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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Considering how prolific in use the HPAR is and how limited its art is, I present to you a WIP 3D rendition of our favorite gun - The HPAR

Here's the other side

It's multi-colored right now so I can keep track of all the various bits. Would like feedback. Should I continue refining it or drop the project?
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Well it does not look half-bad Siggy! Just keep old lineart on its wiki too please. As a technical picture or whatever, just keep it there.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Well, hi-de-hi, folks!

Just posting here because an informal greeting is apparently the polite thing to do among people who actually leave their house (read: not me).

Also, where do I start?
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Done that, got a character. Got orders to report in, so I imagine I'll just post as soon as it makes sense.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Gah! I'm sorry I haven't posted in the past few days Sigma - I'm currently wrapped up in a bit of a mess here. I'll likely be able to post in the next 24, so it shouldn't be too bad.

Glad Koku's aboard and Wirebobbin's looking to hop on too.

EDIT: I'll have to put the rifle on hold for a bit, since I gotta few things on my end that need to be taken care of first.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Wirebobbin said:
Done that, got a character. Got orders to report in, so I imagine I'll just post as soon as it makes sense.
You're to post in the 4.2 thread. Mission 4.1 is too late for new players to hop into.

@Newb, no worries. As always, take your time. You saw how panicked i was on IRC. RL priorities always trump SARP. Thanks for the heads-up.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

So i posted last night but apparently the site lost some of the recent posts.

The NIGHT will not be getting commissioned art. For $30, I can get more useful art. 5 chibis cost $35 (two in a rather hilarious scene).

I'm hoping to have this mission finished by the end of the month. Next mission will be a JP mission. So it will be done in one sitting. Please make sure you can spare some time next month. I know not everyone's schedules will allow them to participate but I will try to find a mutually agreeable time.

As of right now, how does 3PM PST, 6PM EST, 11PM GMT work for everyone? Does that time work for Saturday Feb 18? Luca, I think it should early morning for you on Sunday 19th
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I think chances are I won't be able to make it full stop unless it's between 4pm and 6pm GMT on a Friday or Saturday. It's kind of necessary to study at all times right now, and those are the only times I actually get on the internet for extended periods.

Sorry for kind of crippling your timeband, but you can just go ahead without me if you want.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I should in theory be fine to make it that day, depends on if I get a contract that requires me to leave the country before then.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

My Saturdays are usually unavailable, but I can make an exception that day.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Negative on my side. Though saturdays are okay with me, that saturday is not! I am in Prague celebrating mine and my buddy's birthday and getting drunk. Sorry folks.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

No, because I have a social event to attend on the 17th. Not to mention I don't really want to stay up way past eleven at night.

Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Oh you children. The night is quite young at 11pm...

How does the 4th work?
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Sigma said:
Oh you children. The night is quite young at 11pm...

How does the 4th work?

I'm working then until at least 10pm, sadly. :?

Sigma said:
The NIGHT will not be getting commissioned art. For $30, I can get more useful art. 5 chibis cost $35 (two in a rather hilarious scene).
This saddens me, but is completely understandable. Maybe I'll have to take matters into my own hands due to the fact that I want the NIGHT to get art so badly
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Sigma said:
Oh you children. The night is quite young at 11pm...

How does the 4th work?

Same time, though? Still a no-go, sadly.

I have gone seven days on five solid hours of sleep, on multiple occasions, and am more than familiar with just how young the night can be at 23:00, or any time you care to choose . I simply don't care to be deprived of sleep when it is not necessary. As much as I love StarArmy, I do not consider a joint-post for a mission a necessary sacrifice when I have tests, homework, grades, and my two jobs to all factor in to the equation. My job and my performance at drill and elsewhere override my desire for a good role-play. At other times, staying up to such an hour for a JP may be possible, but this is not one of them. However, if you could work out an earlier time, then I would be happy to oblige.

I do intend to stay on the site, I simply can not meet the demands which you ask for this JP at it's current schedule.
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