Star Army

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RP A Blade Is Forged

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
RP Date
RP Location
Sirris VI - Obsidian City - Sanctuary Park
The day was a bit cloudy, speaking of potential rain to come. It did not matter much to the man who stood in the park, before a wall of black, spherical reminders of those gone embedded throughout. Some more had been added since his last visit, a sign nearby already announcing the monument to be expanded. Despite the calming breeze, Rorik was still on edge, paranoid that somewhere in an alley watching him somewhere. Were one of the reapers that had claimed a few of his charges, had handed him failures to stain his armor.

The Blade rubbed at the new pauldron and plate brace on his upper arm. The original he had made by hand the old fashion way, made him feel so protected, but now it was replaced by a more ornate one of Aegium. Much stronger, if albeit with a bit more weight, it was strabbed to his left arm, the sword he usually carried in it's sheath at his back. Two LCKs vertically across his lower back, a handle to either side, was completed by a Wraith 10mm on his right hip. Despite these combat oriented items, he wore only a muscle shirt, jeans, and boots under it all. A rather odd sight of archaic and modern.

"Ser Istavan-..." A feminine voice reached out from behind Rorik, soft-spoken yet somewhat on the deeper side. When he turned around, he'd take note of the massive form most Tsumi had. Affin seemed lightly dressed for her usual behaviour. Metal bracers, a single pauldron on her left upper arm and a stomach protector was the only armour she wore. The Tsumi female, underneath the little armour, was merely wearing a tank top, as well as what seemed to be padded pants. Small squares of metal at the outside of her thighs and shinguards. A large sword sheathed and firmly pressed against her back. "Lord Pine told me to find you. I hope I'm not interrupting you mourning?"

"More so just contemplating, my time for mourning has long passed. But enough about that, what brings you my way Miss Affin?" The man asked as he turned to regard the woman with a curt nod in greeting, taking his attention away from the wall to her. He had to admit the Tsumi race was a rather impressive group of people. They were robust, and seasoned warriors, even if their technology was not as refined as others.

Affin nodded slowly. She, nor other Tsumi, didn't have much in the way of mourning and grief. The death of a warrior was celebrated, a feast in their memory, regaling tales of battle with them. Of course, alcohol was always present at these gatherings. But that didn't matter much now. The difference was an intruiging one, but not why she was here.

She heaved a short breath, before taking a knee. One hand moving up to slide the massive sword out it's scabbard. Before resting it across her kneeled leg. "My apologies if I'm too forward, Ser," she started, "but please - allow me to go through squireship."

He didn't give an answer right away, finding the request indeed a bit forward, but had been something he and the lords had talked about more then a few times. They needed more blades, needed more protectors for the family, but they had always seemed against having bodyguards. Something seemed to have change, and as Rorik briefly looked back a particularly new orb in the wall. He had a pretty good idea why, was just sad it had taken the loss of a son to understand it.

"Yes. From this day forward, you will serve as my squire, until such a time that I feel you have met all criteria to pass to knighthood. You may rise." He said with a bit of authority, never having been one to be in charge of others. "Any questions before we begin?"

Affin nodded in understanding as he spoke. Slowly lifting herself back to tower over Rorik. Flicking the massive sword around, she sheathed it back on her back. "None, Ser Istavan," she answered, exhaling a soft breath. "I-... You have my sincerest gratitude. And naturally, my blade."

"To be honest, I just wish the lords would have understood the need for more Blades sooner. It it the reason this wall has expanded with more then there should have been. I will accept that blade, one man cannot stand alone to protect so many. Which brings me to a few question, and I hope you will have a few in turn if we are going to working together." Rorik stated solemnly as his silver eyes regarded the much larger compatriot thankfully. "What experience do you have in the field?"

Affin glanced over at the wall herself. Her eyes growing somber as she took note. It was true - there had been new names etched in since she last visited here. The Tsumi glanced back over to Rorik, scratching the back of her head. "I've been fighting growing up - I'm sadly unable to recount every single fight I've been in, because there have been far too many," Affin answered, before heaving a soft sigh. "I've been fighting to the death with my fists, with melee weaponry - I've toured as a soldier and I managed to help the few of us you see here escape the tyrannical hands of the Iron Sovereign."

