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OOC 21st Squadron Discussion

"yes.. it looks like a patchwork of metal plate with faded lettering on it. It says "Hellcat" showing through a crappy paint job.... Oh wait that's my Kawarime.... Your's is probably new.. Lucky dog...."

Looks at Nashoba, "He has final say...."
Sorry folks work has been insane. I will post tomorrow, going to start a 9.1 thread for the Rescue group.
No the fighter pilots will get a new thread to cover them, the 9.1 thread is for the shuttle team.
It is plot Audit time, please update your character sheets as soon as possible. I plan on accomplishing the audit this weekend.
See Jimmy, that's why SAOY should start using Geshrinari Shipyard Shuttles, they all come with toolkits. :p
Kerbal Space Program has taught me that all you need is more space duct tape to fix all problems.
Realized that I used the wrong name for the Gunboats They are Shredders. I update your last post Samanthia to match that.
Just thought I'd post to let ya'll know that I will be out of state starting tomorrow (10/6) to Thursday (10/9), I will be staying with family and unfortunantly they have no internet so I probably won't have access to the site.
Given the declining posting rate over the past few months. My increased work load on my job, I have decided to shut the Fighting Diamonds down.

The plot has run from January 2010 to now. That's over four years. We had a good run, a lot of laughs. Thanks.
Samathia,you and the others were good. You all are welcome in any of the plots I run.
Hey Nash, thanks for letting us know instead of letting it drag out. I think a lot of the core players have come under extra load recently and the 21SQ always seemed like a secondary fun little plot where PC's could be experimented with and shenanigans could happen. It was fantastic while it lasted and I've no regrets about joining. You're a fantastic GM and every player was a joy to write with. Wishing you all the best.

I wonder where Silic's next disaster zone-I mean, plot is going to be...