Star Army

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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Don't you think that negotiating with the NMX could damage Nepleslia's alliance with Yamatai?

“The 4th fleet can provide security for your operations here.” Drei responded
If the Star Army comes to fight the NMX and the 4th Fleet attempts to protect them, that would be very bad for international relations.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I wasn't aware that the Nepleslian government had acted on the 'make an alliance' proposal after it had been passed?
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Do note that making any kind of agreement with the NMX beyond their surrender would likely get the fleet branded as rogue.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Nepleslia has made agreements with the NMX in the past, and it is common during wartime on this scale to create gentlemen's agreements of the nature that the 4th is proposing.

Even if this is offensive to someone, they'd first have to find out about the agreement, and likely they would also have to confront the 4th fleet about it. That amount of time is more than enough for the plan to get far enough along to show results.
This is the OOC thread for the 4th fleet.

Just put up a bunch of 'project threads' which are intended to be used as IC discussions on various projects carried out over a forum system accessed via data pad.
Nah, this is just for IC discussion of projects. When the wikipage is ready for approval (IE: The project is ready for production) we'll put it up in the NTSE forum.
...alright. Well, we could discuss projects we have already finished, just to give them fluff? BCAC32 and ICA were both supposed to have been discussed while Orion was aboard the 4th AASP... or at least, that had been my plan.

Otherwise, I guess I could just submit threads of new ideas Orion comes up with after the ICA and design them with Drei and Heram ICly and then get them into the NTSE once we finish them up.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

There's also a thread in the Senate Forum about having an alliance with Yamatai and forming a joint taskforce with them to combat the NMX threat. This measure was indeed passed.

Negotiating defense contracts with the NMX is not only a rogue action, it is downright treasonous.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Treaty Conditions

This treaty creates an alliance between the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia and the Yamatai Star Empire.

*Military forces of both nations have free travel across allies' borders and through each others open space.
*Military forces are not to enter the ally's star systems without permission.
*Recognize ally ranks and titles.

Joint Task Force
*Both nations will assign cross-nation sister units that would work together as a Joint Task Force.
*The Joint Task Force will be responsible for establishing NMX intelligence sharing between parties
*The Joint Task Force will Investigate standardized supplies like rations, medical kits, etc that would be shared between nations as needed.
*The Joint Task Force will Investigate the possibility of officer and soldier exchange programs.
*The Joint Task Force will work together to combat the NMX threat with the mandate to protect member's star systems and foster co-operation.

*Free and unrestricted travel and trade, other than restricted technologies, to the other nation is allowed for citizens of both nations.
*Persons crossing borders are subject to reasonable searches as a security measure, and will be required to follow that nation's laws.

*Open and ongoing communication with allies.
*No hostile or harmful action, overt or covert, against allies.

This looks to be a direct flowering of the proposal I mentioned, I've highlighted the important bit. And if it requires signage by Nepleslia, I suggest Kokuten do so as soon as he can.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Only nations have the power to make military agreements. Neither the 4th Fleet commander nor the NMX fleet commander have any authority to do so and therefore any military agreement they try to make is invalid and insubordination. It is possible both commanders could be charged with treason for such consorting with the enemy.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Cy83r K0rp53 said:
Isn't that 'consorting with the enemy'?


Last I checked people can still make agreements with each other, especially if both sides uphold the agreement. Since no orders were gone against, it is not insubordination.

So no, unless the NMX commander had previously received orders to the contrary (and he didn't as far as I know) there is no basis for a treason charge.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Wait wait, so, let me get your logic straight.

Two sides fighting each other may be in what is mostly a war of extermination with each other but military commanders from the two sides can meet up and have tea because side A did not specifically give an order in which officers of side A were not supposed to make deals with officers from side B whom are notorious for screwing over their deal-making partners?

I'm sorry, but that just doesn't make any sense.

And there's the really simple thing that you seem to be ignoring: Nepleslia and the NMX are at war with each other. IIRC, the NMX don't have civilians or uninvolved extranational territories.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Even during WW1 and 2, there were times when both sides would come to mutually beneficial arrangements.

In this setting the NMX have sat down at the bargaining table before, and traded with the defenders for time or territory. Thanks to Mellson, the NMX have been far more honorable in regards to agreements than Yamatai.

And of course the NMX have non combat units, civilians, and ect, just like any organization would have. Even the US military employs civilians!

All sides are refraining from throwing planet crackers at one another so this is still a war with the gloves very much 'on' and like in any war diplomacy and words can go a very long way.