"Are you familiar with the use of power armor? Or firearms? Both are going to be important for the role you're wanting. As Blades, we'll be expected to be the best of the best. And to do that, we're going to have to utilize every tool we have access too effectively. Hell even vehicles. Though, one nice caviot of the role, we get access to all the data, intel, and the pick of the newest gear to help us protect the family." He added after a quiet nod, already finding a source to give her his respect. Hoping the talk of gear would bring on a lighter note to the discussion, he decide to wave her to follow as he chose a random path and began to walk through it. Despite the wheather, the park was one of the nicer places to just walk about, another being the plain up on the mountain, but he chose there more for rest and deeper thought.

"Firearms, yes. Power armour, less so," Affin admitted. "There was power armour, but that was only for the elite, not for lowborn soldiers such as myself," the Tsumi woman added with a soft shrug, falling into step next to Rorik. "However, I do not think any of the Revenant models would fit us Tsumi, size is one thing, efficiently armouring both our upper and lower arms is another, as I'm sure you're aware." Affi' added as she hitched the thumb of her right lower arm into her belt. Glancing around with a stern look on her face - then again, it seemed the usual and natural look for the horned woman.

"That is the beauty in it's design, where it was designed to be modular, thus easily modified per user. We can have one custom made to accomodate a Tsumi physiology. Here, no one is lowborn or high born. Even the lords and nobility save for maybe one person are not really......your definition of upper class. Both the lords started out as nobody mercs, most of their children adopted. They may have the badge of office, but they do not carry it with the concept of being better, but that they carry the mantle of looking after the people. The only person here of honest noble birth, would be Lady Orias Raven." Rorik answered giving the woman a grin, almost finding it amusing that he used to carry a very similar expression.

"I'm aware, you needn't worry, " Affin answered with a soft breath. "I know that nobility here is earned - not priveleged to those of gentle birth," the Tsumi added, offering Rorik a faint smile. "It's why I dared requesting to become a squire, after all."

"There's a few sayings we humans have. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Fortune favors the bold." Stuff like that. Basically saying the same as what you did. You took a chance, played the odds, and in the end set yourself on the path to where you wanted to go. And that Miss Affin, is something I admire." he offered back kindly with another curt nod as they walked.

Affin seemed somewhat more interested than usual as he started to iterate human sayings. Glad to just add a bit more to her repertoire about the foreign culture. Though she didn't see the compliment coming and let out a soft huff. Fighting back the warmth that was crawling up her elven ears. Which flicked ever so slightly. "I-... Thank you, for the compliment," she answered, before glancing at Rorik. "I've understood your-... Our duties consists of protecting royalty, though what other things are expected?"

"Well, we'll work side by side with the military's most elite. SABER and WRAITH, and others. As Blades we're technically enlisted, and hold very high ranks within the chain of command. You've already shown leadership by leading your people to safety here, as well as coordinating them in the battle that ensued after you landed."

"I see," Affin answered with a faint breath. Adjusting the strap of her greatsword with a faint grimace. Scowling ever so slightly, before exhaling a soft breath. "So, we're expected to take part on regular military operations?" She questioned, nodding. "Don't mistake the questionnaire for reluctance, I merely wish to know what our roles are - so I can perform to perfection."

"Only as needed, as ultimately we're considered specialists more, or less. We'll mostly operate alone, be deployed when one of the royals are, or for elimination of high value targets." Rorik answered, taking not of the scowl. As well as her words, which brought a worried frown. "Don't strive for perfection, perform honestly and to your best judgement. Seeking perfection is a trail that only leads to ruin. I know from experience, trust me it will only lead to consequences you don't want."

"Perfection has been what kept me alive," Affin admitted as she glanced over to Rorik. "I had to be the perfect warrior, the perfect survivor a'd the perfect leader," she answered, before offering a gentle smile. "Luckily enough, these are sympathetic and benevolent. Not unfeeling and cold as some would imagine."

"Probably where I went wrong." he idly commented before taking a right at a fork in the path, "Out of curiousity, where do you think I grew up, what kind of life style? The answer may surprise you."

