you? Please say yes please say yes.. She had become distracted but not unaware of the new orders that had come in, but the sudden appearance of the man turned her mood back towards the up and up. In fact, Ashlyn was fighting the urge to go hug him. They were all together again as much as it counted to the old stealth specialist.
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