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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 18.3B] The City of Urtullan (HX-24)

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Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Conrad had heard the Chusa call out for caution, just after Gravedigger told them more about the city and Bors asked his questions. However, this alerted call interrupted his initial check of the surroundings. Conrad had been more intrigued with all the different alien species and questioned how they were able to survive, even though they were inside.

Being more focused of the big picture before, Conrad turned back to face whatever it was he had to look out for. Quickly, he looked at the giant lizards who were speeding towards them.

Conrad was in front of the group, and thus didn't have enough time to get out of the way. Adrenaline took over the big guy as everything seemed to slow down for him. Flashbacks of times in tough construction projects boiled back up, mistakes that had given him his scars and rough skin. Possibly brash, very possibly stupid, Conrad tensed up, almost as if he was to stop the creature dead in it's tracks.

Logically, this was not what happened. Seven feet or not, the lights went out for Conrad as he clashed with the lizards, receiving the full force of their size and momentum combined. He had no idea what was happening next, but he felt like being shoveled up by a truck. He hoped he at least hurt one of those vile creatures.

He was lifted off his feet and tossed to the side as a ragdoll. He was extremely lucky not to be hit head on and trampled by the entire group, instead being hurled to the side and colliding with the hard ground there.

The pain was very prevalent and when the man opened his eyes again, he was looking at the ground. He took off his helmet without inspecting it for cracks or broken parts, and held his head in his hands, supporting them with his elbows pinned to the ground. He was dazed, had no idea how much feet he was dragged along, and his ribs still seemed to dance around. Some were likely cracked.

Slowly, the Santo Hei got up. He mumbled, keeping the aggrevated swearing to himself, but whatever was left of the adrenaline wished for revenge. Bloody revenge, if possible. He was not one with a fiery temper in normal circumstances, but an unprepared test of mettle with these ruffians and their scaled mounts was enough. His helmet in his hand, Conrad had to lean for a few moment before he slowly walked back to the group of lizards. He had not inspected himself for injury yet, or for any malfunctions with his suit.

His facial expression was set for war. As he walked over, he heard Bors speak to them, calling them village idiots. It was very possible they had not seem him being swept off his feet in the confusion.

''...Village idiots for sure. Dead village idiots if they every try this again.''

Before he knew it, Conrad had spoken out angrily against the clowns that tackled him. As the buzz of adrenalin wore off a little, he felt his face. A large new cut had been made on his right lower cheek by one of the creature's claws, and he was bleeding slightly from it. He did not care for it for now, but was very much hoping one of them was going to ask for a justified beating.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

"Those are the princes of 3 of 4 of the noble houses of the city," Gravedigger whispered to Sune. "Very rich."

"Oh, OH! Did I hear a threat??" the guy with the perfect hair and big chin guffawed.

"Should I call for the guard?" the second rider said.

"Nah. YOU THERE!" the third said, pointing his finger at Gravedigger. "You're an assassin, right? How much are these jarheads paying you?"

"Three medical kits, your highness," Gravedigger answered.

"Pathetic! 5000 credits on the head of the fucker with the cigarette! And the same for the tall one!"

"And your kind are no longer welcome in our quadrants!" the big chin guy added.

The drunken young nobles then turned and rode off.

"I'd start running if I were you," Gravedigger advised Riko and Conrad, taking up a tactical stance and aiming at Riko's head with his assault rifle. "I'll give you 30 seconds."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Natsumi watched as everything went down. What a mess! Then talk of paying off Gravedigger to kill her roomie and Conrad happened, now that she just could not stand.

As Gravedigger raised his rifle and took aim Natsumi quickly crossed the gap between herself and the killer, drawing her pistol, thumbing the safety off and pointing it at his head.

"I wouldn't do that if i were you" she said, a hint of anger having crept into her her normally calm voice. She did not appreciate someone threatening her friend. "We have backups and will come right back for you. I don't think you do" she added. "I think I pull this trigger and you are dead. So drop your gun. Now!"
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Sune had his NSP drawn as soon as Gravedigger leveled his weapon at his crew mates. He had briefly considered the options. The mission was rapidly going bust. Right now it was a matter of solving this crisis with out it turning into a major shoot out.

