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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I've archived this forum (no IC posts in over 30 days).

Last RP post: December 10, 2010
Archival Date: February 27, 2011
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

And so it begins, again. Questions/Comments/Concerns about Mission 1: The Nepleslian Job go here.

First things first, The next mission is going to be Casino Heist themed (though that isn't exactly what we're going to be doing) If you haven't talked to me about what you want to try and do during this you should drop me a line.

Phaedra is going to be playing sniper, and will be watching over everyone in the casino from outside.

Wazu is going to need at least one person to be suited up as a marine as an armed escort.

And Harm is going to be heading up the group that is going to 'blend in' with the casino crowd, ready to jump into action if shit hits the fan. Cedric is going to be in this group, and will get a chance to play demolitions guy and set up some explosive traps.

If you have a theme that you want your character to peruse let me know so I can work it in, otherwise you'll be wearing a suit (or dress, of the non-power-armored variety)

One more thing...

Before I head to sleep, Pheadra's special rifle has been approved and Cedric is getting some new toys very soon. If there is a tech item that you think would have been helpful last mission, or that you want for your character let me know (and/or talk to Wazu ICly about it) and I'll see about getting it made.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Hey, Uso. I hate to be a stickler, but the damage is on the left side of Cedric's face, and not on the right side.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Actually: I was talking with Sanderford. Said he had already dropped Uso a message about that.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Damnit, I'm bad at things that I do (Fixed two instances of right eye/face with Left eye/face.)

It wouldn't be too hard for both of you to serve as armed escort either.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Huzzah! The bodyguards can talk to one another!

In any case, I mainly want that job because there isn't a lot of specialzied kind of work for Naomi to do, and while her rogue like talents mean she can mingle...that doesn't mean she likes to.

Now that I mention it, however...that could be downright hysterical.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Person 1: "So what brings you to this Casino?"

Naomi: "Uh.... I'm... not. being. a. spy.... Yeah, that."

BTW guys, we have a new player here now, so try either link to your character page in your next post or at least describe what your character looks like a bit.

For Sigma:
Cedric has no helmet on and Harm is not wearing power armor. Everyone else is still armored up though.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Yo. How's everyone doing?

Also, it would really help me speed this triage up if you guys could let me know here exactly how your character is doing. We can probably assume that I got this info from my datajockey and your suit's health monitor. Anything would be helpful.

If you do want medical attention, best to get out of your armor so I can treat you.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Just a thought; any promotions coming around sometime soon? At least when I started with Phaedra on the Acadia, you would get promoted after every mission. So following that train of thought, at this point Phaedra would be a least a Private First Class, or a corporal, but then I noticed that there was not a Corporal rank and it goes straight to Staff Sergeant. Is this correct?
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Just got asked a good question: Why am I asking you to get out of armor, especially if you're going downstairs or doing well.

Two main reasons:

(1) If something happens to you, a delayed injury or effect from the bio-weapon, I need to be able to see it and its symptoms. A health monitor can only do so much and it requires me to be paying attention to my datajockey. Not something you want me to do when I'm working on Cedric's eye. If you collapse and I can see you fall, then I can do something. If you did collapse in armour, imagine my fun in trying to give treatment.

Don't think Uso or any of you are going to pull a fast one on me but better safe than sorry.

(2) Have you tried operating with an 8 foot tall power armor standing nearby? Neither have I nor do I want to start.

If I need to kick people around ICly to get them to obey the doctor, I will.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Sigma said:
(2) Have you tried operating with an 8 foot tall power armor standing nearby? Neither have I nor do I want to start.

If I need to kick people around ICly to get them to obey the doctor, I will.
:lol: By all means go ahead; our last medical officer was something of a terror to behold.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

It seems we're still not in the lab. Damn, but do we move slowly.

Naomi's going to need some help to move Cedric's enormous backside, if somebody would be kindly enough now.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I don't mean to complain, but: could we please get Cedric his desperately needed medical attention soon?
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I would love to but I do also need to assess your team mates. Especially if Phaedra is seriously injured. Can't leave her alone without making sure she's stable.

Cedric should be stable since the medical nano would have stopped the bleeding and started to work on the internal injuries. Yay for magical healing science.

Can't move things along without a GM, either.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

What about the guy with his eye exploded? Nano-bots or not, somebody might want to get him down to the medbay. It's not like he can get there himself, and he's far too big for Naomi (Sanderford) to haul down there alone.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Well, I did call for volunteers to bring him down but no one seems too keen to help. I can only do so many things before needing a GM post to update me of my actions and surroundings. I can't post until i know what's the deal with Phaedra.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

But, but, the weekends are my days off!

The bots can help move the injured, but they'll need to either be told to do it or will have to see someone trying to move Cedric before helping out on their own. Laura can then start putting him back together, and by all means kick away.

Also, There will be promotions this time around. Some people will be getting bigger promotions than others for having been here since the Higaflan operation. This is mainly because the Marines were supposed to be reacting to NMX actions last few missions, and only now are getting some time to pause and plan their own.

Post Up

Also, no one actually saw the squid's body but he was in the train when it exploded.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Uso said:
But, but, the weekends are my days off!

Yeah: I wasn't saying you have to post. I was saying somebody else should post helping Cedric, but I'll just tell Sandy to have one of the bots do it, if that's okay.
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