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RP [75th Legion] Welcome Back


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RP Date
YE 46.3
RP Location
Ukmirt System
Port Red Queen, Port 75 Arrivals Gate

The 26 day trip from Port Jiyuu in the Kosuke Sector to Kumo no Kagayaki Station in the Kikyo Sector was a longer experience as a "civilian". One a military ship, there were always tasks to complete and missions to accomplish. But on the Colonial Hummingbird Two, there was just entertainment to keep him preoccupied just enough from becoming bored.

But the experience had given him enough time to get caught up on the happenings of the Star Army Rikugun once again. Downloading every bit of material he could access from the Kyoto War College, Mikael tried to learn just about everything he thought was going to help him get through the courses. Despite being in the Star Army of Yamatai for 15 years, he was being directed to a course intended for individuals much younger than him. Made him wonder why he was being sent, but he wasn't going to think too much into it.

He could understand it from a certain point of view. From a command experience, he could only be comparable to a Battalion CO. Being a Close Protection Specialist Overseer had a greater degree of responsibility despite only managing around 63 individuals while he was working at the Rikugun Headquarters. But experience commanding infantry was even less. So to the Expeditionary Warfare Course he goes.

The trip from Kumo no Kagayaki Station to Port Red Queen was far less eventful as it was only a couple hyperspace jumps and a sub-light burn to the Fujiko Development Corporation's Port Red Queen acting as the main port of entry for the system's traffic. Hefting his duffel bags carrying his belongings, he made his way off the Ryu Shipping Line's Xuanwu Shuttle used for commuter line and proceeded out of the Docking Bay.

"Harris-Chusa!" a voice called out towards him as he made his initial scan of the concourse. His attention immediately snapped towards the source of the voice and his eyes widened slightly. A 145cm human eared Joto Heisho of Lianjia stood by a pillar with a FARS drone hovering next to her. The admin mint paneled woman just looked at him with the same level of awkwardness Mikael was displaying now that he had his full attention. The two just stared at each other for a few minutes, with people passing by the two SAoY servicemembers like they didn't exist to them. The massive height difference between the two made the scene like one of those romantic comedies playing on his trip.

"Before you ask, it was Mizumitsu-taisho's. So orders are orders." she finally said, breaking the awkwardness between the pair. There was no introduction needed between Mikael and the woman: Mizumitsu Ingrid. Daughter of the Rikugun Chief, the two have a deeper connection thanks to a chance encounter that ultimately resulted in their own daughter: Mizumitsu Hiroshiko.

"Well nice to see you again Mizumitsu-heisho. I figured you would have jumped to the dark side like I did by now." Mikael replied back at, prompting a suppression of the urge to roll her eyes at the comment. They were both in uniform and she had to maintain the appearance of professionalism among the civilian population. But he was going to pay for that one later.

"In due time." she simply said before she then assumed her usual stern demeanor. "Grace Shosho sends her regards and welcomes you once again to the 75th Legion. A lot has changed within the 75th Legion since you were a Giretsu Centurion. I am sending the details to you now." Ingrid said before a notification of a message within his inbox flashed within his augmented reality HUD.

"Right this way sir. There is a shuttle awaiting us in Docking Bay 15 that will take us straight to Rikugun Base Ukmirt and then onward to the Rikugun University." she continued politely motioning Mikael to follow her, the FARS drone scooting along silently.

Mikael looked around at the interior of the concourse for a moment. The station definitely had a Nepleslian feel to it, very utilitarian with sharp angles in everything compared to the more rounded edges you see with Yamataian architecture. His eyes looked over towards a woman with silver hair and pink eyes in the process of cleaning a section of the concourse as the pair walked by. The three hexagons of the Fujiko Development Corporation on the back of the woman’s service uniform stood out to him as did all the volumetric posters of various Nepleslian Red corporations advertising products.

There was a volumetric propaganda poster done by the FDC that particularly caught his attention. There was a clear militaristic feel to it with a pair of athletic man and woman wearing cold weather gear together holding on to a flag bearing the corporation’s insignia on an onyx field and a thin maroon bar at the top and bottom edges of the flag. Staring towards the stars of the night sky there was a slogan at the bottom: “Fight for your unit, your corporation, our path forward!” After a few moments on display, it then transformed into an advertisement for Bravemart with an attractive Nepleslian Red seductively trying to get you to buy the rifle for sale.