He slipped his right hand into his medical kit, snagged the hypospray from the PMS-1. He thrust it against the Assassin's neck and listened to the hiss.

He looked Gravedigger in the eye and let all emotion slip from his voice and face.

"Gravedigger, you are a business person. Getting shot here by one or more NSP's is not good for business. Even on stun at this range multiple hits will probably kill or cripple you. And from what you said, if you are crippled you are outside with the other useless people.

So let me make you an offer, and I would remind you to think it over carefully or Hei will scatter your brains all over the floor.

That injection contained millions of nanomachines, which right now are coursing through your blood stream. Heading for your heart. A simple command from me and they will give your heart a defibrillator shock. You know what happens when you do that to a beating heart.... it stops, painfully. " he paused for a second.

"Also there is a fail safe if I do not enter a code into the control device for them at regular intervals. Zap goes your heart.

I have nothing against you, but I do take offense at people aiming weapons at the people under my command. If not for this little incident, I had considered when we prepared to leave to offer to take you off this planet and deposit you somewhere more hospitable.

Anything happens to me or my people, those nanomachines will follow their instructions and no more Gravedigger. That includes if anyone else decides to take a shot at my people.

So you can continue to honor our original agreement, or you can walk away. But remember what I said about if anything happens to us.

Your choice."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

"More like nanomachines stuck in my body armor," Gravedigger chuckled. "You think an assassin isn't prepared for this? Or that my body armor wouldn't have gravity projectors to protect against stun blasts? Please. I gave you some time out of generosity, not because I'm weak. You haven't seen the last of me," he said as he slowly backed away and disappeared into a side alley.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Conrad mumbled, and took a deep breath. It hurted to breathe too deep. The big guy wondered why Gravedigger would go drama on them. He was lucky in that regard, but still. Why would the guy tell them they haven't seen the last of him...then disappear? All he had against him were the numbers...but he had the bigger gun.

''Sir?'' Conrad looked at the Chusa that had tried to solve the stalemate. Conrad was still somewhat aggrevated, but tried to regain calm. ''Apologies for getting angry. Lizards did that. Yet...what now? If this Gravedigger is right...then we are viciously outnumbered and outgunned. Continuation is risking our lives for possibly nothing. Stun shots won't stop him if what he said is true. These provokes have barred us from certain city blocks...and might even be deadly if continued.''

Conrad did not wish to go against his superior, and was fairly certain the Chusa had already thought what he just said. Then again, Conrad had to state that safety could not be guaranteed. If it were him, they'd go back to the Eucharis and reassess their situation. And if they were to return, they'd bring something to the fray that would enforce a little more respect. Out of authority or out of fear, he would not care. It was better then staying here with just a pea shooter in unknown urban territory.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

"Well that plan went to hell in a hand basket." Bors said walking over to join the rest of the group. "Was hoping to get the bastard to fight me one one one, but leave it to spoiled rich kids to call in lackeys when real work needs to be done."

He knew he messed things up and the last thing he needed was a superior officer mad at him, especially one who just got back on the ship.

"You know Sir we do stick out a bit and if you wanted to continue the mission we could always... acquire... some new outfits then just sneak back in and try to remain incognito."

Bors then glanced down the dark alley, looking for any thing that might try to kill them.

"I can always just shut up and stop thinking of ways to potentially screw up this situation even more if you want me to Sir. I mean after all I'm just a footslogger thinking aint really my specialty." He said chuckling a bit to lighten the mood.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

It turned out the reptile’s masters weren't so happy with the response of some of his colleagues and were set on showing off their status. They didn’t really look like nobles, but were certainly a step up from the normal riffraff around here. Egil had started to wonder where his roommate had disappeared to and now he showed up all battered and breathing heavily and joined the argument. Probably caught in the lizards’ path. The whole situation didn’t turn out pretty when the young nobles put a bounty on both of the arguing Hei’s and Gravedigger responded.

