Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

SARPcast & SARPtalk (Podcast shows)


The Six-Shooter of Love
Inactive Member
Episode 1: NMX war & DOGA -
Episode 2: NTSE & Iromakuanhe -
Episode 3: IRC & Writing Tips -
Episode 4: Magic & Kohanians -
Episode 5: Site History & Administration -
Episode 6: Character Tips & Hot Tub -
Episode 7: The Lorath & PVP -

Any and all comments are greatly appreciated. Everything from sound quality to content. And please, leave suggestions. Future topics or questions are greatly appreciated and wanted.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I want to be a guest! How can I be on the SARPcast?

A: Download Skype! It's free, but you'll need a mic. Then add me (coyote_revolver) and send me a message.

Q: Who'll be showing up in future SARPcast shows?

A: Right now future planned guests include raz, 5tar, Doshii, Wes, and Exhack

Q: This is awesome! How can I help?

A: Leaving suggestions for future topics or questions that can be answered on the show is very helpful, additionally, any criticism of previous shows is also welcome. If we talk to fast, if someone is hard to hear. Even if you think we pick sucky things to talk about or go off topic too much. When we know what's going wrong, it's much easier to try and get those things right the next time.
Re: SARPcast

This is AWESOME.
Re: SARPcast

I think you could easily talk to a tech designer about some creation she or he made.

I think the recurring spots are good plans. I like'em.

You can always get backgrounds on the players themselves. Traditional interviews. </journalist>
Re: SARPcast

Thanks for the suggestions, Dosh.

Is there any tech in particular, or tech-writer that you'd like to see interviewed?

Which, combined with your suggestion about traditional interviews, actually leads to another good question. Out of the people already on the "guest list," what sort of things would you like them to talk about, or questions you'd like to hear them answer "on air?"

EDIT: 60,000 GET!
Re: SARPcast

We should pick a certain concept (military intelligence, gravity control, faster-than-light travel, religion, hookers) in the setting that has been adopted by various sections.
Re: SARPcast

It needs more of the farcical hilarity. There wasn't even a "blah balh blah, Teddo's complaining about... everything. Blah blah blah."


only a "blah blah blah, Zenny blinked + breathed, blah blah blah." :lol:
Re: SARPcast

SARPcast being 40 minutes is too long in my opinion. It was interesting to listen to it, but I'd suggest a duration more along 20-30 minutes.

Then again, do note I'm not a native english speaker. Rev and Kai were speaking quite fast and I needed to concentrate to decipher what was being said. After the twenty minute mark, it was growing tedious to do so and I was kinda looking forward to the SARPcast coming to a conclusion.

Otherwise, it was fairly interesting.
Re: SARPcast

Getting down to under 30 minutes and talking slower (Especially on my part) are definitely on the agenda for next time. We had an outline for this first time, but no real schedule for how long each segment would take, which we'll do next time to try and keep it under 30 min.
Re: SARPcast

<raz> I honestly don't think you need to limit the podcast, Rev. I think most people would prefer something a little longer for the sake of not cutting off conversations for time constraints.
<Wes> I agree, I think the length was excellent. No cuts!
<Soresu> I like long podcasts.
<Soresu> Long podcasts mean more indepth conversations.
<Wes> Exactly. Have them last as long as the conversation goes.
<raz> Artificially cutting it off would leave me unsatisfied.
<Doshii> Yeah, the length sounds cool.
Re: SARPcast

Sections interviewing players about their characters would be excellent...particularly the older ones that might've moved on or are currently not in play. It would be nice to hear more about some of the characters that helped shape the setting into what it has become.

I also agree with Doshii that at least a small section should be given up for a little info on guests, if they are willing. I mean, it's already a shock to actually HEAR some of these voices behind the goofy avatars; why not make it a two-for-one and learn about their favorite television show.

Hot current topics are always good.

Although you already including the "Pimp Your Plot", you *could* interview actual GMs of plotships about their own plotship. This would be a terrific way for them to get recruitment, as well as help OTHERS already on the site who really haven't looked at that plotship some possible interest...something I believe was discussed in this particular episode. :P And take it from a Plot GM; we absolutely love bragging about our plots, and our players, in a most enthusiastic (if a tad biased) fashion.

A lot of this stuff, though, would mean that you yourself will have to be pretty informed. You'll need to know stuff about people, their characters, plots, current events in different factions...all that jazz. I hope you're up to it; SARPcast could be something really great.
Re: SARPcast

First of all, I'm really glad you guys enjoyed the SARPcast. We had a lot of fun making it. (Even if it took a week longer to put out because I was lazy last weekend)

The point of "Pimp your Plot," which I believe failed to actually get mentioned on the program, is for the guest to pimp out one plot, whether it's one they're playing in, running, reading, or preparing to run. It's purely a way to draw in players (onsite or offsite) to the featured plot. If you guys want, I can restrict guest GMs to only talk about one they're running or plan on running, where I can ask more plot-related questions ("so, can you give us some insight on what's going to happen next aboard the ship?") but I think an enthusiastic player is just as fun to listen to, and can tell about their own experiences on why they think the plot they're in is so good to get more people interested.

As for guests picking a plot that I'm not intimately familiar with, I'm going to try and get the guest's choice a week in advance, so if it is one I'm not a part of (or I don't actively read), I can spend a week brushing up. I'm sure it'll still be more evident in those SARPcasts, because I'll be asking more questions during that segement.

If people are actually interested in hear about guests' personal lives, I can add those type of interview questions. I was keeping things SARP-centric, but I'll give the listeners, you guys, what you want.

And, you guys say you want longer SARPcasts? There are technical difficulties in having a longer show (unless we take breaks, like has been suggested), but keeping it between 30min-1hr seems ideal to me. Slower, clearer talking certainly would've made the first one longer, so we'll see how things go next time.
Re: SARPcast

Might want to have your guests be told what they need to brush up on, cause' like me who isn't close to the heart of SARP like you guys were. ^_^

This first episode was fun and insightful.
Re: SARPcast

Haha. Don't worry, Scot. The reason it took 3 hours to record a 40 minute podcast was mostly due to discussion before hand on what the outline was, what topics would be covered, and generally making notes on what to say. And that doesn't include any other prep-time that we took discussing the basics the week before.