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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 18.3B] The City of Urtullan (HX-24)

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HX-24 I

The Yamataian military shuttle Telemachus V rattled a little as it descended through the planet's atmosphere, eventually leveling off.

Natsumi had the coordinates of the landing area suggested by the Mishhuvurthyar 'businessman.' As the shuttle approached the site, a huge city skyline came into view, made of stained towers and a labyrinthine sprawl of thousands of makeshift huts rising from the yellowish soil. The landing area was a cracked rust-splatted concrete tarmac surrounded by a fence made of piled-up stones, trash, and miscellaneous junk starship parts. A series of mostly-broken sickly-looking sodium lights outlined the edges of the ship landing area. There was a ramp nearby leading underground.

There didn't seem to be an official welcoming part of any sort. In fact, the area seemed to be a hangout for a several vagrants. As the shuttle landed, out the front window there was a clear view of an old Nepleslian lady with a facemask taking a shit into a yellow plastic mop bucket (no sign of the mop) while a gaunt looking, scruffy-winged Lorath guy was laid up against a bullet-riddled cargo container and smoking crack.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Potpourri of Filth (HX-24 Away Team)


The landing site and the immediately visible people and conditions only served to help reinforce Sune's expectation of what they would encounter. They call this a settlement? If these people are typical examples the conditions here are worse than at the Refugee camps. he thought.

He switched on the communications system. "Eucharis this is Telemachus V. We have touched down at the provided coordinates. Initial impression, a land fill would probably be a cleaner environment. Setting the comm system to relay communications from the away team. Sune out."

He set the controls as needed, "Yamashiro-Hei, before you leave encrypt the door locks to use your SACN code, and I will add mine as well. That way a person will not be able to just walk into the shuttle."

After programming his personal code as one of the two that could unlock the craft, he went into the passenger area. He walked to the rear and prepared to open the door. "Everyone seal helmets." He called out just before closing and sealing his own.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Potpourri of Filth (HX-24 Away Team)


Natsumi had been surprised when Sune asked her to pilot the shuttle down to the planet. She had quickly taken the pilots seat and completed the pre flight checklist, then when given the order piloted the shuttle craft out of the Eucharis' hangar bay and into the cold black of space.

She had piloted the shuttle down and landed at the given coordinates and set everything into standby and locked down the shuttles controls.

Natsumi looked out the windows at the vista that greeted them and she was immediately glad she would have her AMES helmet on. Who knew what the stench was like out there. It was a jarring change from the last planet she had been on. Yamatai was an exact opposite, Eden in comparison.

"Yamashiro-Hei, before you leave encrypt the door locks to use your SACN code, and I will add mine as well. That way a person will not be able to just walk into the shuttle."

"Yes sir" Natsumi replied as she got out of her chair and picked up her helmet. She pulled a ribbon out and tied her hair back so it would be easier to stuff into the bubble-like helmet, then slipped it on and locked the seals in place. Then she triple checked her suit's life support, making sure it showed all green.

Next she walked over to the main hatch and accessed the lock controls, inputting her SACN code into the system so that she, and Sune (once he put his in) would be the only two people able to access the lock and get into their shuttle.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Potpourri of Filth (HX-24 Away Team)

Landing Pad

As the away team sat in the shuttle, a small crowd of very poor and very rough looking people of various species began to linger around to look at the visitors when they got out, including what appeared to be a zombie. A small, thrown rock bounced off the windshield, followed by a glass bottle that shattered as it hit.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Potpourri of Filth (HX-24 Away Team)

T-7 shuttle.

"So you're a cook right? Besides your obvious tech job that is. Think they have a good pie selection for the coffee break once we get back?"

Conrad looked at Egil and nodded, clearly acknowledging something. A small smile formed on his face, as one of his favorite subjects was touched.

''Well, if they haven't got those already...I'm gonna take care of that. There's nothing like a good pie selection. I mean, we have two hands, some species more...A cup of coffee goes in one, best to fill the other with food. Gotta say it came natural to me, the cooking. I eat a lot, I like food...made perfect sense I'd do something like this. Especially when you notice how happy people can get from a slice of pie or some tasty hot soup, and that's just for starters.''

The thought of food was a pleasant momentary distraction as the Chusa naturally got his full attention as they got ready to step out of the shuttle. That and the sounds, including some thrown objects, were rather distracting.

''We can talk food all day, I'm sure I can, but I'll definitely check out the kitchen once we get back...''

Landing Pad

Conrad moved to the landing pad as the team stepped out of the shuttle. He didn't like this mass congregation of rejects. He didn't know any of their stories so he'd refrain from taking matters into his own hands from the get-go, but he was sure to look extra bulky and extra menacing as he stepped out, utilizing his full height and all the muscles he had. Hopefully, that was enough to keep them at bay initially.