"I wouldn't know, honestly," Affin answered with a faint chuckle. Following him dow' the forked road. Looking at their surroundings - never failing to be impressed by the beauty of the park. "All I can say with a hint of certainty is that you've struggled."

"I was a tribal living in a village of people who scavenged scraps of tech from those who held power over what should have been our home, or at the least protected the people they outed. We were, a people called the Vazshtook. Eventually we were left to die when we new those who wanted our end was coming. So when it did, our families fought only to be cut down in the end." Rorik explained as they walked, admiring nature as he had many times before, still even now finding the lush orange a odd change from harsh white desert.

"After I hid my brother, I went to find my parents, hoping to help. They were killed, and I was tortured as a source of fun by their killers. I was only 8 at the time, just a child who couldn't barely hold a rifle. When they were done cutting, burning, beating, and breaking, I was left to bleed. My brother after the fire died down and the scum left, he dragged me to the nearest field hospital with the help of the only other two survivors. I was later pronounced dead in a hospital bed."

Affin walked as she listened - slowly stopping in her tracks as Rorik's story reached it's conclusion. One of her hands moving up to firmly clasp his shoulder - offering a short squeeze. "I'm sorry," she answered, giving a soft smile. "I don't know whether I should envy you for knowing your parents, or feel sympathetic that you lost them in the end," the Tsumi admitted, exhaling a soft breath. "But - the past is the past. And I realize not everyone shares our religion - but I'd like to believe they're at Ywach's side - proud of you."

"Thank you, that means a lot. Sadly things didn't end there," he said with a warm smile and a nod before continuing, "I roved around as a mercenary when the doctors later found I had resuscitated. Thatch, my brother, was already gone in mourning. He went to a local government and purchased a ST revive, thinking I was still dead."

"The copy looked after him and joined Jack in founding Section 6, the group that later became the NDC. Meanwhile, during those years, I found a lord to serve in a far away system. Staying a silent soldier, I tried to be perfect. In the end, the kingdom fell to ashes, the lord was slay, and the woman I have fallen in love with was tortured and slain in the streets. With a few of the surviving warriors and hunted down the remnants of the legion that had taken the kingdom down. Jack later found me and pulled me into the ranks in secret."

Affin only nodded with a soft breath. Still listening as Rorik continued to explain. Her look growing more and more somber the more he explained. She heaved a soft sigh - once more squeezing his shoulder; before continuing to walk with him. Siment - though listening the entire time.

"I'm more or less, at square one again really. Thatch knows I'm alive, found a girl I love, and I have place here. Sorry for the long backstory, but I just wanted you to know the person you're following, and a bit of the kind of person I am. So forgive the depressing topic please." Rorik offered apologetically, trying to give a reassuring grin, "You drink?"

"All Tsumi drink," Affin answered with a smirk. Happy to change the topic. "Though - I understand why you'd feel the need to explain - make sure you treat your woman nicely, yeah?" She added, before shrugging it off. Content to let that discussion rest. "I've been around the various bars around town. Sweet and barely alcoholic," she added with a grin. "No drink fit for us Tsumi just yet."

"Then you haven't had Zeke's moonshine. It's 99% alcohol, knocks most people on their ass after just a glass. He runs a personal still in the warehouse he rents over at the docks." Rorik said cockily, "I bet that should do it for you guys, and if not, well it should at least get close heh."

"Hrmm~..." Affin rumbled thoughtfully, before popping a flask from her belt. "It's no blood-drink in the traditional sense, we simply do not have the original cattle, but," she popped the screw and held it over to Rorik. "It serves two purposes for us - desinfecting and easing the pain." She grinned. "I'm fairly certain no one but us would be able to drink it safely. But by all means - take a whiff."

He gave her a reluctant look before leaning forward, he gave a sniff then leaned back with a few winks. "Jesus, smells like paint thinner and amonia. What do you put in that, drive coolant? Moonshine would do the same, and smell nicer too. At least for humans, nekoes can't even get drunk unless they choose to."