Mikael simply sighed to himself, this was going to be a long shuttle ride despite merely being in high orbit.
The T11 Tanuki silently slipped out of the Port Red Queen docking bay that it was just sitting in. Mikel, standing by the palletized seats clearly meant Type 33A Nekos, looked out into space through the installed volumetric windows at Ukmirt A-2 in the distance from the L1 Liao-Anderson point created by A-2's rather large "moon" Port Red Queen was located at. Compared to Fujiko IV, the planet looked positively attractive even the distance they currently were as he couldn't see a hint of deserts and only a few ice sheets on the surface of blues and greens.

As the shuttle gets closer, the details of Ukmirt A-2's surface become more discernible. The planet's blues deepen, revealing oceans teeming with life, their surfaces occasionally disturbed by atmospheric phenomena typical of a dynamic weather system. The greens unfold into vast forests, grasslands, and possibly other biomes that indicate a rich biodiversity. But he noted the shear number of small islands and archipelagos the large planet had that was noticeable further away.

There seemed to be a particular group of islands that the shuttle was aiming itself towards. When the familiar scene of plasma from the compression of the atmosphere against the shuttle's conformal field system, Mikael opted to look inwards towards his fellow passengers. That is when he noticed Mizumitsu-heisho half looking/half analyzing him before she turned to look elsewhere once she was caught.

"Geez, she can never speak what is on her mind." Mikael thought to himself before looking over the rest of the occupants of the tanuki's troop bay. In the other 14 seats, there were various Shoi and Chui either talking to each other about subjects he had no interest or were clearly occupied deep within their digital minds. For a couple Chui, all were wearing Type 37 Field Uniforms.

One in particular, a hardcore-looking freckled Nekovalkyrja Shoi with slanted pale blue eyes and pixie cut golden blond hair looked positively bored. When she notice Mikael looking over everyone, she decided to end that boredom for a moment.

"Where are you heading sir?" the shoi looked up noticing his and the Mizumitsu-heisho's shared patches.

"The Expeditionary Warfare Course." Mikael simply said, looking down at her. The answer caused her to raise and eyebrow due to the course primarily being meant for Shoi and Chui in preparation for command of centuries and battalions. She not expecting to see a Chusa attend the course. The rest of the officers stopped what they were doing as well, all looking at Mikael with a sense of curiosity and unease.

"We look forward to learning from you sir." A short china-white Nekovalkyrja Chui with gorgeous blue-gray eyes and shoulder-length shiny black hair ask, making an assumption based on his rank. But there is a saying with assumptions that Mikael always repeats to himself and verbally when deemed required.

"Actually, I will be learning some of the new concepts the Rikugun has developed over the years. What I already know, I will be sharing my experience with you." Mikael said. Everyone was silent for a few moments as they processed the odd training situation they were finding themselves in now. Mikael then was alerted by one of his personal virtual intelligences of a ping from one of the individuals on board before he received another one alerting him of an identification request which he granted.

"Harris-Chusa, I recognize you. You were the one that rescued us at the Battle of Glimmergold." said a pale Nekovalkyrja Shoi with cryptic gray eyes and medium black hair.

"Wait, I thought it was the YSS Yukikaze that rescued all of us." said the short china-white Neko with a look of confusion on her face. "No offense sir, but there is no way you are going to fit inside a Keiko Thought Armor."

"All of you were at the Battle of Glimmergold?" Mikael asked, already knowing Mizumitsu-heisho's answer since she was his admin clerk at the time. All of their heads shook in unison.

"I was on the YSS Shirakawa, sir." the short china-white nekovalkyrja said.

"We were on the YSS Ine, sir" said the hardcore-looking freckled nekovalkyrja when it was her time to talk. A few of the other officers nodded their heads to indicate that was where they were as well.

"We were on the YSS Nozawa." the pale nekovalkyrja with the remainer of the officers who had not nodded their heads before doing so.

"It truly is a small galaxy it seems. I have... grown since then. But the efforts of that day were not mine alone. The crew of the YSS Yukikaze, among others, were instrumental in the success of that operation," Mikael responded, acknowledging the collective effort while subtly addressing the physical limitations mentioned regarding his ability to fit in a Keiko Thought Armor. His statement seemed to mollify the curiosity among the group, redirecting the focus from individual heroics to the teamwork that led to their rescue.

"As for my presence in the Expeditionary Warfare Course," Mikael continued, sensing an opportunity to steer the conversation towards a more constructive topic, "it's an example of continuous learning and adaptation. No matter our ranks or roles, there's always something new to understand, especially with the rapid evolution of military tactics and technology. I'm here to both share my knowledge and to learn from the experiences you've all gathered. You were not officers at the time."

