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A bit of new lore..?


Inactive Member
I recently found this site and looked around a bit. I liked what I saw and starting thinking up some stuff. After a good hour or so of brainstorming (and a lot of pacing) I decided to join up and ask some questions.

Basically, I'm wanting to know if it would be alright for me to add a bit to the universe...or try, at least. I don't *think* anything I have in mind would be conflicting, but truthfully I have no idea until someone tells me one way or another.

I'd like to write up some lore before I actually make my own character in order to help me really get into the "groove" of this universe.

The things I'm wanting to add, without actually posting it all up here would be...

1. A new race(?), though I can't really call it a race...basically a breed of android called a "Relic" which has recieved the soul of a Human/Nepleslian very early on in the years of such technology (whether it is Human or Nepleslian would depend largely upon how far back the technology goes. If it's too recent, then this idea and subsequentially all the ones that follow are no good...hence my posting this rather than just going ahead and writing up all the lore ;P ).

2. Provided that Relics can exist, the second idea would a small faction that opperates for the good of itself. Though likely mistaken as space pirates or somesuch by many, piracy would not be the only thing they would be concerned with. This group would be lead by a Soul-Reinitialized Relic, which bring me to idea 3.

3. Soul-Reinitialization. Due to the primitive nature of the early soul copying technology from "flesh to steel" as it were, a common (and defining) characteristic of Relics would be that their souls are rather...diminished. The act very cold and efficient, but at times still show signs of a soul, though these cases are insignificant and rare. Because of this, a technology has been developed to "correct" this. The mechanics of the process or mysterious, but it is apparent to all that know of it that it's a dangerous procedure. Having only a 40% success rate, another 40% suffer from Soul Rejection and subsequent Soul Deletion, resulting in death. The other 20% is a compilation of all of the other problems taht have been experienced which are all related to souls having complications with the process. Results of this can range anywhere from the process forcibly re-formatting the Relic's personality to causing the Relic to go berserk.

4. A new NPC, or PC if someone would like to play him: The Relic leader of the above organization.

5. A rather archaic looking ship used by the above organization. However, the old look of the ship is rather deceptive, as all of its systems are state-of-the-art (or better due to on-board developers, if such a thing is allowed).

Well, I think that pretty much a full summary of everything I came up with. If someone with some sort of authority gives me the go-ahead, I'll start writing it all up soon, drawing pictures, etc.

My first inclination would be no. That's a gut feeling though.

Adding new races is okay ... provided they pass the big restriction. Which these kind of do.

But instead of creating an entirely separate race, you're building into the backstory of the Nepleslians. The only place that history is really, truly fleshed out is in Wes' head. He's their creator; you need to get his permission first.

However, the way you word it, yes, the appropriate technology is too recent. Geshrin are only about 29 years old, after all, and they did not have soul transfer technology until they lifted it from the Elysians, I think. The tech COULD exist somehow in the past, but Wes needs to OK it. Also, the ability to have a ship that's BETTER than what exists now ... somewhat unlikely.

Cool idea overall, though. Might want to talk to Leutre Veressis or Concerto about your ideas -- they're the mold-breakers around here.
Ah, I was affraid of the recentness (is that even a word?) of it. Still, I suppose I'll wait for some official word on what will work and what won't...or if all of it will or won't. Whichever.

If there's parts of it that could possibly be changed or modified to fit into the universe, then that's fine. If the whole idea's a flop, then I'll just have to come up with something new.

As for the technology of the ship, that's understandable, and I thought that was probably the case, which is why Iput the advanced tech part in parentheses.

Anyways, thanks for the feedback. Here's hoping enough of this is acceptable to merit my writing and drawing for it later
Hmm, that actually sounds kind of neat, and possible. You've got my attention.
Ah, really?

Well, Just let me know some specifics about what will/won't work, what needs to be tweaked, and some other things (like how long it's been since soul transfering was made possible and what sort of equipment the Nettlactica can use) and I'll get to writing all of that up. My weekend starts after class on Thursday and extends til work on Sunday, so I'll have plenty of time to write and draw.

Edit: Oh, also...just so I make sure I don't mess anything up, which would be the appropriate forum for this lore post when I do it?
You should post all lore submissions to the Contributions and Improvements forum.

There's a lot that's involved in creating a new race and new starship...just letting you know.

as all of its systems are state-of-the-art
This is the only thing I have beef with so far.
That's fine. Honestly, I think the more I have to do, the better. It'll give me something to do over my weekend and it'll help me become more familiar with the universe as a whole, which is why I wanted to do it in the first place.

As for the Nettlactica's systems, I'm a bit at a loss there. I know I intend for it to be surprisingly good, and able to catch enemies that presume it's a bad ship based on looks off guard...but other than that, I really don't know what it should/shouldn't have.

I'll take a look around the site and dig up some information to try to give myself an idea, unless you've got some suggestion yourself of course.
Developing a new species might take more than a weekend. Just so you're aware. I'm still fleshing out mine. It's been many months. (I'm rather busy with college.)