In his head, Conrad hoped they wouldn't start a big street fight. Not a good way to start exploring. He was confident in his abilities and he reckoned this Bors guy was also fighting fit, pumped even. That and all the others must be good at duking it out....but they did lack severly in the numbers department.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Potpourri of Filth (HX-24 Away Team)

Egil was great at clearing his head for the job at hand. Barely before the shuttle doors opened he still had the small talk he had with Conrad lingering in his mind, but the second they opened there was no room left for trivial matters. The view the now open doors provided was even worse than the glimpse he saw through the cockpit window. The so called city could only be described as a dump, scrapyard or ruin. The area would surely qualify for containment procedures and he was actually happy he wore the protective suit. Equally disgusting were the bunch of degenerates gathering around them, obviously not too happy with their arrival.

"They call this a settlement?" Egil frowned. He tried not to be too obvious but kept his hand near his sidearm just in case as the squad made they way down the shuttle ramp.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Potpourri of Filth (HX-24 Away Team)

Landing Pad

"Whatchu doin here Yam?" a local shouted at Egil as Egil exited the shuttle. "You ain't beloooong ere!" he warned. He was a scrawny looking naked man with warts and acid burns on his skin and one eye that was white and obviously blind. He was literally sipping out of a rusted paint thinner can.

A Nepleslian cyborg with an assault rifle approached the shuttle. He was wearing fiery patterned combat armor and a dark-tinted military-style full helmet, with a Portable Repair Kit on his back. "I'm Gravedigger. If you want someone here dead I can give you a price."

"Give me some money," a seven-foot upright-talking rat demanded of Conrad. "You a bro, hook me up, I'm hungry."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Potpourri of Filth (HX-24 Away Team)


Sune exited the shuttle and took a position next to Conrad. He sent a text message to each of the members
Weapons set for stun, but keep them in your holster, with you hand on it. Do not want one of these derelicts to help them self to it. We will walk two by two. We will not start a fight, if these people get violent we will use minimal force to subdue. Is that clear?

Looking at the reception committee. "We are just visiting, we came here to confirm what Grullyvushhgari said. That this is a civilian settlement. If everything is as he says, we will leave and you folks can continue your lives as you wish."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Potpourri of Filth (HX-24 Away Team)

Landing Pad

"Do you need protection?" Gravedigger offered Sune with some eagerness in his voice. "I know my way around." As he stepped forward his boot uncovers a metal ring sticking partially out of the ground, but he doesn't notice it.

Nearby, a group of rats scurried by. An unhealthy looking rat near the back gets eaten by a lizard. Suddenly there are gunshots as some of the locals start shooting at the creatures. The lizard is hit and a scuffle breaks out between some of them until one of the fighters shoots the other dead. More locals come forward, pulling the body in different directions and hacking at it with machetes and hatchets as the murderer escapes with the rat-filled lizard. This is all within 50 meters of the landing pad's edge.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Landing Pad

Sune looked at Gravedigger after seeing the ring, It would be more efficient to have a local helpl us get around, but we are not carrying money. So bartering. What do we have in quantity. The medical kits. he thought. He looked back at the ring trying to figure out if it was attached to something or at least get a clue what it was for.

"Gravedigger, I do not know about 'protection'. But we could use the help of a local who can help us get around without being hassled. How about we barter. Your services, and when we get back I will give you three fully stocked Type 31C Medical Kits." he offered.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Landing Pad

"That isn't much...but I'm down, as long as it's just a tour." the armored assassin agreed, taking up a tactical stance and heading towards the edge of the landing pad to where it led to the tunnels. "We going topside or inside?"

The ring seemed to be a keyring that was mostly buried in the ground.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Natsumi rest her left hand on her NSP, which remained in its holster with the retaining strap in place so that someone would have to detach it to get her pistol out.

She watched the conversation between Sune and Gravedigger as it took place. Her attention was drawn to the metal ring caught on the man's boot. The way it was buried in the ground, it had to be attached to something bigger, but what would be buried in the ground with a ring like that...

Then something popped into her head and chill ran down her spine. She quickly opened up a wireless link with Sune. "Jalen-san, apologies for my intrusion, but I think that metal ring uncovered by Gravedigger's foot could be the trigger mechanism for a land mine of some sort" she said over the wireless link.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Bors hand was on his NSP before Sune could give the order, his combat senses on edge after the rock was thrown at the shuttle.

 I'm just putting in my two KS on the situation  boss but I really don't like the look of this, hostile situation from the get go and weapons and armor not in our favor. Also this Gravedigger guy puts me a little bit on edge, I knew a few guys like him back on  Neplesia and all I can say about them is bad news.

Bors Messaged to Sune before taking up a position where he could keep watch on their new guide in case he tried something funny. Images of his former life on Neplesia floated to the top of his mind as Bors studied his surroundings, the dilapidated urban setting with the rampant poverty reminded him of where he grew up before joining up with the gang that he now owed his stint in the military for. Hope I don't run into any of those bastards while I'm here. Bors thought glancing over his shoulder for any potential threats. A firefight on a planed peaceful mission might cost me more than an explanation.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

With a flick of the thumb Egil set his pistol on stun as the instructions reached him. He wasn't too fond about the idea of splitting up but agreed it would prove more efficient. People were approaching them on all sides, some beggars and others looking for a bit of trouble. One particular nasty looking fellow marched up to their CO and began offering his services. While they began bargaining Egil fetched the science scanner from his belt. He set it to scan continuously for EM frequencies in the area, hoping to find some that stood out as military or other non-civilian signals. The device would give off an alert if it would find something while they moved through the settlement so for now he strapped it back to his belt and would give it an occasional glance.