Affin screwed the cork back on after Rorik took a whiff, offering him a lopsided smirk. "As the name suggests - it's created from blood, distilled and treated," she answered, before chuckling. "I've heard several of your folk describe the taste - but a drop, as 'absolutely rancid'." The woman answered, before glancing back at Rorik. "Nekoes - as in the Nekovalkyrja I've read about? There's Nekovalkyrja residents in Obsidian City?"

"Yeah a few, though they have the military upgrades turned off, they still have better bodies then organics. Got one who's one of our armor team leaders. Pilots a heavy armor, like the rest of her squad. Has a daughter that is a enlisted soldier with the star army that visits every so often too," hesaid pausing to think on it for a moment, "We also have Minkan, Geshrin like the lords' late mother, lorath, couple freespacers, gunja, nepleslians, humans like myself, Separa'shan, a number of Elysians like Kess's mother in law, anthros, synthetics, the recent addition of your people, and we have one demon. So yeah, we have people from all over, almost every prevalent race in the sector in one city."

Affin offered a curt nod at the explanation. "Apologies if I seem ill-informed, I barely get out of the sewers," she offered with a faint smile. "What does my squireship entail? Will I be sent out on assignments, such as being an honour guard?" The Tsumi squire asked again. "Do I require added combat training? I'm fairly certain I wouldn't, but it does not hurt to ask."

"You'll be deployed with me on operations until I graduate you, and will be evaluated until then. You'll probably be given minor guard details when we're on standby like now. As for training, pretty much just for certain equipment like our power armor and more sophisticated equipment. And that's perfectly okay, I'm here not only as your mentor, but as a source for any information you need."

"Understood," Affin answered with a curt nod. Offering a gentle smile before focusing back on their surroundings. "Why... How did you become a Knight, Ser Istavan?"

"Well it goes back to the kingdom I mentioned. I went there and originally enlisted in the militia as a heavy brigade footman. Well one day, the lord came by and started talking shit to all the men. Given my state of mind back then, I verbal talked back, which was shociking as I had been quiet since arrival. The lord then turned to me and said, "That's right shithead, you just earned a knighthood bitch." which was a bit of a shock. After that, I lived by the code I was taught, and vowed to serve him to my best potential." Rorik admitted with a small chuckle, "Looking back, it seems quite absurd, but I wouldn't have done it any different if having gone through it again."

Affin frowned, letting out an awkward cough, before rubbing the back of her head. "I... Did not expect that. I was... Well, not exactly hoping, but hoping for a noble tale of heroics, prowess and justness," she admitted with a faint chuckle. "Well - it is original and amusing, I must admit."

"Yeah, I was expect to get my face beat in. The lord was a good man, who held his position with understanding and honor. I wanted to be like that, and I see that in Lord Pine. I can see why other me chose to follow him. I've tried to uphold those traits and teachings here, I have lead a few operations at the Lord's request."

"Other... You?" Affin asked with a frown, clearing her throat momentarily as she mulled it over. "Are you a clone? From the... Uhm-... Fenrir project? Was it?" She asked with a faint smile curling her lips.

"No heh, I'm a natural born human. As I said, I was a tribal from a village? It was a clan called the Vashtook who lived on the desert world of Osman, where Section 6 was founded. When I was declared dead in that hospital, my brother went to the OSO, who had a technlogy that could supposedly revive the dead called ST. He paid for revive, and thus there ended up being two of me. It's why I stayed away and out of his life up until the other was killed in combat before they left that planet to come here. He was mourned with honors, having been a founding member of the organization. I imagine he would have been a general by now." Rorik clarified with a chuckle at the misunderstanding.

Affin offered a soft nod, before exhaling a soft sigh. "Clones... A way too revive the dead, it sounds... Too good to be true," the large woman retorted before offering a faint smile. "It would've saved a lot of grief. I'm-... Sorry for your loss?" She tried, not sure how he felt about his replacement.

"He lived and died better then I, and I envy that at least a little bit, but it means another example to live by. And an example of what I could be. It's an odd thing, but enlightening all the same."

