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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread


*begins typing on keyboard all zombie-like*

Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Though lackluster, I finally managed muster a post.

Sorry for remaining quiet guys - I'm in a slump and was tempted to just tell Sigma to have the elevator drop Matteo straight down the shaft at the rate at which things were going. XD
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Even in zero gravity, mass still affects acceleration. Weight might not, but volume does, and a Hostile is like five times the volume of a Ripper. It's literally just impossible that a Ripper could put out enough thrust to throw a Hostile off of itself with such speed that the Hostile's pilot couldn't react during the entire duration of flight from one side of the room to the other. It would be like trying to tow a semi with a honda civic.

Also, if it's blade penetrated Rita's chest, then everyone in the base would be absorbed in a nuclear deathsplosion because she's a cyborg powered by a fusion reactor which (as I've stated before) is located in the center of her chest.

Edit: Rita has its other Zesuaium arm-blade IN HER HAND. I don't see why she couldn't just stab its face the instant it started moving. The post in which she was "slammed" into is the equivalent of a DM saying "lolnope you lose, anvils fall on ur head, no save."

I could think of a thousand things Rita could do in mid-air to prevent herself from being impaled. I'm officially requesting a retcon on that so I can at least have a chance to respond. I know, Sigma, that you probably thought it was cool or dramatic, but to me, it's cheating. It's like playing Counter-Strike against someone who hacked the game so they have god mode, noclip and aimbot. It's not fun, it's just really, really frustrating.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I've edited the GM post so that it's more ... agreeable, hopefully. Will throw up a GM post tonight. Am heading tomorrow night to Florida for a conference so I will be busy with that until the 6th.

Also, all the best to everyone for the New Year.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Sigma said:
I've edited the GM post so that it's more ... agreeable, hopefully. Will throw up a GM post tonight. Am heading tomorrow night to Florida for a conference so I will be busy with that until the 6th.

Also, all the best to everyone for the New Year.

I hope the conference goes well for you, Sigma.

I also wish the same for everybody as well.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Okay, look, I'm not trying to be picky or anything, but... I would really prefer it if I could decide Rita's actions on my own instead of having her NPCed. That's pretty much where I'm going with this. x_x

I have the right to maintain sole control over my character's actions, except:

in cases where the GM of my character's plot is forced to (prolonged absence) and in such a case my character will be RPed as little as possible.

I have the right to ask for a retcon or edit of the last RP session, if I feel my character was played incorrectly or left out at a vital time.

From the Player's Rights page.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Please PM me. No guarantees on an immediate reply. Also, CC CadetNewb or a third party of your choice (whom you have notified and is aware of the situation regarding the role play) when you PM me.

EDIT: Everyone, please continue role play.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Depends. You're not dead but you haven't been treated yet. So if you want to exit now, its a convenient time. But if you're interested in an opportunity to get back into the action, I suggest sticking around. You might get one.

Also, for all players, I'm looking to get some more art for 4th Fleet and Nepleslia. Do people have requests? I'm looking to get art that can be used in more than one wiki article so things like artwork of personal PA, fleet patch, etc. I make no promises but I'm curious as to what people would like to see.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I want to stay in, obviously.

Also, something with the team lookin' BA. Blasting in a door, sweeping a room, or something. It could be used on the 4th Fleet page, the pages about Nepleslian Marine training, and -- well I can't think of many others at the moment.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Are you imagining that in PA or as light infantry? Mecha art is usually more expensive and my budget's not as large as Wes'. It would also mean a detailed background, which adds to the cost.

But an interesting idea. Keep 'em coming.

One idea I had was to combine all the chibis to make a large picture of them together.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread


Not even that detailed, just a pose, if anything, of something akin to that.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

If there is one piece of art I would like to request it would be art of Phaedra's NIGHT armor. Not only would I love to see her armor with the wolf skull on it, but the NIGHT (and variants) is one of the few Nepleslian armors currently lacking artwork.

Also, as much as I would love to have a scene of the Cavaliers fighting, that would be pretty pricey, and we already have Chibi's of everyone. So a Fleet patch or Cavalier emblem would be pretty sweet.

Sigma said:
One idea I had was to combine all the chibis to make a large picture of them together.
I'm pretty sure I could do this in Photoshop.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

The results of my Photoshop-fu:

If you guys have suggestions let me know; this is really simple to mess with. Honestly the hardest part was trying to get everyone's height in proportion!

Now I know that this won't work for the random top of the page graphic, but I figured we could put in our wiki entry or something.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

There's more chibi art on the way so hold onto that.

Also, am waiting to hear back about how much artwork for the NIGHT would cost. Hard finding mecha artists. Even harder finding one who works without a reference. Something tells me I may need to petition for some financial aid.

Fleet patch? Squad patch?

Also, since everyone has been having problems keeping up with the who's who of 4th Fleet... I present to you... Valencia Ironside Just waiting on Nicoy to finish her art.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I would pitch in for a scene of all the Cavalier's fighting. Might be reasonably priced if enough of us are willing to chip in.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I've been watching Shimmering Sword for a while and I love his art. His prices are too steep for a college student like me to afford.
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