The atmosphere in the shuttle became less tense, with the officers nodding in agreement and respect for the Chusa's humility and approach to lifelong learning. The freckled nekovalkyrja Shoi, who initially seemed bored, now looked intrigued, her expression softening as she realized the unique opportunity this situation presented for her and her peers to learn from a high-ranking officer willing to place himself on the same level as them in the context of education and growth.

The short china-white nekovalkyrja Chui, still processing the revelation that they were in the company of someone who played a part in their survival during the Battle of Glimmergold, added, "That's a commendable stance, Harris-Chusa. I believe we all can benefit from sharing our experiences and insights."

Mikael smiled, appreciative of the shift in the conversation's direction. "Exactly. I'm eager to hear about your own experiences and how you've applied them. Let's make the most of our time in this course to enhance not just our skills, but our understanding of each other and how we function as a cohesive unit."

The mention of the Battle of Glimmergold, a significant event in their lives, served as a bonding moment for everyone on board the shuttle. The shared experience, directly or indirectly, created an unspoken connection among them, turning a group of officers with varying degrees of familiarity into a more unified collective.

As the shuttle descends closer to Rikugun Base Ukmirt, nestled at the base of the low mountains that form a natural amphitheater around the installation, the intricate details of the Noksaekdo archipelago begin to reveal themselves. The main island, with its lush temperate rainforests and deciduous forests was contrasted by the striking Honghwa mountain range, serving as the crown jewel for the archipelago. The lower mountains near Rikugun Base Ukmirt, less formidable than their snow-capped counterparts but equally majestic, are veined with streams and waterfalls that glitter like jewels in the sunlight.

As the tanuki made its final approach towards its designated landing pad, Mikael could make out how Rikugun Base Ukmirt was set up. The starport dominated the land use with the usual spot for a spire of some type typical of Rikugun Bases, located in the middle of the cleared location. To the west and north of the starport was were parade fields and a large number of facilities they too high up for Mikael to figure out their purpose, but he figured it must be administrative in nature. To the east was Rikugun University nestled high into to low mountain ridge.

After the tanuki gracefully lands onto the landing pad, the engines' hum fades into a silent reverence for he new beginning that awaits each occupant. The shuttle's doors slide open, ushering in the crisp, fresh air of the Noksaekdo archipelago, mingled with the distant scent of evergreens and the ocean's briny tang.

As Mikael and his companions step off the shuttle onto the solid ground of Ukmirt A-2, they are greeted by the sight of a small, but distinctly arranged, welcoming committee of SAoY caretakers. Their uniforms impeccable, each bearing the serene yet purposeful demeanor characteristic of those dedicated to the morale and welfare of their fellows, were holding Hwarang Bands, a local symbol of unity the local base commander allows as a morale device for very limited events.

The bands themselves are a riot of color against the uniformity each's Type 42 uniform, each woven with the meticulous care. As Mikael and his group approach, one of the caretakers steps forward with a gentle smile, offering a bow.

"Welcome to Ukmirt A-2," she begins, her voice carrying the warmth of a thousand suns. "In honor of your arrival and in recognition of the unity, the local Koerlanders present to you these Hwarang Bands." She gestures to her colleagues to come forward, and one by one, they approach Mikael and his companions, draping the bands across their shoulders with a reverence that turns the simple act into a ceremony of its own.

Each band, as it settles into place, feels like a mantle of both responsibility and belonging. The vibrant greens, blues, reds, and oranges of the fabric catch the light, the woven symbols of Mugunghwa and Tulips. The caretaker who had first spoken continues, explaining the significance of the colors and patterns, imbuing the bands with a sense of history and purpose that goes beyond their visual beauty.

With the welcome ceremony concluded, the Mikael and the others make their way towards the awaiting transportation to Rikugun University. There, they could take off and stow the hwarang bands in peace.
Mikael Harris stepped off the shuttle, the brisk air of Ukmirt System greeting him as he approached the Rikugun University. The campus buzzed with activity, the cadets of the first undergraduate class moved about to their respective classes. Beside him Mizumitsu Ingrid offered the rare reassuring smile, something he would have long forgotten if it was not for the saved image file he saved with is digital mind back when he was a Minkan. While the functionality of Advancer's Digital Mind implant doesn't quite compete with Neko OS, it does the job well enough as he pulls up the file and compares.

"Welcome to your new home for the next few months, Harris-chusa." she said, wondering why Mikael was staring a bit too much at her face. Her eyes just narrow and her face scrunches up a bit out of subtle annoyance, causing both of them to chuckle a bit. Eventually they made their way to room 321 of sublevel 10, the university's in-processing center.