Luckily Natsumi had the right idea and both Sune and Egil soon joined her from a different angle, drawing their pistols. Gravedigger backed down with a threat and now the group had some room to breathe. Egil assessed their situation again and wondered why they didn’t even bring some heavier weapons or send out an automated scout before touching down. No PA’s was bad enough, but an smg or shotgun would’ve had these people think twice about targeting them. Now they were stuck here in the middle of a town they were not welcome in and with at least one dangerous fellow already having it out for them. He wasn’t even sure if the guards would let them out again.

“We need to find this Grullyvushhgari.” Egil interjected. “What if those nobles informed the guards? We can’t fight our way out of that airlock with just our NSP’s. If there is something going on here the squid would surely know. Besides, I’ve seen enough of this planet to know we should avoid it and let them rot.”
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Sune listened to the other Away Team members. His own opinion mirrored much of what they were voicing.

"You made rash assumptions, and our situation has become even more untenable. We are strangers here, so mouthing off is not only unwise. It is very likely to cost lives. We are unwelcome here, having Gravedigger with us afforded us a bit of support. We have lost that.

Leaving and coming back is not an option. We leave, they are not going to let us come back in with heavier weapons.

Blending in, we are not going to blend in. Standing out is in our best interest. We are here with the permission of their squid leader. So we use that. After all he wants us to buy his story that this is a civilian place. We die... on his invitation. It ruins his chances of being left alone."

It is time we go pay the squid a visit, and get this done with."

He looked around and pointed at one of the bystanders, "Where the hell do we find Grullyvushhgari? I am through being nice. Anything happens to us, there is a squadron of Plumeria-class Gunships above this planet. I will leave it to your imagination as to what will happen here."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

The bystander Sune happened to point at was a local working girl whe went by Willa Pink. She was a Geshrin with golden blond pigtailed hair, cerulean eyes, and shy body language. Her jiggly figure was dressed in a Nepleslian-flag-patterned torsolette, a checkered miniskirt and kitten heels with a NovaCorp Xaser Pistol on her belt. In response, she said, "I don't believe he wants to see someone like you who is mouthing off about threats about weapons of mass destruction. You should be ejected from the Star Army for making threats against a civilian population like that. Why are you here? What's the matter, he wouldn't accept your hails from space?"

There were a large number of other people in the area, too.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Sune just looked at Willa for a moment. He smiled because he never mentioned anything about weapons of mass destruction. A squadron of gunships with infantry in power armor was more than sufficient to deal with this place.

"Perhaps you should pay attention a bit better. I never once mentioned weapons. Gunships have plenty of other resources besides weapons to deal with trouble.

And for the record, Grullyvushhgari contacted our ship upon arrival. Making claims that this was a civilian planet. He gave permission for us to come down to see for ourselves. Since our arrival, we have been harassed, had far too many weapons pointed at us when we never drew ours, and now a member of your purported nobility has ordered two of my crew members executed.

So far I have not seen anything that to my way of thinking backs up his claims. People cast out into a poisonous atmosphere, subject to being taken over by parasites. So yes, I want to meet with Grullyvushhgari rather than have to continue walking around and seeing how much worse conditions can be here."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

"Perhaps you should get lost unless you're going to give me some business," Willa responded.

A concerned looking woman ushered Willa away, glancing back at Sune once over her shoulder as the two took refuge from the outsiders by heading inside the brothel.

The other people around kind of shuffled around unhelpfully watching the away team.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Natsumi watched the weary group of locals. She was less than comfortable about having them all around. With the reception they had been getting from everyone they encountered she was surprised someone hadn't already just shot at them.

"I think we should continue on if we ate going to. I don't think lingering here longer than we have to is going to be a good idea" she frowned. "Anyways, doesn't look like we are going to get anymore information from these people."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

"I agree with Natsumi on this one Boss. The locals don't appear to want to chat around here, perhaps we should venture to a nicer part of town, at least that's where I would be if i had money."

Bors looked over the city before him, attempting to discern the best way to get to the better off end of the city.

"My suggestion would be to make our way to the center of the city, seems to be a bit more accommodating than here."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

"I do not know about nicer, but the Center is also probably where we will find the lead Squid, and perhaps some answers. Use this recent episode as a lesson. Better conditions will probably mean more mobiles, and they seem to act on whim.

