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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Hey people, I just got back from a long, relaxing, holiday weekend (Labor Day U.S.). Being away got me thinking about a lot, and I've come to decide that I'm really not fitting in here like I'd hoped. You guys have a lot of stuff going on here, and that's cool. It's just turned out to be not something I'm really meshing with. My style of role-play has been different in the past, and yeh...

So here I am just letting you know I'm going to head off on my way. You can npc my character, sorry for any inconvenience. I thougth I'd log on and do the decent thing and let you know what's up, rather than just disappear without saying anything. I've had that happen to me in games I've GM'd and it wasn't fun. So anyway, I hope you all have fun and keep doing your thing and enjoying it.

One thing I'd suggest to you before I leave, perhaps you guys could do something to make the application, joining, intro part to this site easier and more friendly for new players. I felt like I was wading upstream a lot just to get started, and that's going to discourage a lot of people from trying.

Anyway, not my place to criticize. Just pointing out what I noticed. Once again, I wish you all well. Goodbye.

Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Tucson Khan said:
Hey people,


Anyway, not my place to criticize. Just pointing out what I noticed. Once again, I wish you all well. Goodbye.

I'm sorry to hear that TK. I wish that our characters had been able to actually meet up in the RP. And while many steps have been taken to make newcomers to the RP feel welcome and become familiar with the background material, perhaps even more steps should be taken to ensure a smooth transition.

Take care, and good luck!
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I doubt he's not logging on to read my post but this is interesting for our examination (newbies pay attention). I've been told that the philosophy behind the difficult entry is specifically to weed out the players not committed enough to making a serious stab at role-playing the SARP-verse.

If they can't put the effort into making a meaningful character, are they really skilled enough to handle the serious plots we run? Granted, many veterans now have expendable characters since they have so many but for newbies, making that first one is probably the most important step. It is their first plunge into SARP and half-assed characters are not welcome.

Of course, there are also plenty of players who make a character and then disappear without a trace. So its not a perfect system but it ensures quality control. Though, perhaps the starting guide could be refined and updated. Regardless, the fact that Harvengure, Tripe and AusGre made it through that first hurdle we tossed at them is an accomplishment. Even though I now GM the best Nep plot ever (agree with me vigorously or else ), my first Yamataian still is my favorite. Though, I hope to God that Saito Takamori never has the misfortune to meet Laura Romero.

And we now have TWO spots open!
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Tripe said:
Yay, hurdles!
I swear Tripe, your avatar makes me laugh every time I see it! :lol:
Sigma said:
Probably Phaedra, she seemed to be the kind of OCD leader who refused to leave before all her squad was loaded.
My my...Laura calling Phaedra OCD? Really?
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

*Sigma throws more hurdles at Tripe*

3.3 Update coming soon. Will be NPC'ing Tyrellius until the end of the Fun House.

The trio in the sims are going to have a lot of fun. Well, Tripe more so than the other two if he does it properly.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Frownie, the actual Destiny is landed on the space port landing pad. We're not shuttling people up and down.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

The trio in the sims are going to have a lot of fun. Well, Tripe more so than the other two if he does it properly.

It's alright, with me leading the way the enemy should just give up now.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

You do know that Doshii asked you to change the leadership skill to something else or leave it blank?

Doshii_Jun said:
This character is approved for IC usage, with an exception, in the interest of expediency. It would be preferred to find a skill other than Leadership, which is best earned instead of taken at the beginning of a character's IC career.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

That sounds more like a preferred option, rather than a request.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Personaly Aus. I read your characters backstory and ther is not much that would have him learn Leadership. Especially not military. Remember that they do not teach how to lead troops in boot camp. I would look at it this way. But hey you can leave the skill blank and learn it later. Or jsut retype to say that Alrik looks confident and isparitional and could be talened leader someday. There are many possibilities. But those are only my suggestions.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

ShotJon said:
Remember that they do not teach how to lead troops in boot camp.

I wouldn't know about other militaries, but when I went to Army basic this summer: they taught us how (the fundamentals, at least). However, I still agree that having it as a skill slot would seem a bit extreme. I agree that it probably shouldn't be made as a skill slot.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I presume US Army basic, Cedric?

Singapore Army Basic Military Training (BMT) lasts two months. Recruits aren't taught how to lead because the majority of our armed forces and reservists are conscripted National Servicemen (NSmen). Only after graduation and during active duty do they start learning leadership skills. My uncle, who was in the infantry, made it to Sergeant before his reservist status ended (age 40).

But even so, most of the NCOs and all of the Officers are regulars. NS units aren't expected to be led by NSmen if the poop hits the fan, more usually regulars will come in to fill the top leadership ranks when called up for reservist training.

As I said, the SAF is a mainly conscript force with a core of regular volunteers. Not an all volunteer force like most Western nations'.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Something cool I discovered. This might be of interest to those here without character art.


While this uniform isn't exactly canon, and I did some editing in Photoshop as well, I'd say all in all its pretty fun to do. Although some of the different body poses end up limiting your options, still pretty cool.

Click for Fullview.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Sigma said:
Frownie, the actual Destiny is landed on the space port landing pad. We're not shuttling people up and down.

Sorry about that! Fixed my post, lawls.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Oh nice one Moose. But since i am quite lazy I just give you Lisa in bikinis also I was too lazy to make face of my own so I just took one that was done. Hence the fat lips.....

Also I need to get actualy art that looks nice since this looks like shit :/ but better then nothing I guess, I am just too lazy to play with this thing. I mean I could make it way better.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I suppose you're right, the more I look back at his background, I do see your point there. So, I'll leave the spot blank for now and decide what should go there down the road. It made me a bit agitated when it was put down on the skills section and there was a reccomendation not to take it. Personally, it raises the qustion as to why even have it on the skill list. Perhaps it should be something given with rank, because as it stands most lower ranking people or privates, like myself will never have the opportunity to have it. Considering that they do not teach it in the Nepleslian Military.

And I have to agree with Cedric, during my time at Marine Boot Camp, they taught us about leadership in depth. Maybe not to the degree of an officer or their schooling, but enough.
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