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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

Having given the matter some thought, I think a reboot is necessary. 4th Fleet has run its course and the Marines here need to move onto something else, rather than remaining as regular line Marines.

With that said, I want to know right now - If I do a reboot, who will be participating in the new plot? It will still fall under the umbrella of 4th Fleet (as a unit) but with a new twist. Your character will be the same though I intend for them to receive some special training from the IPG so that they are cross-trained as Commandos and can be used as such. The NPC units will, for the most part, be removed and it will be far more individually focused. Also, I will be looking to stress character independence from the chain of command and more initiative and risk taking.

I already have two missions in mind for that plot direction. Please let me know either here or via PM if that is something you would like to be a part of so that I can make sure you're involved in helping me refine the plot reboot.
I'm up for it. My character has been an infantrymen since I joined the plot, so it would be nice to have him be trained to specialize on something else.
I know it's not necessarily your problem @Sigma, but I want to note Nepleslia badly needs one or two "regular space marine" plots, as that is what most new players seem to make regardless of what plots are available.

Commandos sounds cool and should allow player characters to have more impact, and it probably lends itself to a smaller plot since player characters for it won't be just "part of the crowd" of mainstream soldiers.
I'd like not to lose all my progress with Stan (horrible tendency to be a liability rather than a useful member of the team aside ), so I think I'll be in as well.

However, I feel woefully underequipped to help decide on the direction, so I'm going to echo Madwolf here.

By the way, forgive me for any silly questions, but would we have to rewrite our character profiles to fit the 'new' plot or would things remain the same on that front? I've never been involved in something like this before.
Characters (and players) who opt to continue will simply be "reassigned" to a training unit. The first thread will be the training and intro into your skills. It'll be short, just a quick confirmation what you intend to specialize in, if anything.

@Wes I've run 4th Fleet as near as I can manage but to run a dedicated, player-centric Marine plot, I cannot do it as part of 4th Fleet. The best case would be a plotship where the Marines serve as ship security. 4th Fleet has run its course as a plot and a major Nepleslian fleet. It is time to separate the two and make them distinct.

I have three players confirmed so far.
Reactions: Wes
So...my two weeks of instanity at work have ended. And I becamed logged out from here...which means I've missed a lot of posts.

I apologize for my lack of posting and failing to inform you that I was busy with work.

That said, I unfortunately agree with Sigma about the status of 4th Fleet. However I do the like the idea of a small unit trained to be commandos, and I would certainly not mind it if Phaedra was involved.

Now that I have a somewhat normal schedule again, I'll will try to help out however I can.
Alright. I'll work on a pad later today and put it up for everyone to see the direction I'm heading in and we can refine more together. With several of you showing interest, I want your input and suggestions in creating the plot rather than me just saying what we'll be doing.
If you are interested in transferring to the new plot, please PM me and I will send you the planning pad link. Otherwise, this forum is now reserved for general 4th Fleet use rather than plot-specific threads. Players are still free to create their own threads for side-events so long as their character is posted within the 4th Fleet or 4th Marine Shaik.
Heyooo. Sorry I've been away for a jillion years. I got sick for two weeks and now I'm stuck with bronchitis and antibiotics for dessert, ugh. Anyway, I'll look into posting sometime this week, sorry for being AWOL. D:

I'm up for regular marine stuff and specialist action too. I'll pop into chan to see who can give me a rundown of what I've missed for the past month...! (Coz holy shatz I think I missed a lot...)
Reactions: Wes
You bought that game? Is it any good?

Also, I am happy to announce that we have successfully replaced Sawyer Aubrey with Stan Brandt! Stan is our new meat shield and punching bag! He wishes to be the first to greet his crazed NMX fans in battle! Congratulate him and help him acquire enough wound medals to build a little fort out of them!

If nothing else, Stan aims to be a crowdpleaser. That and I'm sure there'd be more than a liiittle schadenfreude in seeing him get his butt kicked for his allies who have ended up on the wrong end of him (read: anywhere within weapons range).

So, what should I add to his character profile?

I'll try to post tomorrow or Friday. I've just been held up slightly because I'm taking part in a JP in another plot.
More detailed stuff about what your character did during IPG training, Brett.

Also, the new thread is up. I am leaving it up to you all to decide what sort of disguise you're wearing and what your cover story is. Be creative.
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