Bors seemed to keep an eye on the Nephleslian cyborg so Egil simply resumed watching the squad's back and keep an eye on the civilians taking an interest in them. It would be best if they started moving quickly as they were attracting a bit too much attention for his taste and the shuttle would probably do fine without them.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Landing Pad
Sune took note of his team members. All of them were showing the proper level of caution and diligence.

Tapping his comm he sent an encrypted message to his team,
"No use of telepathy while on the planet. Mishhu are very adept at intercepting such messages.

We stay together, and we stay alert. The Shôshô wants to know if the Mishhu are on the level, so the only way we find out is to look around.

Power armor would be provocative at this point. You saw the reception we got just for the shuttle. If we came out in power armor with weapons, they would have reacted worse.

We stay together, Yamashiro-Hei button up the shuttle, I saw that ring, and it could be something but if it was land mine, Gravedigger would have set it off. I will admit to be curious, after you seal the shuttle see if you can get a better look at it. If it seems safe, take it, if you are unsure. Leave it.

Mashiro-Hei, you watch our back."

He took a few quick images of the area with his communicator, then sent a status to the Eucharis, relayed by the shuttle.
Away team to Eucharis
Initial reception unwelcome. Surface conditions appalling. Though given conditions we have seen on Mishhu installations, this may be their idea of pleasant. Images attached. Have enlisted the services of a local Nepleslian to show us around and hopefully avoid confrontation in exchange for a few spare medical kits. Proceeding inside.

Sune looked at Gravedigger, "May as well start inside. If things turn ugly, we can always negotiate additional compensation. Lead on." he said motioning to the cyborg and started walking towards the ramp.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Landing Pad

"Right away. Hopefully it's not something dangerous."

Natsumi quickly sealed up the shuttle's hatch and locked it. With the security in place only herself and Sune would be able to unlock the hatch and get into the small craft.

Once the shuttle was buttoned up, she took out her science scanner and ran a scan of the patch of ground under Gravedigger's feet, focusing on the ring and whatever it was attached to. She hoped the scanner would tell her what it was without having to dig it up
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

''Understood sir.''

Conrad didn't know what else to say. At first he wished to taunt the rat by wondering out loud how much Gravedigger would ask in return for a rather bloody lead 'n rat sandwich. He refrained from it though, thinking it might be best to keep that conversation in his mind.

Conrad followed the orders of the Chusa blindly, and would keep his hand close to his gun at all times. Darn thing felt like a toy gun. Then again, as he looked around the crowds of cenobite rejects, it might be better that none of them had these toy guns. Sure, some had bigger guns, but not all were armed. for the better.

Conrad did have to minor inside laugh at the telepathy note. sure it was relevant to them, but he didn't see himself do that anytime soon.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

"In this tunnel there's airlocks," Gravedigger explained to Sune as he led the team away from the shuttle landing pad, past dozens of the poor people and aliens. "Inside it's mostly safe to take off your helmets, and the people are more well-off."

Off to the left, a group of children chanted, "Do it! Do it!" A Delsuarian youth reached in the yellow plastic mop bucket and grabbed the turd, tossing it into the crowd of people in skintight spacesuits. As she stopped to scan the ring in the ground, the warm log slapped into the side of Natsumi's helmet with a bit of heft to it and smeared across the clear faceplate, falling to the ground on top of the ring with a sloppy noise. The ring turned out to be a ring of keys.

Meanwhile the large rat-guy continued to accost Conrad. "C'mon bro, I'm so hungry man. Hook a bro up!"

The crowd continued to slowly grow as the slum people grew curious in the newcomers. Near Egil, some punks carrying spraypaint cans attempted to look disinterested in the shuttle as they entered the landing pad.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Just for an instant Natsumi had half a thought to draw her pistol and give the locals a reason to scatter. She shook that thought and wished she had something to clean her helmet with.

"So disgusting!" she muttered. This was the second mission now since she began her career involving her suit getting sewage on it. It had taken ages to get the smell off her MINDY. She sighed and wondered if it was worth retrieving the keys from under the mass of ick.

"What Gravedigger was standing on is a ring of keys, do you want me to retrieve them, sir?"
she asked Sune.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

The rat was getting on Conrad's nerves. Apparently, he was going to keep nagging the big guy to hook him up with food. The big guy ignored it for now, but it seemed the rat wasn't going to call it quits just yet.

  I suggest we get inside before our temper gets tested even further.

Conrad didn't wish to talk to the rat but knew he was going to have to at some point. Furthermore, he did not want to take his helmet off, not even inside the airlocks. Shit had already started flying, but if he would measure their welcome and have to return it in kind, then they were going to have quite the riot on their hands.

The big man looked over at the others, seeing how they were handling the unpleasant welcome.
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