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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Yep...I'm assuming a building that has elevators large enough for larger PAs to fit in has emergency stairwells large enough as well.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Hang on a sec, Cedric, are you somehow on GMT while still being in the US? If not then how would it be 2300 for you. The times listed were 1500 PST, 1800 EST and 2300 GMT. If you're somewhere in the middle then it should theoretically work for you.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread



Now I just need the gym shorts, a dryer, and some star fruit.

Also, I sort of feel like I'm posting blind. What's it like where the rest of the squad has fallen, below the stairs a whole floor down? Any enemies, or doors? Because I'm sort of lost as to what to post.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

It's just the stairwell a floor down. There's the door to the 4th Floor which is closed.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Oh, this is embarrassing....

I'm sorry for posting, but Kai's recently introduced me to Minecraft, and I've been neglecting to post everywhere as a result.

Please forgive me!
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Sorry for the delay folks. Working on that post now.

Sigma, are you waiting for me to post before you do? Because we still don't know what all of our shooting did to the NMX.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Cedric still has all of his anti-matter missiles, which he brought against orders.

I should probably use those at some point.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Anti-matter missiles? You're not planning on using those indoors, right? They sort of melt concrete.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Anti-Matter is actually not a good idea in any atmosphere. Our old Anti-Mater rifles were get in spaceward battles back when we had the ELEMENT series, seeing as how they could shoot holes through ships. Though they were useless against shields and would kill you if you used in atmosphere due to the fact of it exploding against all of the molecular matter in atmosphere.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=ne ... in_weapons

Yeah... our PA still use them. The Aggressor's GREEN warheads. But of course, if Cedric decides to reveal his hand and disobedience, I'm not stopping him. Sawyer's already done that though it seems I actually forgot to write out the results of six antimatter warheads exploding. Oh well.

Realization. Cedric hates on the NPC Private Black for not respecting his authority. Cedric does the exact same to the Admiral with his smoking (after the Admiral's request not to) and taking anti-matter warheads despite orders not to. Hmm...
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Well, it's not really "showing his hand" because the quartermaster (assuming he's competent at his job) will have probably already told the Admiral about anybody who did such a thing from the very start. It'd be like trying to conceal a couple of fully lit flood-lights. Yet he's already shown a slight lack of competence, or at least an oversight, by letting any of the Marines present do such a thing with at least advising them not to due to orders.

However, Cedric is just like any other human being. He's hypocritical .

Yet he was not knocking the NPC Black for not respecting authority. He was knocking Black for what he felt was crying like a baby when all he had done was basically ask for a report on the man's physical well-being. Black could have stood at a rigid parade-rest as he spoke and made note of Cedric's rank, and he still wouldn't have approved of the guy. He might have taken it a little easier on him (no matter what anybody says, everybody enjoys being buttered up a little), but he still wouldn't have liked the way he had responded. He feels like, ever since having already experienced things such as death, that when he asks somebody how they're feeling that he doesn't really want to hear about how their mommy didn't love them enough. He just wants to know if they're going to drop from blood-loss.

Or you could even approach it that he has an attitude like Laura's, just portrayed differently. After having been through the kinds of missions that have been assigned to the squad he was in, dealing with a suicidal and crazy squad mate, having been reanimated once already, having helped develop a Nepleslian combat weapon, and having helped found the school for Nepleslian sapper training -- the guy feels like he's on top of the world. So it would stand to reason that he wouldn't like this new Admiral (especially given the mutual first impression. I thought I had made that clear from the beginning), or some young Private who he doesn't even know complaining about how he saw his best buddies die when all Cedric wanted to know was if he was physically capable of fighting. Just like Laura thinks she's the best medic in the world, hating Cedric to the point of threats of physical harm over a case of a [lack of a] "thank you".

You could really take it either way.
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