As they walked through the entrance, Mikael was greeted by a rather bored looking admin clerk by the name of Ito Takashi. All day he had been talking to various personnel either attending courses or assigned to the university itself. While he was the height of professionalism as any NCO should be, he much rather be someplace else at this point in the day. So when his eyes shifted over to see who had entered his AO, his eyes immediately widened a bit upon seeing the flag officer and immediately stood up in a semi-position of attention to not bend his neck backwards to look up at the massive man.

"Greetings Chusa, what can I do for you?" he said sitting at the position of attention.

"Reporting in Itto Heisho." Mikael said before digitally sending his identification and orders over SACN. Initially mistaking Mikael as an ID-SOL, he was surprised and grateful to receive the information in a neko fashion. He really hated having to do everything in an analog manner like those behind the times nepleslians. Why couldn't all of them just convert to modernity?

"Ahh, Harris-Chusa... you are checked in. Normally I would send you a checklist of additional locations for you to register to. But it seems someone has already done that for you, all relevant information is already in the system." Takashi said, tilting his head a bit in confusion. "Since there is nothing more to do, you are now authorized to quarter within the Kato Residence Hall."

Mikael, seeing the authorization and his assigned room on his AR display, he simply nodded his head. "Very well, have a good day Itto Heisho." Mikael said before looking at Ingrid and turning to leave.

"And you as well Chusa." Takashi said before sitting back down, watching the pair exit the room. He then turned to the side and proceeded to return to look bored.

Mikael and Ingrid exited the administrative center, making their way towards lifts that would take then back to the surface to arrive at Kato Residence Hall. Mikael looked over towards her. "What was that all about Mizumitsu-heisho." he said, raising his eyebrow.

"I took care of it all on your behalf as soon as you arrived on the station. The commandant wants you well-rested from your long trip from the Kosuke Sector. The orientation seminar for the Expeditionary Warfare Course will be held at the end of the week. Afterwards you strongly recommended to attend a reunion celebration of the Giretsu Century of the 75th Legion Shosho Shimura herself has organized as a majority of the old century are stationed here at Rikugun Base Ukmirt." Ingrid said, ambushing him with the clearly last minute arrangement.

"It must be important to the Shosho to want to get the old band back together for a moment in time." Mikael simply responded, not to surprised she took the opportunity to do so. Despite its short life, the Giretsu Century was special as it was a rarity among the Star Army Rikugun at the time of its organization and disbandment shortly afterwards.

Ingrid did not respond back as the information was delievered and she had nothing more to say business related anymore. The two just stood silently as the lift made its way to the surface of the base. Mikael looked towards her around sublevel 5 and was about to say something when a horde of heis and heishos loaded onto the lift, making their way towards the shuttle station. After acknowledging Mikael with the greeting of the day, the lift remained silent the rest of the way.

As they stepped out into the sunlight, the grand facade of Kato Residence Hall loomed before them. They walked through the entrance, greeted by the sleek, modern design of the lobby. Mikael marveled at the blend of functionality and comfort, appreciating the attention to detail in every aspect of the Yamataian design aesthetics.

They approached the reception desk, where Shoi Kazuo Tanaka was waiting. "Welcome, Harris-chusa. I’ll be your attache during your stay here at Rikugun University." he said with a salute.

Mikael returned the salute. "Thank you, Shoi. I’m looking forward to the courses here."

Kazuo led them through the corridors, pointing out key facilities. "We have state-of-the-art simulation rooms and tactical analysis labs. You’ll also have access to the historical archives for your research."

As they reached Mikael's quarters, a modest but comfortable space, Kazuo handed him a datapad. "Your schedule and course details are here. If you need anything, don't hesitate to contact me."

Ingrid turned to Mikael. "I’ll leave you to settle in. Shosho Shimura would like to meet with you tomorrow morning at 0900. While she is not the commander of the 75th Legion anymore, that is the operational unit will be assigned to and a lot has changed since you were last assigned." giving a final bow towards him, she smiled at him. "Despite all that has happened between us, I am glad you are here." Ingrid said before making her leave.

Mikael stood in his quarters, reflecting on the day's events. The familiar yet alien environment, the old friends and new faces, all converged to form a picture of his immediate future. The coming weeks would be a test of his abilities and a re-connection with his past. With a deep breath, he set his belongings down and began to prepare for the challenges and opportunities that awaited him at Rikugun University.