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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Welp, that cracks it. If C-Man's ever let back in, he won't be rejoining Nepleslia. Avel's fate will be decided collectively by the members of the plot and it's GM. Just make sure it's done reasonably in the IC fashion.

I will stand, wholeheartedly, by your decisions.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I like how he found us obnoxious when we gently remind him of the rules... :roll:

Sucks though, I was looking forward to having Phaedra inform Avel that she died once already....
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

A side note, what would be a good way for Phaedra to strap down the DSR so she can parachute with it and not have it smack her in the face, ribs, etc. when she lands? I could maybe have her strap it onto her back before putting on the parachute, but I want to stay semi-realistic. I know at least in WWII you either had a weapon with a collapsible stock, or your rifle got dropped in a pod with everyone else's weapons. Then again, 29" is kinda short for a sniper rifle.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

My best guess would be to have the shoulder strap tight and running through your belt and to hold the weapon in front of your abdomen horizontal to the ground. I'm not an expert though.

Actually, scratch that. A better idea might be to have the weapon attached to your belt, hanging via a string and let it land slightly before you do. Then you just pick it up once you're on the ground.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I thought Phaedra was in a night power armor?

Can't she just fly down there?
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Uso said:
I thought Phaedra was in a night power armor?

Can't she just fly down there?
She's been in her Combat Armor this whole time...

If she was in her NIGHT she could have just flown in instead of dropping from a chopper.

cyborgakadjmoose said:
"As much as I would not like to use a parachute, having the chopper extract myself from a potentally hot LZ would be inadvisable, sir. As for the environment, my combat armor should be sufficient and I will adapt, sir."
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Sorry to hear about C-Man. Oh well, guess he just didn't have the patience for it.


One question:
Cedric said:
"Yo: I'll try and keep the goons busy while the rest of you get to the hole in the wall." Cedric said, keying his radio, "Laura, color me curious, but you can revive me if I die even if I'm not in a PA, right?"

It is possible, right?

The second thing is this. Something like this on shoreleave (if we could arrange it) would be epic and funny as hell.

BTW: sorry for the long delay.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Fuuu, I thought she was in Night armor so I was treating the small arms fire as harmless to her...


Epic? during MEALTIME?

Son, this is Nepleslia. You will need to step up your game


Yes, you can be brought back even if you're not wearing a power armor. Drei takes regular brain spider updates every time you stop by the medbay so if Cedric dies he'll come back with the memories from when he got his eye put in.


So looks like C-Man got himself perma-banned. I'm going to try to help him get back in but best case scenario he'll at least still have his week long ban.

For those of you who don't know, he deleted a bunch of wiki articles that he thought were his. He then posted an apology letter that I asked him to write that wasn't exactly apologetic.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Uso said:
Fuuu, I thought she was in Night armor so I was treating the small arms fire as harmless to her...
Oh...well go ahead an have her get hit a few times. I just assumed the goons sucked! Don't get me wrong, Phaedra certainly wasn't trying to expose herself either.

Epic? during MEALTIME?

Son, this is Nepleslia. You will need to step up your game
That's so disgusting it looks good!

:roll: Yeesh...complaining about us reminding him of the rules is one thing. But deleting wiki articles...That's really bad.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

btw, for Matteo, I'm leaving it open if he wants to get dragged along by harm or not.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Things are looking a little tight, and time's short on my end. I'll try and get a response in ASAP.

Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Firstly...it's Ph-AE-dra; think "fae" instead of "fed." Not to nitpick Uso but when you misspell it everyone else begins to misspell it as well. :?

Secondly, the Longbolt was the awesome rifle Phaedra started with, and it has most likely been misplaced somewhere in a pile of baggage. Unless, I'm assuming everyone had their things transfered to the ASP.
Most likely Phaedra's is still in its case in her room.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread


The steryling weapons were intended to be mainly for civvies, so that marines could buy them and use them as personal weapons. I had no idea they existed until recently so I wanted to add them to the nep military equipment page on the wiki.

If you already had one all the more power to you, it'll be in the marine's barracks when you get back to the ship along with all your other stuff.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Good news, Uso spoke to the admins about having me unbanned and they voted on it. The unban vote won by a landslide and I was allowed back onto the forum, much to the outrage of those who voted against it.

So everything is back to normal except now everybody is calling me an idiot behind my back and I can't make any wiki edits.

Now let's all have some fun and never speak of this incident again.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

It was 3 for unbanning and 2 against, with 2 abstaining. I won't say how others voted, but I voted to let you back in. Don't make me look like an ass for it.

You can edit the wiki. You might have to re-make your account, though. The old one may have been deleted.

I think as long as you keep cool OOC (be respectful) and keep it fun IC, things will get back to normal. I hope you have a great time in the roleplay. Remember we're writing adventures as a group so it's important to be considerate of your fellow posters.

Welcome back and enjoy!
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

That shouldn't be hard, I don't talk to many of the people here and I could care less about what they say about me behind my back.

Yup, the wiki account was deleted.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

It shows bad on you to be accusing people of such things so soon after having been un-banned C-Man. You can't provide proof of that activity, so you might want to avoid making enemies by making such harsh accusations.

However, I'm glad to see that you've been let back on the RP. I do hope that you will have fun with us! I look forward to how our two characters might interact off the field.
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