Affin nodded, it made sense. Have someone experience your life before you would be odd - but enlightening all the same. A set example you could overcome and improve upon. Though she exhaled a soft breath instead, offering a gentle smirk. "An example - mayhaps improvement?" She added with a soft chuckle.

"Yeah a lot of it, but's a work in progress. And who knows, maybe I'll learn a few things from you when things are all said and done. Just because I'm the mentor by condition, doesn't mean I can learn too." Rorik added in responce to her comment, givng a soft chuckle as he did. It was true, everyone had lessons to learn, despite if they were grown or not.

Affin offered a soft nod. "I've always been fond of the idea of freedom of choice - live a life to the fullest. And it is a life well-lived," she answered with a soft hum, before glancing at Rorik, giving him a faint smirk. "If you so desire, I can recite our dogma."

"That would be interesting to hear, and part of this meeting is to learn about each other more. Please, share as you wish."

"I meant that more as a small joke - I can recite our whole Bible, but as you might suspect, it's rather long," Affin shrugged softly. "Though my favourite passage - down to verse, is the story of Stetark's sin-burdened. Warriors who took the burdens of others and treaded into his inferno willingly. Not losing their lives, but absolved of all crimes they committed when they entered, but rebirthing into these sin-burdened."

"Sounds like something akin to an evenging angel, a common idea in human cultures." Rorik offered as he listened, only spealing when she paused for his response.

Affin offered a gentle nod. "Somewhat - yes, I've been immersing myself in your culture as well. These avenging angels are comparable, but they're not entirely the same," she added a shrug. "That isn't me discrediting the culture, mind you. Merely an observation."

"Eh don't worry, I'm not really the religious type, so it's not something I get too into really. Still though, always a fascinating read though, and I'm probably one of the few who still read leather bound books. Got a decent sized librbary actually."

"In this day and age?" Affin asked with an eyebrow, before chuckling. "Impressive - I was under the impression they were virtually non-existant in the NDC," she offered a smirk. "Which is a shame, they're extremely useful for more than just reading."

"You'd be surprised, people have brought a few here and there from their homelands, but yeah we do a few more traditional styles of literature. Some people just enjoy the feel of turning a page. Personally, digital reading just kind of took away from the experience for me." Rorik gave a brief glance around, speaking as he did, turning back to her with a semi-smile and a shrug.

"I understand that, I must admit, reading from a... Datapad as you call it, gets sore on the eyes after a while. Saweya didn't intend for us to look at screens this much," she added with a shrug of her own. "However - I was hinting at more physical uses as well," she added with a faint smirk. "I'd show you my copy - I've glued the bullet into the back as a reminded, but if it wasn't for my dogma, we would likely not have this conversation."

"Books as armor plates, that's a new one."

He gave a thoughtful nod on that one, wondering if anyone else had ever been saved by a mere book. He turned to her with a small smile, "All this talking has me thirsty, if you don't mind taking a short trip that is. Park is nice, but not like there's kids with lemonade stands here heh." he chuckled slightly after asking his request.

"Unintentionally so - though it brings a whole new meaning to an old Tsumi addage. Roughly translates to; "Armoured by our faith," she retorted with a smirk. Which seeped into a gentle smile. "Of course - lead the way," she answered, before frowning. "Do I-... Have to call you master, or something alike? I honestly pray that is not the case."

"Oh hell no, I'm really not into that whole thing...I also you know as said before, don't feel worthy of that sort of title. Just call me by name, no sense having to be irritatingly formal or what not. Anyways, my jeep is parked just over there."

"Good - I'm relieved to hear so," Affin answered with a soft huff. "By name it is," she concluded, nodding as she followed Rorik to his Hound. Before actually getting into the passenger's seat, Affin slowly pulled the straps from her greatsword loose, tucking it between her legs as she sat down in the rather cramped interior. The vehicles simply weren't designed to accomodate for a Tsumi's height just yet.

"Think I'm gonna need a bigger car in the future if we're going to be car pooling. Can't have be forced to squish into the car everytime. Just another thing to add to our list." Rorik stated with a sympathetic smile to the Tsumi woman as he started the vehicle. Pulling out of the lot, he was careful to drive smoothly as to not jostle her too hard in the compact space.