I believe the normal procedure in this case is to ask you to make a PC and roleplay with us while you're working on your submissions. This is for several reasons:

1. We want to see someone's role-playing abilities before allowing him or her something as powerful as a starship.

2. The tech approval process can take a while. Some people take it very seriously. (Which I believe is a good thing.)
Ah, I think you misunderstand. I have no intention of using any of the things I'm creating with this lore. I simply want to create it and make sure it's acceptable in order to get a feel for the universe before committing to making my actual character...that way when I do, I'm happy with him.

I have 3 goals in doing this: One, because I enjoy creating things...I just enjoy it. Two because doing this will make me more familiar with the universe...and finally, three to add a little chunk to the universe. Whether anyone decides to use it after I've created it is up to the community I suppose. If someone does, I might do something with it myself at some point later...but if someone wants to claim one of the characters I mention as their own (and consequentially the starship, depending on the character), that's fine if it's fine with those in charge.
You'll excuse me if I sound rude ... I do not mean to attack. But what you propose I object to.

It's good that you enjoy the creation. But too often, we get players here who do simply that -- they create things, add their piece, then find the RP aspect uncool, or not their thing, or whatever. And they leave. And we're left holding onto this piece of universe we don't really understand because the creator just made it and kind of left us hanging.

Your proposal is unique because it really does involve knowing and learning about the SARP for it to work. But ... I'll just state my objection and leave it at that. Players learn the most by playing a character and immersing themselves in the universe -- making mistakes, asking questions, so on. Unless you have a high tolerance for pain as Fred/Kotori does and you read all the archives, a character is the best way to go.

It's a bit old-fashioned of me. And it's certainly a black mark on me; you've got an interesting idea, and I'm just being grumpy, I suppose. Yet, the objection stands.
lol, and objection noted.

You make a good point, and it's quite possible you're right.

My problem with doing it that way, however, is that I may make a character I turn out to be unhappy with once I learn more about the universe, and as a result, grow bored with the roleplay aspect and eventually leave...and I don't want that.

I think I'll meet you half-way. I'll do some of my research, ask more questions about what I need to write this lore, then after I've learned some more, I'll start a character while I'm still working on the lore.

How's that?

Edit: Also, if that was you grumpy...you must be outright delightful when you're happy. ;
First of all, thank you for clarifying your intentions.

If the new submission were unrelated / un-coupled to the rest of the setting (which is not the case here), I would say do whatever you want. We can go through the approval process and then let it sit there until someone wants to use it. No problem.

There were some problems in the past with people creating new species, staking out a star systems or two, posting a few times, and then disappearing. This is mainly the reason why the approval process is so stringent now.

Which leads us back to the situation at hand. I would have to agree with Doshii Jun / Jake that we should not allow people to add to the back-story for the sake of adding to the back-story. You might not stick around in case we want to ask questions about the story, for starters.

But personally, I won't discourage you from submitting something to the contributions forum. Feel free to go through the approval process and see what happens.

In my opinion, the best part of creation is the process of role-playing. The initial design is really only the foundation and the blueprint. It's roleplaying that turns PCs into heroes, species into civilizations, and ideas into ideology.
Yangfan said:
In my opinion, the best part of creation is the process of role-playing. The initial design is really only the foundation and the blueprint. It's roleplaying that turns PCs into heroes, species into civilizations, and ideas into ideology.

That's true, and well put at that. However, I really don't have any desire to play this particular Relic, or any of the crew members for that matter (at the moment anyways), though I would certainly be happy to let anyone who did do so.

What I would do with this, on the other hand, is likely use it in the character I do play somehow...be it his backstory or as some sort of device in a later plot that I play in.

And to hopefully re-assure you that I don't plan on dropping out all of the sudden...I've been a part of a similar future/space based roleplay community of Yahoo Groups for a few years now...and that community was far smaller, had far less resources, and at times it would be completely dead for a month or two. I only recently quit it because it died for the third time, and I'm tired of waiting for a month just to get a small post from the GM that I can reply to and not really get anything done anyways (most recently there was a story arc where my character was a captive of some alien slavers...I was playing that arc for...I dunno, a few months. The moment the ship crashed and my character broke free he started looking for his lost equipment. He never found it, nor did he ever make it out of the cargo bay he started in. Slow.).

So yeah, hopefully that at least helps to verify my intention to become an active member of the community. If not, just wait. You'll see ;P
So yeah, hopefully that at least helps to verify my intention to become an active member of the community. If not, just wait. You'll see ;P
Wes said:
So yeah, hopefully that at least helps to verify my intention to become an active member of the community. If not, just wait. You'll see ;P
Oh, just the person I need.

Query: Is there some sort of form or somesuch for creating a new race/starship that I can fill out so I know exactly what all information I need on each?

...and if so, how will that work for Relics? They're not really a "race" or "species" in the conventional sense...
All you need.

There are templates for starships and vehicles, but for race... Refer to a previous race submission (Like the Freespacers, Sourcians) to get an idea.
Got it. I think I'll start on the ship tomorrow...not sure of the name anymore now hat I've thought about it alittle. But for now...it's time fore some sleep. 'Night.
Not sure where I should ask this, so I'll just ask it here for now:

Would it be possible to use CSEIA Energized Tungsten Armor in combination with Zanarium armor on a starship somehow, or to use Zanarium plates instead of Tungsten?
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