We encounter any aggressors we will respond in kind." Sune set off down the tunnel.

He sent a message to the Eucharis via his AMES.

Away Team to Eucharis
Surface Conditions Deplorable.
Initial contact with members of this installation very adversarial.
Those who can not be productive in the settlement are cast out to the surface to try make money to buy their way back in before their filters fail. Those who die are not even allowed to enjoy the peace of death. Parasites are dispatched to claim the dead and the zombies are then made to serve the settlement.

Grullyvushhgari has apparently set himself up as a despot leader. But he has installed others as 'nobles'. It appears that personal wealth determines the quality of life, and power. We were nearly run over by a group of purported nobles riding some sort of giant lizards.

One of the nobles took offense at comments made by two of junior members, and has a placed a price on their heads.

Proceeding to center of settlement to look for answers.
Jalen Out.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Good, now they had a goal that made sense instead of just following a random guy around. Egil made his way back to the rear guard as the group started moving towards the center of town, his NSP back in the holster on his hip.

He tapped Conrad, who walked in front of him, on the shoulder. “Hey, you ok?” he asked. The guy looked like a train had run him over but kept on walking like it was the most normal thing to do. He might be built like a house, but that lizard sure was a lot bigger.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Natsumi fell into step with the others as they started their way towards the center of the city. She hoped it wouldn't take them long to find the squid so they could get off this slimy rock. As it was she had half a mind to empty her pistol into the Mishhu for the deplorable manner in which it was managing the planet and its populace.

She sighed and pushed that thought aside. She needed to focus on the task at hand and make sure no one was going to get the jump on them. She was worried that Gravedigger would show up at an awkward moment to complicate things.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

The outskirts of the city tended to be more seedy establishments while closer to the center there were a log commercial outlets. Cafes and shops of all types lined the main street, hawking overpriced food and exotic goods from all corners of the galaxy.

There were a lot of people around, but most of them seemed to be minding their own business.

Down the tunnel to the surface Sune could see the ID-SOL guards and the forcefield in front of the airlock to the surface. Also, he got a communication from the Eucharis.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

''The sooner we leave this place, the better...I'm good for now though.''

Conrad had been somewhat surprised by the reaction of most of his team mates, or rather, lack thereof. As if it was the most common thing to do, get run over by lizards. He remembered why he kept t himself usually.. Only Egil was there to ask if he was feeling alright.

Truthfully, Conrad wasn't at all feeling well. A headache and a groggy feeling were the least of his troubles, his ribs were cracked but he hadn't gotten any time to check himself. He was lucky that he wasn't bleeding more then that one cut on his right cheek. the only comforting thought was that this way, the mission would advance sooner and they'd be back sooner. Damn lizards. He wouldn't want to seem a distraction or a detriment to Egil, or the entire squad.

''Guess I just need to shut up and keep going...but when we get back on the Eucharis...that kitchen better be well stocked.''
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Sune looked at the message he received from the Eucharis. He raised an eyebrow involuntarily. Did she not read my last message. There is a dichotomy to the needs of the people down here. Those who are in the haves are going to be happy keeping the squid in charge. Those who are without sure we could give them food, clothes and such. it would make them happy, but the squid has control of those with the weapons.

He looked at the area they were entering with its glitz and, then thought about those on the surface.

To: YSS Eucharis
The folks who are in the most dire need at the moment are also the ones least able to affect any kind of 'change.' This installation is as I mentioned earlier divided into those who have power, food, weapons, and those who have little to none.

From a humanitarian perspective, establishing a 'refugee' camp with shelter, clean food and water, would help improve their condition. But I doubt that it would be useful to unseat the Mishhu.

We have not had an opportunity yet to determine what all the Mishhu is working on, we know he has projects, they could be intended to improve the quality of life or something else. However, we lost our one source of information after the noble incident. We are continuing to investigate.
Jalen Out.

Since they were out of the immediate hazard zone Sune decided it was safe to check on Conrad.

"Hightower-Hei, come over here. Let me take a look at your injuries.

The rest of you look around keep your eyes sharp. Do not get out of site of the others. Watch for anyone who may be too interested in us, and see if you find anything that looks out of place." he said to the team.
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