"Tami makes the contributions it is able to Senator, and is pleased to hear that the populus of Ohara has ignored your previous judgement, and has decided to send assitance to the Lor system anyway," William said looking at Vax, "I'm glad to see that the people of Ohara have a large scope of view for the empire, which is more than I can say for some others" Williams eyes swept around the room, but too quickly to determine where or whom he had looked at.
"I personally find it somewhat disturbing that the Senator from Ohara can laugh at such a time, in such a discussion; also Tami continues to hold its position on the Senator from Ohara's previous statements." William said firmly.
William again looked at Vax, "And in regards to Tami's choice of representive, I was chosen to represent the wishes of the people of Tami to the best of my ability, I was definately not chosen to please the members of the Imperial Senate; and in regards to the Oharan senators comment on his job being thankless, I'm sad to say that I surely didn't vote for you, nor did anyone here in the Senate, if your job is thankless that is definately something you should seek to improve on your own planet; if not, perhaps you should consider another career, for the life of a Senator is not for everyone." William paused to take another drink of his water.
"In regards to Tami's veiws, Tami fully believes in the self-determination of worlds, and believes that with a substantial amount of work and the cooperation of outside bodies such as the Senate, the Lor system may be capable of fielding an effective first response force
eventually, however," William sighed, "Tami believes that at in thier current state, the Lorath are incapable of creating such a force in such a short time, therefore making protection from the Star Army proper essential to protecting the integrity of this empire; Tami belives that any suggestion otherwise would be ludicrous."
"In regards to Tami's motion to change point two of the proposal, I should like to point out to the Senator from Ohara that the section that he highlighted was writen by the representive from Hoshi no Iori, Not the representitive from Tami. The change that was proposed only changed one word in that point; It changed the word 'will' to the word 'may', In its current wording the proposal commands that the government of Lor to do something, it seems clear to me that the decision of weather or not the Qel'noran designs are sutible for and would become the backbone of thier fleet is the juristriction of Lor and is therefore outside of the scope of the Senate." William paused to bring up a new page of data on his datapad.
"Therefore, hoping that other senators will see reason and comprimise,
Tami challenges the motion to close, and
Tami motions to change(Tami motion to change #7), point two of section two of the current proposal to read:
2. The Lorath will be given shipyards, and the rights to produce Qel'noran designs. It is the hope of the central government that these designs may eventually become the backbone of a new, operationally sound planetary defense force for Lor.
Tami believes that these changes clarify this point and keep us from overstepping our juristriction. Tami hopes that the members of the Senate will agree to continue with productive discussion on the matter. Additionally, Tami hopes these changes are acceptable to all parties, and asks that the representitives here today to truly consider them, and not vote against them out of a personal bais toward any other world, or out of spite." William again paused hopeful that the gathered senators might agian, agree to reason.
OOC: Yangfan the only changes that were made to my origional post were line breaks ( --- ), which I added because it was clear to me that there were players having difficulty coping with such a long post all in one chunk(seeing their OOC posts), its contents were not changed (except for perhaps a spelling error or two I noticed in William's monologe). I'm sorry if it seemed otherwise.